View Full Version : Gun Slinger BA Honor Guard

07-28-2012, 07:12 PM
So I was thinking about how to take advantage of the gun slinger rule (dual pistols) and came up with Blood Angels Honor Guard. Since they all have the option to replace their bolt pistol and or close combat weapon with an Infernus Pistol, I think it would be awesome to have a whole Honor Guard squad with two Infernus Pistols each. It would give you 8 melta shots a turn. Expensive? Yes. Effective? Mayhaps. Awesome? Absolutely.
What do y'all think?

07-28-2012, 07:34 PM
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

285 points for 8 deep striking infernus pistols?
You know, even on overwatch, they have a good chance of cooking someone.

Me, I would do Flame Pistols. You would think twice about charging them. take 8xd3 hits.

07-28-2012, 07:36 PM
I just realized Vanguard Vets can do it, too! Why settle for 8 melta shots when you can have 20? I need to try this right away!

07-28-2012, 07:45 PM
well... I wouldn't really kit out a vanguard that way. Their major advantage is to deep strike, forgo shooting, and charge. Better to equip them with CC weapons.

My next project will be spears!

07-28-2012, 07:49 PM
I agree on its complete impracticality, especially with the 615 pt price tag, but the look on your opponent's face the first time you do it would be priceless. And I forgot that you have to forgo shooting with Heroic Intervention.

07-28-2012, 08:15 PM
Not sure that even a 12" move will help when your shooting range is 6", 2 weapons or not. Plus you can only fire one of them a turn as none of them have gunslinger.

07-28-2012, 08:28 PM
you need to look at the gunslinger rule, it is under pistols, not a USR. It is a weapon attribute.

if you have 2 pistols you get to fire both

also, you make it sound like Infernus Pistols would never get used. That's hardly the case. That's why you give them jump packs.

07-28-2012, 09:24 PM

mainly because iv'e been waiting for someone to post it.

Xarplo, i did the exact same thing when the rulebook came out. i thought hmmmmm hnour guard... inferus pistols..... 2 of them...... mu...mu...hah hahaha..m uhahhhahhahhaa!!!!! :D

then i also went OMG VANGUARD VETS!!!

iv'e been wanting to do it, but my army is heavily converted and the cost to convert a unit for "fun" on this occasion is too much for me, maybe in the future.

Also as a note, i think the honour guard can only max out to 8 pistols as the novitiate "isn't an honour guard" and all that bull****.

07-29-2012, 12:03 AM
well... I wouldn't really kit out a vanguard that way. Their major advantage is to deep strike, forgo shooting, and charge. Better to equip them with CC weapons.

My next project will be spears!

Don't forget, pistols count as CC weapons. So in close combat they're just as effective as marines armed with pistol and chainsword!

07-29-2012, 12:36 AM

mainly because iv'e been waiting for someone to post it.

Xarplo, i did the exact same thing when the rulebook came out. i thought hmmmmm hnour guard... inferus pistols..... 2 of them...... mu...mu...hah hahaha..m uhahhhahhahhaa!!!!! :D

then i also went OMG VANGUARD VETS!!!

iv'e been wanting to do it, but my army is heavily converted and the cost to convert a unit for "fun" on this occasion is too much for me, maybe in the future.

Also as a note, i think the honour guard can only max out to 8 pistols as the novitiate "isn't an honour guard" and all that bull****.

I think everyone with the blood angels codex had this go through their head.

07-29-2012, 03:23 AM
The model I'm waiting to try gunslinger with is a DE archon with double blast pistol. They can still take a djinn blade to be a threat in CC and have that ridiculous BS

07-29-2012, 09:57 AM
Space marine command squads with dual plasma pistols, melts bombs, and a storm shield sound entertaining to me.

07-29-2012, 02:46 PM
I think everyone with the blood angels codex had this go through their head.

No doubt, but it still amuses me

07-29-2012, 02:57 PM
i wonder if this will bring Cypher in as a chaos IC?

07-29-2012, 03:13 PM
Thanks for posting this one. I had looked at it and was giving it some thought. Not sure on the remodeling costs, but love the idea of it. And yes, the idea of a the incredulous look of surprise on the other guys face is priceless to think about. Dark eldar Wyches could have fun with this as well. Succubuses with twin blast pistols, and the rest of the squad with splinter pistols and their 4+ to wounds is a great thought.

Dual Infernus and Plasma pistols is pricey for the unit, but I've never been afraid of going overboard on a squads cost.

07-29-2012, 04:51 PM
The problem with doing it with Wyches or Storm guardians, or most other CC units, is that their wargear says Close Combat Weapon and Pistol. I don't think you can just make the CC weapon a pistol and use both, since pistols have extra rules other than just being a CC weapon. If you can, then Assault Marines, Grey Hunters, Chaos Marines, Wyches, and many others just got a significant boost in sixth.