View Full Version : Strange post on Warseer re. new models

07-30-2012, 01:46 PM
Ornithopter placed this post on Warseer----

Re: Flyers inbound

Sorry for bursting your bubbles. Demiurg is a fraud or the victim of a fraud.

I was told, that GW is trying to invert their release order. Instead of two follow up waves after a Codex release they will release one or two smaller waves of models before every codex, one big release with the codex and some stragglers thereafter (mainly re-releases and model updates). This is widely known and not hard to deduce. But I was also told that this is only a test run for two upcoming releases and GW is fully prepared to switch back to the old modus operandi or a completely different release schedule. GW has used the period of reduced LotR activity to produce new ranges far in advance. GW sits on a whole pile of army books/codexes and finished masters and has the flexibility to alter their release schedule seamlessly. The next two releases (Warriors of Chaos and Dark Angels) follow the old pattern, but the next two releases (Tau and Eldar) after these are deployed in the new fashion. The Tau Codex was pushed back because of this, but only the book. The first batch of models will be released even earlier than planned (maybe even this year) – and yes, there are Kroots and no, there is no Lamprey – this whole set of rumours is 105% fake. GW has tighten their information policy for all releases around the end of the year. This includes everything not just the Hobbit stuff because one major source of info are business plans and logistics tables that are shared with subsidiaries and external companies. Most unregulated sources sit at one of those joints. The blackout period lasts from October to February and ends there because it is not sustainable for a long time. There will be no wave of fliers this year outside of the blackout period (my source does not know if one is planned for this period or not, but if it is the info is definitely not avaible for regional distributors - whatever that is). One last bit: GW has buried the plastic character stop gap and switched to multi-part finecast kits, with emphasis on “multi-part”. The sheer number of bit of these kits is on par with plastic releases. The first kit will be the re-modeled Avatar. The four Greater Demons are worked on. All of them will be larger than their predecessors and come with a lot of variety.

(First and last post with this account)

Now, I don't know about you but I find this very strange, especially the "First and last post with this account" part---very odd.

Mr Mystery
07-30-2012, 01:56 PM

Rumours are out of whack anyways. To the best of my knowledge Daemons were missed completely, and a lot of the 40k stuff was....confused.

The olden days are gone, and GW is playing tight mouth larry really quite well! As for the lull in LotR releases...the sculptors haven't done anything 40k or Fantasy, so that doesn't add up. The impending Hobbit game of course, DOES add up. Though I'd imaging there's some kind of a flap in the studio right now about it now being a trilogy! (seems Empire Magazine have confirmation....)

07-30-2012, 04:38 PM
Man, maybe I shouldn't have jokingly suggested to Wade Pryce that he hold a "best fake rumour" competition for the GW staff while chatting with him at Games Day last year.

07-30-2012, 05:17 PM
The secrecy is the because the dark angels release is coming up. I heard gw hired a Gestapo-esque PMC to hunt down all the traitors trying to spill the secrets of 40k.. And they are calling it operation deathwing.


07-30-2012, 05:56 PM
The secrecy is the because the dark angels release is coming up. I heard gw hired a Gestapo-esque PMC to hunt down all the traitors trying to spill the secrets of 40k.. And they are calling it operation deathwing.


The Fallen.

07-30-2012, 09:50 PM
The Fallen.

Yup, that's me.

07-30-2012, 10:28 PM
Here's my thoughts.

This post is so long and covers so many different things that there's no way the entire post is wrong. However, I strongly doubt that the whole post is right.

Unless some of the other rumormongers back this up, I'm not going to bother registering it. It's not that I'm not going to believe it, I'm simply going to ignore it until it becomes more relevant.

07-30-2012, 10:58 PM
yeah these rumor guys completely whiffed on daemons.... all we can do is wish and hope, and i wish and hope that CSM is sooner than later!!!

07-31-2012, 01:08 AM
The Daemon release was rumoured months ago, people just forgot in the excitement over CSM rumours.

Someone with one post on Warseer posts something that contradicts several reliable rumourmongers (Harry, Hastings, Stickmonkey) and everyone takes it as gospel truth?:rolleyes:

07-31-2012, 01:42 AM
A guy who puts up one post then deactivates or throws away the account is doing one of two things:

1) Tossing out seriously bogus info to stir the pot
2) An insider using a burner account (probably from an internet cafe or some other public IP address), so that it can't be traced back.

This is either a well-meaning GW employee or associate of an employee trying to set the record straight and keep his/her job, or somebody just trying to cause hate and discontent. The fact that s/he is going through all these hoops pretty much precludes any less extreme case, as no one would go to the effort. The fact that the poster's info cites logical rationale for the upheaval in schedules that caught the usual rumormongers flatfooted, and admits that a full-on blackout period surrounding the Hobbit is only sustainable for so long makes reasonable sense, as does his suggestion that the LotR lull allowed them to scale up production and get ahead on some model releases, like the Eldar stuff we've heard is sitting someplace in a warehouse Down Under. We know GW's had to shake up how they do releases, given the whole third party Thunderwolf situation and whatnot, so, again, poster has tied into accepted belief.

Bottom line: This is either a very, very good liar, or an actually valid tip from someone with inside knowledge. Recently, GW's been saying a lot of things that make me want to believe (yes, I just pulled a Mulder there) that they've abandoned some old perspectives that hamstrung fluidity and flexibility in production. What I've also noticed is that my two inside sources in GW have clammed up, not just on what's going on, but entirely. We all know the Hobbit stuff is seriously crimping the rumor mill, and it only makes sense that that's going to get worse toward year's end. Perhaps this is something GW looked ahead at for once and came up with a plan, having abandoned previous ideas, and decided to shake things up a bit.

I think we're going to see the autumn as a rumor-desert, with only a few oases (which might be somewhat condoned, however unofficially) of controlled rumor release just to keep interest. But I think the Hobbit secrecy has GW in a bind, so they may just shock and awe us all fall and winter in order to make up for the lack of buzz.

Just the thoughts of someone who may or may not have had to vet sources for a living at one point or another.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-31-2012, 01:45 AM
Seems legit.


Diagnosis Ninja
07-31-2012, 05:08 AM
The Daemon release was rumoured months ago, people just forgot in the excitement over CSM rumours.

Someone with one post on Warseer posts something that contradicts several reliable rumourmongers (Harry, Hastings, Stickmonkey) and everyone takes it as gospel truth?:rolleyes:
I have no posts on warseer, does that make me unreliable? :P

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-31-2012, 05:12 AM
I have no posts on warseer, does that make me unreliable? :P

Yes, because you're a lurker. :p