View Full Version : Blood Angels Mech @ 1500

08-01-2012, 01:30 PM
Although I've successfully made a 6th Edition almost-entirely-jump list that I'm pretty happy about, here's my attempt at a mech list. Mech isn't dead in 6th, just no longer king of the hill, and this list is intended to take advantage of Blood Angels speed, durability, and my desire to buy, build, and magnetize the **** out of a Land Raider in the relatively near future.

• Gabriel Seth Counts-As
w/Honor Guard (1 Blood Champion, 3 Power Weapons)
in a Land Raider w/Searchlight

• 5 Assault Marines, Hand Flamer & Power Weapon Sergeant, 1 Flamer
in a Laserback w/Searchlight
• 5 Assault Marines, Hand Flamer & Power Weapon Sergeant, 1 Flamer
in a Laserback w/Searchlight
• 5 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, 1 Missile Launcher
• 5 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, 1 Missile Launcher

Fast Attack
• Baal Predator (Dakka) w/Searchlight

Heavy Support
• 5 Devastators, 4 Missile Launchers
in a Laserback w/Searchlight

As you can see, I've got a lot of las to take out heavy armor and double out lone targets (I will never forget the look of horror on Mae-Linh's face, or the feeling of relief I felt, when a hail mary lascannon shot from across the board took out the Doom of Malan'tai) and I've got searchlights all over the place, a lot of missiles for light vehicles and light/medium infantry, and a durable, hard-hitting elite unit riding around in a freaking Land Raider. My scouts can Infiltrate to hold objectives in cover, and thanks to their camo cloaks, they will be pretty hard to kill.

I'm also entertained by the sheer size of a Sanguinary Priests FNP bubble when he's riding in a Land Raider. Huge!

Now, I don't see any big holes (except for a lowish model count at 1.5k, but that's just par for the course with Blood Angels), but I see a number of potential changes. I'm curious to hear if you recommend any of these over the list I've got right now, along with any other feedback you might have.

I'm seriously tempted to say that I've got enough las in this list and turn the assault laserbacks into something with more synergy with the marines inside, like flamebacks or assault-cannon-backs (is there a slang term for that? Assback seems like a bad idea). I'd probably keep a lascannon on the Devs' razorback, since lascannons and missile launchers have the same range. The flamer option would give me 70 more points!

I'm not sure exactly what I'd do with those points, but it would be something cool. Maybe a vanilla predator? Of course, that would involve also buying another predator, which I'm not thrilled to do.

Other things I could see changing to scrape together a few more points are the camo cloaks on the Scouts (30 points), or combining the scouts into a single unit with one missile launcher (15 points). Theoretically, that would give me enough points for a lascannon predator… an interesting possibility, especially if I trade in for a Land Raider variant without lascannons.

I'm also not sure if which kind of Land Raider I want. I could trade down for a Crusader or Redeemer - equipped with better close-range weaponry - and kill the extra points with a multi-melta to help the Land Raider contribute even more at close range.

Anyway, what do you think?

EDIT: Oh, btw, can anyone tell me which Land Raider kit is the one that includes all the weapons sprues for my magnetizing binge? I need it so I can place it correctly in my budget.

Buying minis as a grownup is the best...

Cpt Codpiece
08-01-2012, 05:26 PM
im pretty sure the redeemer/crusader has all the bits in for all codex variants.
well it has the above named ones... thats double the normal one even if you dont get the lascannons in there LOL

08-02-2012, 12:59 AM
Model count is horribly low but you know that.

Also, the number of shots are low.

Lascannons and missile launnchers spam strugle against numbers.

Five lascannons only kills five boyz or termagents a turn :)

Assault cannons will help, but a vindicator would be a big help.

Also I would look into cheaper HQ options.

08-02-2012, 08:07 AM
i play death wing so i am use to making big things happen with low model count armys that is kinda my bread and butter so im going to say you have a good army list here it will just need a little twining to fight things other than other mech sm armys (btw you are very well suted for that with the army you have set up i would just add a melta here or there and whamo there you are all kinds of tank and sm killing power) but aganst a hord army you are going to have a ruff time also just out of curiosity how are you kitting your scouts out other than the cammo cloke and the ml?

08-03-2012, 11:29 PM
Re: Scouts

Bolt pistols and combat knives.

Re: Gabriel Seth

I know I could save 60 points by swapping him out for a foot librarian, but right now I don't care. I like Seth's special rules, and I think his model is incredibly nifty. Let me play with him a few times and see if he's worth his points.

