View Full Version : Trynids 2000 pts

07-31-2012, 09:13 AM
Ok this list is based off of Army builder using 5th edition but I think the concept remains the same. I have no idea if this will work at all. What do you think?

Hive Tyrant: Base Weapons, Acid Blood, Adrenal Glands, Regeneration, Toxin Sacks, Wings, Indescribable Horror, Old Adversary

2 Zoanthropes

3 Venomthropes

4 Units of 18 Hormagaunts- Toxin Sacks

Carnifex- Base Weapons, Adrenal Glands, Bio-Plasma, Regeneration, Toxin Sacks

Mawloc- Adrenal Glands, Regeneration, Toxin Sacks

Biovore Group

07-31-2012, 10:52 AM
You are spending an awful lot on your Hive Tyrant and Carnifex. They are much more efficient if you simply run them each as 2xTL Devourer. This would give your army some much-needed mid-strength firepower, and would save you a good deal of points as well. The Tyrant can keep his wings if you like, as flying MCs are pretty good. As it stands, however, you have way too many points sunk into your Tyrant. If you want an expensive CC beast, just take the Swarmlord.

Hormagaunts wouldn't be my first choice, but they work ok with the Venomthropes. Termagants and Tervigons would obviously be a better choice but I'm assuming those are the models you have.

Now on to the Mawloc... Huh, you really must like Regeneration. I have found it to be too expensive for how random it is. The 65 points saved from dropping the Regeneration upgrades can get your a third Zoanthrope!

And... Biovores? Really? What are these guys doing for your army that the Hormagaunts can't do way, way better? You can drop these for a unit of 16 Hormagaunts with Toxin Sacs, which would not only give your army more bodies to throw at the enemy, but would also be a more efficient use of points.

As it stands I think your army would have a very tough time dealing with an entirely mechanized force, even with the improved odds of killing vehicles in CC that 6th ed brought. Hive Guard would be a very good choice for this list, although it would require you to replace your elites section entirely. Once you try 3 units of 3 Hive Guard, you may not want to go back to Zoans and Venomthropes.

Hope that helps!

08-01-2012, 04:43 AM
biovores are wonderful against horde armies actually. you can make objectives a lot less appealing by basically mining them. although against power armour this tactic really doesn't work, it is only useful against infantry guard and ork lists......

personally i wouldn't field a Tyranid force without some Ymgarl (one of the only units in 6th that can assault the turn they come on), and a Tervigon and some Termagants! but that could be personal preference. I think that this force may be slightly too fragile personally, but that could be my style of play

08-01-2012, 06:44 AM
Ok this list is based off of Army builder using 5th edition but I think the concept remains the same. I have no idea if this will work at all. What do you think?

Hive Tyrant: Base Weapons, Acid Blood, Adrenal Glands, Regeneration, Toxin Sacks, Wings, Indescribable Horror, Old Adversary
Acid blood isn't much good for 15pts, Adrenal Glands are no longer useful as the Initiative boost is gone and Toxin Sacs got buffed (keep the Sacs), Indescribable Horror has never been worth 25pts (Hive Tyrants have always come with it built-in before), and being a Monstrous Creature now gives you the same effect anyway, Old Adversary is utterly pointless now as the Scything Talons on both the Hive Tyrant and the Hormagaunts already let you re-roll 1s, and the Toxin Sacs let you re-roll to wound.
2 Zoanthropes

Suggest adding at least a couple of Hive Guard

3 Venomthropes

4 Units of 18 Hormagaunts- Toxin Sacks

Carnifex- Base Weapons, Adrenal Glands, Bio-Plasma, Regeneration, Toxin Sacks

Mawloc- Adrenal Glands, Regeneration, Toxin Sacks
Mawlocs are pointless. Biovores do pie-plates better and cheaper, and Trygons do combat miles better. The Trygon point applies to the Carnifex as well, don't bother with Carnifexes either.

Biovore Group
I actually quite like trios of Biovores, they put out so many wounds for such little cost, and against Necron Warriors and anything with the same armour or worse they are terrifying. The sheer amount of wounds will still hurt Spehss Mahreens. (Although you might want to just throw even more Hormagaunts/Genestealers at the enemy.)

My comments in red.

08-01-2012, 11:32 AM
I don't own any models yet, I'm just playing around with a list. I only own a codex. I'm still not sure what 40K army I want to build. I'm still considering Space Wolves. I just like the model range and fluff for the Trynids. Since I'm now hearing news for Chaos I may consider a mix of Chaos and Deamons. Not sure.

Now about the list I posted. I'd make many of those adjustments you guys suggested. I was going for a close combat based Nid list. I want the Mawloc because I really like the model. The Carnefexs I thought were good MC for close combat but if you think they are a waist then I'll drop them. Any other ideas if I'm going for a CC or am I just kidding myself with how 6th edition works?

