View Full Version : Blood Eagles Converted Razorback

07-31-2012, 09:10 AM
I've been trying to improve the overall quality of my tanks for my 'Blood Eagles' chapter, and this is my test case.

This one has a new weathering technique and mud splattering, and some additional freehand work on the side panels. I'd really like any ideas on how I can add to my design to improve it further. (I was thinking about possibly attempting some sort of OSL lighting effect around the headlights and plasma gun). Any C + C and advice wouldbe well appreciated. Thanks!


Cpt Codpiece
07-31-2012, 09:46 AM
really nice colours and scheme.

love the free hand eagles, and the weathering is great... not over the top but not factory fresh neither.

07-31-2012, 10:00 AM
Overall a very very good job.

The only thing that really lets you down is your metalics. In several places there are patches of red showing through (I guess you used a red spray paint or an airbrush as a basecoat?) and it really ruins the effects you've worked so hard to achieve else where. I'd go over them again with some black paint, really work it into the recesses (such as the wholes in the exhaust vents) and make sure you get the back of the tracks, then work up the metal again.

Shade your metallics like you would any other colour as well as that a) helps create an illusion of depth and realism and b) covers up a multitude of mistakes. On the tracks you might even get away with just doing black and brown washes, but I'd still be tempted to re do them from scratch (or at least on future vehicles.

I'd also be tempted to paint in the recessed section of the exhast jackets in black, maybe a cirle on the top of each exhaust stack too. But that is more personnal preference than anything.

07-31-2012, 11:45 AM
Thanks very much - I was quite pleased with the weathering. I got the inspiration from a baal predator I saw on eBay!

Thanks for the advice on metallics, Mr Shades. They probably are the most simplistic part of the model at the moment (just boltgun metal drybrushed over tin bitz with a silver highlight (and the tracks don't even have that). If there's any red on them it must have come over from the main coat of red - I don't use an airbrush / spray or even undercoat in general. I think I will certainly give the metal areas a chaos black wash or two. Thanks, I'll roll this out across my entire army eventually.

If anyone has any more advice or ideas, I'd really like to hear them - trying to get all my models to a higher standard overall!

Cpt Codpiece
07-31-2012, 01:00 PM
there is an amazing little time saver by vallejo called game colour #68 smokey ink

it is a brown/black ink that has tiny bits in (think a metallic but an ink and not metallic LOL), well the ink stains like weathered rust/grime and the bits add depth like little motes of soot and grime. its great on exhausts and metallics in general.

07-31-2012, 02:05 PM
Sounds most interesting, I shall have to try it. Might help with the exhaust stacks etc.

08-01-2012, 03:51 AM
very nice :D the freehand is very zeldaish :P great job!