Re: Volume of Fire

So, you'd recommend...
• Swap the Lascannons on my Assault Razorbacks for Assault Cannons? Done.
• Swap the Land Raider for a Land Raider Crusader w/Multi-Melta? Done.

How do you think that would work?

I also have a secondary iteration of this list that I'd love your opinion on. It's probably a bit less solid, but possibly includes more fun toys:

• Gabriel Seth (Counts-As)
• Honor Guard w/Blood Champion, 3 Power Weapons
in a Land Raider Redeemer w/Multi-Melta

• 5 Assault Marines, Hand Flamer & Power Weapon Sergeant, 1 Flamer
in a Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamers
• 5 Assault Marines, Hand Flamer & Power Weapon Sergeant, 1 Flamer
in a Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamers
• 5 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, 1 Missile Launcher
• 5 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks, 1 Missile Launcher

Fast Attack
•*Baal Predator (Dakka) w/Heavy Bolters

Heavy Support
• 5 Devastators (4 Missile Launchers)
in a Drop Pod

This list trades too many lascannons for too little antitank, altogether, but on the upside I have flame everywhere, which is fun. I'm tempted to make the Baal a FlameBaal (with a flamestorm cannon and heavy flamer sponsons), but that would mean giving up my last vestiges of mid-range firepower. I've also added a Librarian, which could make Seth and his honor guard EVEN BADASSER.

I know this second list isn't as good as the first (with its alterations), but it could be fun. I'll try it some time. If I could scare up 70 more points to put lascannons on the Devastators, though, it could even be effective....

08-04-2012, 07:39 PM
You say you have a lot of Las,but I only see 2. You also need to ope you don't cross anything with TEQ armor,you'll be in trouble there

08-06-2012, 04:36 AM
You say you have a lot of Las,but I only see 2.

In the version of the list with "lots of las," I have five: two on the Land Raider and one on each of three razorbacks.

You also need to ope you don't cross anything with TEQ armor,you'll be in trouble there

Fortunately, there's not a lot of TEQ out there, but that critique is noted for tactical purposes. I'll probably aim my assault cannons at them and hope for rending shots and failed saves due to massive volume of fire.

08-07-2012, 11:34 AM
ok as a death wing player, i laugh at the "not al lot of TEQ out there" bit although both are good lists (i do favor the first one though) allso when it comes to giving the dev sqd lascannons if you are going to take away the missile launchers ( witch btw imho are the most use full hvy wep you can give a dev sqd but my personal fav is plasma cannons, go dark angels!) try hvy bolters lot more shots and usfull for cutting down hord armys if you want to do the "mass fire" thing that may help. and as far as needing lots of las not realy if you think about how many hvy armor vechs do you usuly end up fighing at 1500pts a multy melta and a pair of lascannons will do fine if you are realy that worried add a melta bomb and you have that covered

08-07-2012, 02:49 PM
You could always just drop the Librarian for those 70pts and have 30 to spare.

08-07-2012, 06:20 PM
hmmm i dont know i kinda like the librarian with the new psy powers it adds a bit of randomness to the army that could be fun

08-19-2012, 01:21 PM
hmmm i dont know i kinda like the librarian with the new psy powers it adds a bit of randomness to the army that could be fun

The real question here is are you going for casual play or your local tournament scene or national events?

08-19-2012, 02:18 PM
The real question here is are you going for casual play or your local tournament scene or national events?

Yes, kind of, and no.

I don't think I've got the chops for national events - yet. I play casually, but I will participate in local tournaments from time to time.

Mostly, though, I want to play competitively in friendly games. I want to play hard, win at least as often as I lose, and enjoy myself.

08-19-2012, 02:57 PM
Ah I see. Well for any tournament local or not you will need more models on the board IMO. With your list you posted you must stay aggressive which will more often result in an up hill battle. My best advice would be to take fuller squads of marines and some long range fire power to drop infantry and light armor. Once I get my hands on my codex again I can be more specific.

Simon Hodgson
10-09-2012, 09:01 PM
well you have addressed the assault cannon and land raider issues allthough i would have and do use the redeemer exclusivly its awesome i would drop the honour guard and get assault terminators 2 hammers 3 claws and swap seth for the libby again personaly i would leave out the 4 ml dev squad in favor of having a 2nd dakka baal pred or prehaps a fire baal pread to act in unison with the redeemer allways a fun thing to do esspecially against horde armys thins out the numbers haa