View Full Version : Munitorum Dice, Vehicle and Objective Markers Available

07-28-2012, 12:05 AM
No fanfare or anything, but it seems GW has put the nifty dice and markers up on their website.

I just happened to notice they were in the 'Dice & Templates' page in the Gaming section, which was what I'd hoped for but hadn't expected. While supplies last, so if you want 'em grab some now, like I did. :)

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2401121a_99220199046_VehicleDamageDice01_873x627. jpg
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2401116a_99220199045_BattlefieldObjDice01_873x627 .jpg

07-28-2012, 12:34 AM
I can't decide if I want any of them but the regular ones.

07-28-2012, 12:45 AM
I can't decide if I want any of them but the regular ones.

I thought pretty similar things.

Ended up buying 1 of each, 2 of the regulars. Just in case I changed my mind.

07-28-2012, 01:59 AM
Give me a few minutes to get dressed and I'll be off to my local GW...

07-28-2012, 01:59 AM
Well, decide quick, because these are gonna be gone in the next few hours.

At least that's what I 'predict'. As a pretty big indie retailer, I could only secure two of each set for sale, and even then I had to threaten the nice sales rep lady with my cunning dance skills..

07-28-2012, 04:30 AM
Got the objective and regular ones, as the vehicle ones aren't available in Aus yet.

Objective dice are basically essential for the game now, and well worth the money.

Mr Mystery
07-28-2012, 04:39 AM
Yep. Got the Tank and Objective dice. My man bag is now replete!

Also, little touch I've noticed, is that each tin has a different planet of origin stamped on it. Gamers Edition is Armgeddon, and the others you can see above. I really quite like that!

07-28-2012, 05:34 AM
To my surprise, I bought the dice kit. I know, I know... but it isn't just mindless merchandizing. Not only are the dice reasonably good-looking, but the stands are really handy for objective markers. I'm looking forward to them arriving.

07-28-2012, 11:55 AM
Got 'em, used 'em in a couple of games. Small points and barely any vehicles, so the damage dice didn't come in to play much, but the objective dice were great. The tins are a little flimsy, but not too bad. The dice themselves look fantastic, roll great and are fantastically distinctive. Only down side is that both the objective and vehicle sets have two sub-set of black dice. For the vehicle damage dice you have two AP1 dice (With three explosion results) in red, two or three AP2 dice (with two explosion results) in yellow and three normal dice with only one explosion result in black. However the hull points dice are also in black, so it's a bit difficult to tell when you are getting them out of the tin.

The objective marker dice are split evenly between Mysterious objectives and another sub-set, primarilly for the game where you have the objective worth different amounts, but both are black, so you could have fun getting the ones you need. Can't remember what the other symbles signify, if anything, although the back of the packet explains the symbology for both the vehicle and objective packs mean. I've thrown them away, but they do match the ones used in the rulebook (unsurprisingly) so it's not exactly a big issue.

07-30-2012, 10:23 AM
The markers are cool, but the regular dice are very hard to read. Especially for your opponent across the table, a lot of time is spent saying "Is that a 1?" "No, it's a 4!" "Really, let me see that..." Most of the people I know who bought them are no longer using them in game as dice, it's just too annoying. Another case of too much emphasis on form over function.


07-30-2012, 10:28 AM
I use the fancy dice as wound counters so that I don't keep picking them up and the holders are surprisingly useful. Don't think I need any ,more though. One set (gamers edition) will do.

Mr Mystery
07-30-2012, 12:42 PM
I use the fancy dice as wound counters so that I don't keep picking them up and the holders are surprisingly useful. Don't think I need any ,more though. One set (gamers edition) will do.

But then you manbag is incomplete! INCOMPLETE I TELLS YA!

07-30-2012, 12:51 PM
The markers are cool, but the regular dice are very hard to read. Especially for your opponent across the table, a lot of time is spent saying "Is that a 1?" "No, it's a 4!" "Really, let me see that..." Most of the people I know who bought them are no longer using them in game as dice, it's just too annoying. Another case of too much emphasis on form over function.


I have to say I disagree.

Takes a bit of getting used to over reading pips, but I was surprised at how easy I found the new dice to read, even from across the table. The big bold outline around the numbers certainly helps - the only thing I tend to get mixed up once in a while is the 2 and the 5, but it never sets me back more than a half-second.

Ordered 3 of the regular dice as well as 1 each of the marker sets..
Combined with the red dice from the gamers' edition of the rulebook, my man-purse will be quite complete. :)
And I'll have 36 fancy dice and 12 fancy red dice which will make me very happy. For whatever reason I just find the munitorum dice super fun to roll.

07-30-2012, 01:42 PM
Has anyone been using either of the "specialty" dice sets? I'm keen on getting them, but I really dont think I'll ever use the Objective ones in game (I have better objectives). Are the tank damage ones worth it?