View Full Version : JUst me BUT

09-30-2009, 10:49 AM
I was reading some threads and i thought this:
"why are SM/CSM founding chapters as powerful as their sucsessors!"
Seriously why shouldn't founding mariens (especialy CSM) be more expensive but more powerful than there sucsesors.

I found this in WD(not exact but!) " in the galaxy there ar millions of heros so there is no reason not to feild telion and paint him a diffrent coulor!"( dont lavishly convert him with other companies parts- gw:P


My friend did just that Kantor in unpainted silver!

Think ofthe madness if it happend with the propposed chaos leigon codexes!

EG. why is kharn the betrayer blue :confused:
little kid: oh its my sucsessor leigon
me: only 18 legions :confused:
kid: but, but um "makes up long+ contradicting story"
me: why dont you use chaos renegades;)
kid: i like this one better:mad:

were doomed!!

thanks for reading

Fuzzbuket =)

09-30-2009, 11:22 AM

09-30-2009, 11:55 AM
Eh, I don't see why using Kharn as "Goreblood Headslaughterer of the Death Murderer warband, splinter of the World Eaters" is a big issue. He's a super killy guy with a chainsaw axe, sounds like a pretty good fit to lead any Khorne warband whatever his name.

I use re-modeled Chronus and Telion minis as new characters. Same rules, but I don't have to come up with a reason why Chronus isn't on Ultramar for every battle.

And a lot of Legion players would like thier guys to be harder than normal marines, but that's another topic really.

09-30-2009, 02:36 PM
Spellcheck, proper captialization and formatting go a long ways in making your post easier to read. :p

There are 20 legions, and the whole point of the two missing ones is to let players create fluff for their own legion. Doesn't facor into SM's much, as they have the Chapter system anyways, but it lets that kid make up his own fluff.

Katie Drake
09-30-2009, 04:07 PM
Spellcheck, proper captialization and formatting go a long ways in making your post easier to read. :p.

This. I didn't even read the original post because of how terrible it looked. To the OP: Show some respect for your readers and make things clear and legible.

09-30-2009, 08:20 PM
Yes, it is just you.

Successor chapters are formed by taking a group of marines from the original chapter/legion and splitting them off into their own group. There is no difference between them (initially at least). They use the same equipment, the same geneseed, and have similar training regimens.

10-01-2009, 01:06 AM
:D okay its just me being a moaning git
what i was meaning is when the person takes no time in removing iconography. I don't want to see what i thought i saw in WD
" there is no reason not to use the SW dex with your ultras!"
as long as people don't do a mix of the dex's (land raider/drop pod/ tactics)
your local moaning git