08-01-2012, 02:53 PM
First of all, BattleScribe>>>ArmyBuilder. Plus it's free, so there's that.
Second, your list really is lacking in the Synapse department. You have 2 units that give synapse: the Tyrant and the Zoanthropes. They will be the primary targets and once down, your list will really suffer. Here's what I'd suggest for the type of army you want to play, clocking in at 1999 points.

+++ Forum (1999pts) +++
+++ 2000pt Tyranids 5th Ed (2010) Roster (Standard) +++


+ HQ +

* The Parasite of Mortrex
("Sarge is Acting Strangely...", Host Organism, Implant Parasite, Independent Character, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature)
Bonded Exoskeleton, Implant Attack, Rending Claws, Wings

* Tyranid Prime
(Alpha warrior, Independant Character, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature)
Bonded Exoskeleton, Devourer, Lash whip and Bonesword

+ Elites +

* Venomthrope Brood
* 2x Venomthrope
(Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Spore Cloud, Toxic Touch)
2x Lash Whips, 2x Reinforced Chitin, 2x Toxic Miasma

* Ymgarl Genestealer Brood
* 8x Ymgarl Genestealer
(Alter Form, Brood Telepathy, Dormant, Fleet, Move Through Cover)
8x Hardened Carapace, 8x Rending Claws

* Zoanthrope Brood
* 3x Zoanthrope
(Psyker, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Warp Field)
3x Claws and Teeth, 3x Reinforced Chitin, 3x Warp Blast, 3x Warp Lance

+ Troops +

* Hormagaunt Brood
* 20x Hormagaunt
(Bounding Leap, Fleet, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Move Through Cover)
20x Chitin, 20x Scything Talons

* Hormagaunt Brood
* 20x Hormagaunt
(Bounding Leap, Fleet, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Move Through Cover)
20x Chitin, 20x Scything Talons

* Hormagaunt Brood
* 20x Hormagaunt
(Bounding Leap, Fleet, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Move Through Cover)
20x Chitin, 20x Scything Talons

* Termagant Brood
* 20x Termagant
(The Scuttling Swarm)
20x Chitin, 20x Claws and Teeth, 20x Fleshborer

* Tervigon
(Brood Progenitor, Psyker, Shadow in the Warp, Spawn Termagants, Synapse Creature)
Adrenal Glands, Bonded exoskeleton, Catalyst, Claws and teeth, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Toxin Sacs

* Tyranid Warrior Brood
* 2x Tyranid Warrior
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature)
2x Devourer, 2x Hardened Carapace, 2x Scything Talons
* Tyranid Warrior with heavy weapon
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature)
Barbed Strangler, Hardened Carapace, Scything Talons

+ Fast Attack +

* Gargoyle Brood
* 20x Gargoyle
(Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk)
20x Adrenal Glands, 20x Blinding Venom, 20x Chitin, 20x Claws and Teeth, 20x Fleshborer, 20x Wings

+ Heavy Support +

* Biovore Brood
* 3x Biovore
(Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk, Living Bomb (Spore Mines Only))
3x Claws and teeth, 3x Hardened carapace, 3x Spore mine launcher

* Trygon
(Deep Strike, Fearless, Fleet, Subterranean Assault)
Bio-electric Pulse, Bonded Exoskeleton, Scything Talons (two sets), Upgrade to Trygon Prime (Containment Spines, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature)

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

The Parasite of Mortrex joins the Gargoyles. This has a dual function: it gives you a good mobile synapse unit to give coverage (and cover) to your unit, and is a decent unit to chase down important targets. Adrenal Glands on the Gargoyles means they can glance rear AV10 armor in melee. This unit was good in 5th (I played it) so it's even better in 6th... except you can't assault flyers. If you don't like it that much or don't want to convert the Parasite, don't play the Gargoyles either. One needs the other.

The Tyranid Prime should generally NOT join the warriors, and instead go with some Hormagaunts or the Pyrovores. This way you don't concentrate your Synapse in a single unit, so they won't be as tasty a target. For similar reasons you don't want the Tyranid Prime to join the Zoanthropes (spread that synapse!) or the Venomthropes (tasty, tasty targets are good only if they are in the enemy army).

The Trygon Prime is extra Synapse and a force to be reckoned with. He kicks hard and takes names, so it's a no-brainer inclusion. Ymgarls are awesome, and will quickly recieve support from your flying circus. They HAVE become weaker what with being shot when you launch an assault, so giving them the +T mutation on the first turn may be a good idea. With this army you want them to target units with AoE weapons most likely.

Biovores are really good against hordes, but they do damage to space marines too even though they get armor saves, just because of the volume of fire.

This may not be the list to end all list, but as a Tyranid player myself I'd say it's pretty solid.

08-02-2012, 04:50 PM
Thank you very much. I like that list you provided. Seems to be a good balance and pretty much functions the way I'm looking to put it together. I'm still going to hold out and see hot the CSM look when that comes out (I can't do anything till November anyhow so might as well).