View Full Version : What to run in Valkyries ?

07-29-2012, 09:42 AM
Are Stormies or Vets best to run in Valkyries?

I am thinking of running a couple to raid enemy deployment zones using the Grav Chute rule.

07-29-2012, 09:54 AM
Everyone uses Vets. Meltas and Vets.

Black Hydra
07-29-2012, 10:26 AM
Unless you face lots of Marines, go with Vets. Personally I love Stormtroopers so I'd go all the way with them.

07-29-2012, 10:28 AM
Stormtroopers are that bit more survivable, and AP3 guns is not a negligible thing. My opponent last week dropped some Vets in, they got into a firefight with my objective-sitting Tactical Squad. They came off much worse. Storm Troopers would have fared better.

Meltas need not be the default choice now, as most of the parking lots will be diminished or further up the field (because you can move and shoot to some degree and combined arms is really a thing now).

Not that melta veterans aren't still good. :)

As with most things, it depends on your opponent and your own list. And personal preference. :)

07-29-2012, 11:08 AM
Platoon Command Squads are also not a bad choice, or special weapons teams. One of my opponenets runs a 4 flamer PCS in a Vendetta that he can drop off any time he wants. Its quite annoying.

07-29-2012, 11:09 AM
If I go with the Glory Boys I'll probably run melta, if I go Vets it'll be plasma and demolitions, to take on bastions and vehicles at the back.

While Veterans are more flexible, the Big Toy Soldiers can have scout and move through cover which work well with the Valkyrie.

I already run 2 platoons, so it is not like I lack scoring elements.

07-29-2012, 12:09 PM
I am thinking of running a couple to raid enemy deployment zones using the Grav Chute rule.

The Grav Chute Deployment rule doesn't work in 6th. At least not until GW gets its **** together and puts out another FAQ.

07-29-2012, 12:42 PM
marines with power weapons

07-29-2012, 01:08 PM
The Grav Chute Deployment rule doesn't work in 6th. At least not until GW gets its **** together and puts out another FAQ.


07-29-2012, 09:59 PM
I think either Melta or Plasma Veterans, Stormtroopers are great but they are more expensive, aren't scoring and ultimately are best used only against Marines - something of which Veterans can do as well if they have Plasma Guns.
Mind you though, I'd go with what you like better. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Marines mostly on foot, I'd definitely go Stormtroopers. Mech armies or non-Marine armies in general, I'd go Veterans.

07-30-2012, 03:11 AM
The Grav Chute Deployment rule doesn't work in 6th. At least not until GW gets its **** together and puts out another FAQ.

It works perfectly fine as written, and does not need a FAQ.

07-30-2012, 03:37 AM
It works perfectly fine as written, and does not need a FAQ.

Please, enlighten me as to how you use the rule. It says you can still disembark after going flat out. You go flat out in the shooting phase now. Where are the rules for disembarking during the shooting phase? What about if you're zooming? You can go flat out while zooming, can you disembark then? Are you saying you can't disembark if you're zooming in the movement phase, but if you decide to keep moving some more in the shooting phase you magically can disembark somehow?

07-30-2012, 08:22 AM
I would do Vets in the Planes, and have Stormtroopers with plasma infiltrate. Because when the squad first shoots, their guns have the Pinning rule. Get a cheap little 5 man unit with duo plasma, infiltrate, and then use them as a distraction unit that will absorb some firepower and keep your infantry/ lighter tanks alive.

Edit: @Evilamericorp, Think of it as their waiting for the green light, and the green light comes in the shooting phase when their in the right "area" for the drop. You could interpret the flat-out movement as the plane reaching the right speed to insure that everyone in the hull (aka the vets) would be forcefully sucked out the back door due to pressurization issues. ;)

07-30-2012, 03:41 PM
Please, enlighten me as to how you use the rule. It says you can still disembark after going flat out. You go flat out in the shooting phase now. Where are the rules for disembarking during the shooting phase? What about if you're zooming? You can go flat out while zooming, can you disembark then? Are you saying you can't disembark if you're zooming in the movement phase, but if you decide to keep moving some more in the shooting phase you magically can disembark somehow?

Because the Grav Chute rule says they can and the codex over rules the rule book, is the simple answer.

The longer one goes on the description of the rule itself, when it does not use the debarkation rule, units deploy like deep strike. It is a special rule specific to the vehicle, and works as written, there are plenty of special rules that have a similar impact on the rule book.