View Full Version : Death Guard Thunderhawk

07-28-2012, 12:46 PM
At long, long last my heresy-era baby will fly.

This Thunderhawk has had a very, very long history of changing hands, and neglect. But at long last I got her, and both 6th Edition and the new Chaos Marine codex has gotten my blood pumping.

This is my initial placeholder project post. I will update this as we go along with the detailing of my Heresy Era Death Guard Thunderhawk.

With me luck.

As you can see, I've got her base coated with a sporty diagonal stripe in dark green.


07-28-2012, 01:13 PM
Looking forward to lots more!

Got a name for her yet?

07-29-2012, 11:52 PM
Is that the sad old blue one that used to live at the store?

Dimitres Konor
07-30-2012, 09:21 AM
At long, long last my heresy-era baby will fly.

This Thunderhawk has had a very, very long history of changing hands, and neglect. But at long last I got her, and both 6th Edition and the new Chaos Marine codex has gotten my blood pumping.

This is my initial placeholder project post. I will update this as we go along with the detailing of my Heresy Era Death Guard Thunderhawk.

With me luck.

As you can see, I've got her base coated with a sporty diagonal stripe in dark green.


On the left of your ship you have some logos of the death guard legion...!
where did you find them or how you created them...I need an answer because I have a death guard army too and all of my shoulder pads are empty.... :(

07-30-2012, 03:41 PM
On the left of your ship you have some logos of the death guard legion...!
where did you find them or how you created them...I need an answer because I have a death guard army too and all of my shoulder pads are empty.... :(


Follow this link mate :D

Good job on the TH Big Red, looking sexy.

08-02-2012, 02:48 PM
Ok, update #1

We've got her up on a sexy flying stand that can take the weight. Its a $8 wood oval plague from Hobby Lobby attached to a cut off clear acrylic handle from a plunger i got for $6 at Target. WOO HOO scrounging skills!!!

I've gotten her base coated and have started in on the first pass of panel lining with a light grey liner pen, and started to lay in flat colors on detail areas. This is by no means finished, as the Thunderhawk is dripping with detail. It is about getting the overall color scheme down, so I can just worry about weeks of fine detailing.

The forward heavybolters that stick out of the left and right forward fuselage were lost, but I've come up with a dual Havoc Launcher assembly based on the Razorback turret that should look cool and "retro". They will probably mount either under the chin, or the canards.

I've also decided to go with a pugnacious attack craft theme, so I've ordered a scale model bomb set (see below) and am going to jam pack the 6 hardpoints under the wings with US vietnam-era guided bombs. They have a stubby cruel look to them compared to the clean lines of the default missiles the Thunderhawk comes with.

It should be more Death Guard in theme I think.

More updates soon.

08-05-2012, 01:11 AM

Ok, lots more detailing, the bombs came in (see above), and have been assembled, painted and mounted.

I've found a nice spot for the twin Havoc launchers, replacing the chin mounted heavy bolters.

Legion decals are on.

She is loaded for bear, and dripping with ground attack weapons.

Now to continue with the detailing, weathering, etc...

I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

08-06-2012, 07:14 PM
Great work!

I do have a question about the mounting, as I have reached a point in my own T-Hawk where I want to mount it.

With the rod, is it using resting against the ceiling of the cabin, or is there something else inside that is reinforcing the rod? I am just concerned that I will place the rod in, mount it, and then have the rod pop the model apart do to its own weight.

08-06-2012, 09:51 PM
The rod is resting on the ceiling of the cabin. That resin is super thick, it wont break through.

Just make sure the main fuselage is completely dry and rock solid before drilling into it and inserting the rod. The stronger glues such as epoxy can be used on the interior of the hull if you're worried superglue wont do it.

Dimitres Konor
09-01-2012, 06:56 AM
I got the logos and I made them like stikers...but they don't look good on my terminator and SM...?
What to do now??

09-05-2012, 07:30 PM
Yay more pictures: