View Full Version : where did the dark eldar go

09-29-2009, 09:47 PM
at the end of last year and the start of this year you couldn't go 2 40k web pages without bumping into rumors of there codex release this year and now there nothing what happend ?

seriously 10 years common >.< it getting beyond a joke now

we are the oldest codex and have been for years

i have the horrid feeling we will be the last codex and 2-6 months later they will update the rules and we will get the lovely thrill of being laughed at

Katie Drake
09-29-2009, 10:12 PM
Arg! Not another Dark Eldar thread!

For the least common and least supported army they seem to be mentioned in every thread... I swear, all 100 Dark Eldar players in the world must spend a lot of time online to post in every thread on every forum in existence. ;)

09-29-2009, 10:18 PM
No, it's just angelblade.

He's actually just pissed off that he was incorrect concerning the 3 coversations he was having in 3 threads about how everyone was wrong that the Tyranids are next.



09-30-2009, 02:23 AM
*drags angelblade back into the webway*

We're meant to be sneaky and strike without warning, not stand on an Imperial Chapel and whine. :P

09-30-2009, 05:58 AM
they shared the SQUAT's fate.... they got (b)eaten by nids :)

09-30-2009, 06:24 AM
i'm not a dark eldar player... i don't know a dark eldar player... but i do feel they aren't being removed from the game. I don't feel like GW has the ability to just say "Dark Eldar are gone"... they will get their codex... and really i have to ask was that codex update you got in 2001 not counted? i know it was from 1999 but it was "revised" later on... after mind you the Necron codex was done : ] hehehe....

09-30-2009, 06:37 AM
GW lost track of them because they were too busy releasing another Marine codex.

09-30-2009, 07:44 AM
Could be worse....

Look what happened to Duke Nuke'Um Forever !

09-30-2009, 10:11 AM
hello every last person who has helped this insane loony understand

for those who dont like reaserch
3rd ed dexes currentl used
necronns (left 4 dead)
DH (dying)
WH (playable, Just)
DE (Playable, winning and a new one in the works)
BA (paper joke)
assasins (dont know)

which ones the most looked arfter?
oh DE have crap models
convert normal eldar!

befor whining try to play radicial DH inq (no allies), Ba (rhino have NO access points/fire points, fail pod, fail tycho, fail dex!), or necs witout monolith spam!

stop moaining


09-30-2009, 12:06 PM
Dark who?

09-30-2009, 12:13 PM
I heard they were merging Necron, DE, and SOB into a new race, the Sisters of Darkron. They'll really suck, but be able to take SMs as allies and HQs.

09-30-2009, 12:18 PM
That was marginally funny.

09-30-2009, 12:19 PM
Made me giggle...... But then Im easily pleased :)

Drew da Destroya
09-30-2009, 01:15 PM
I liked it. But can I take Nob Bikers with Thunderhammers and Storm Shields as troops?

09-30-2009, 01:25 PM
Arg! Not another Dark Eldar thread!

For the least common and least supported army they seem to be mentioned in every thread... I swear, all 100 Dark Eldar players in the world must spend a lot of time online to post in every thread on every forum in existence. ;)

I have to say this is spot on... Nobody plays them that I know, but if you just trolled forums you would think everyone has a DE army sitting on the shelves in their basement collecting dust.

In the event that Dark Eldar are updated I would like to see a little bit of development for their fluff... Sometimes it gets old with the whole "tourtue," thing... maybe it is just me but I want to see an army that is a tragic hero (remember that the DE are essentially what the Eldar culture had devolved to before the crash) Maybe something like Malekith.


09-30-2009, 01:30 PM
I guess the question is "Would they sell?"

Everything new out of GW seems to fly off the shelves these days (or so they'd have you believe, Id love to see some actual sales figures), would the novelty factor be enough?

Drew da Destroya
09-30-2009, 01:39 PM
I have to admit that I'm waiting for the DE to get redone before I jump on their train. I've been proxying the army for a bit now, and really enjoy their playstyle. They switch up my Orky tactic of "Drive real fast, jump out, shoot poorly, assault" to "Drive real fast, jump out, shoot effectively, assault".

But I refuse to buy any models until the range gets redone. The only models I actually like are the Raiders/Ravagers (although I'd like the Ravager redone to be all-plastic) and Lillith. The basic warriors are ok.

So apparently they'd sell to at least one person!

Katie Drake
09-30-2009, 02:03 PM
The basic Warriors have helmets as large as their torsos. I always have a funny mental image of Dark Eldar falling forward and backward in the middle of a fight.

09-30-2009, 03:15 PM
I think the main reason why nobody plays this army is because the models are just SO FREAKING BAD! As Katie Drake mentioned...helmets as large as their torso? warp beats that look like monsters that have puked themselves inside out? Talos? Hellions? I mean, the only thing that DOESNT look completely retarded are the incubi, and even then, they really arent that good.

The other main reason i would think is they are just so one dimensional now. They only have one real troop choice and only one real HQ not to mention NO fast attack.

From what I was reading Jes Goodwin is redoing the sculpts for this army. Since he is the single best sculpter they have, I would put money on they will look amazing. The army does have a lot of really cool fluff and ideas behind it...its just currently 12 years old and had no effort in its first go around. I have to say of all the things GW is working on this is far and away the one I am most excited about, and I REALLY hope it comes out this year :)

09-30-2009, 03:49 PM
I guess the question is "Would they sell?"

Everything new out of GW seems to fly off the shelves these days (or so they'd have you believe, Id love to see some actual sales figures), would the novelty factor be enough?

And here is the rub, as a one time operator of a gamestore, they were a terrible seller. Yes the models were bad, yes they are more one dimensional than nids, and did i mention that the models were bad. I our group there was only one serious player and he played a witches version. besides him all the rest used the models that came in the starter box of the time. I dont belive that they will ever return except as some kind of elite choise for chaos or some such. YES they are going the way of the squats, genesteeler hybrids, zoats, etc.............. Now if only we can get blk templars on the train.:D

09-30-2009, 04:37 PM
I am positively disgusted at the level of ire for the Drinkers of Souls. Yes, they have a crap list, dire models and dated fluff. But do you know what else they have in buckets? Potential. Don't write them off just yet - with a little bit of effort the Dark Eldar could be a top-selling army.

09-30-2009, 05:21 PM
I have to say this is spot on... Nobody plays them that I know, but if you just trolled forums you would think everyone has a DE army sitting on the shelves in their basement collecting dust.

In the event that Dark Eldar are updated I would like to see a little bit of development for their fluff... Sometimes it gets old with the whole "tourtue," thing... maybe it is just me but I want to see an army that is a tragic hero (remember that the DE are essentially what the Eldar culture had devolved to before the crash) Maybe something like Malekith.


This is a point where I think you are wrong. In our gaming group I know of at least 6-7 Dark Eldar armies that are sitting in mothballs waiting a new codex( Personally I have a Wyche Cult and a standard DE army packed away.). They are in the back of the closet right behind most of the Necron armies.

I do agree that some nice fluff and story development, along with some playable rules are long overdue.

And for the record, Witch Hunters are more than playable under the current rules, cheap power armored troop with great access to melta and flamer weapons along with faith points is rock solid. I admit that radical Witch Hunters need retooling but SoB's rock in 5th edition. Necrons need a dex too but I am certain GW will rewrite the Space Marine dex 3 or 4 times again before any of these old dexes including DE get any love.

10-01-2009, 12:10 AM
Yeah, lol.

I stopped playing my DE because I was getting tired of winning all my games. I picked up IG for a more fluffy, relaxed army.... Little did I know....

DE will get redone eventually. No biggie.

10-01-2009, 02:22 AM
I am positively disgusted at the level of ire for the Drinkers of Souls. Yes, they have a crap list, dire models and dated fluff. But do you know what else they have in buckets? Potential. Don't write them off just yet - with a little bit of effort the Dark Eldar could be a top-selling army.

EVERY army has potential - if the dice are on side, if you manage to construct a list that happens to dig in to the vulnerabilites of the opposition etc - recent surpirses about lists at various tournaments winning?

Not every list has the worst miniatures and poor fluff - why did CSM turn traitor but still use bolt guns etc whereas DE have - wait for it - spliter rifles and lances etc not eldar base technology.

Probably for the same reasons they just took eldar and added spikes - just a rushed, botched job where the only decent miniatures are the slave bints on the vect machine - they are quite foxy.

What always bemuses me is why there are more moaning players about DE than there is demanding the return of Squats (quick reset the clock) - the fluff and miniatures are both immeasurably better and this is BoLs the home of Lord of Battles - can no one see the potential for Land Trains, Massive Air ships and other dwarfy goodness in apoc?

10-01-2009, 03:22 AM
EVERY army has potential - if the dice are on side, if you manage to construct a list that happens to dig in to the vulnerabilites of the opposition etc - recent surpirses about lists at various tournaments winning?

Not every list has the worst miniatures and poor fluff - why did CSM turn traitor but still use bolt guns etc whereas DE have - wait for it - spliter rifles and lances etc not eldar base technology.

Probably for the same reasons they just took eldar and added spikes - just a rushed, botched job where the only decent miniatures are the slave bints on the vect machine - they are quite foxy.

What always bemuses me is why there are more moaning players about DE than there is demanding the return of Squats (quick reset the clock) - the fluff and miniatures are both immeasurably better and this is BoLs the home of Lord of Battles - can no one see the potential for Land Trains, Massive Air ships and other dwarfy goodness in apoc?

I didn't meant "gamewinning" potential as they are. I mean potential to develop into a well-rounded, capable, fun army.

Also, the reason I didn't bring up the squats is because they aren't the topic of conversation in this thread. Squats were before my time but even so I'd LOVE to see them back... although I wouldn't mind seeing them darkened up a bit, from what I understand they weren't really terribly grimdark. Bring on the squats I say!

And for the record I'm not another embittered DE player. I've never collected DE. I just think that to leave an army by the wayside is a terrible thing.

10-01-2009, 06:42 AM
why did CSM turn traitor but still use bolt guns etc whereas DE have - wait for it - spliter rifles and lances etc not eldar base technology.
I dunno, maybe because Marines aren't smart enough to invent new weapons, whereas Eldar are.

10-01-2009, 07:48 AM
Dark Eldar could be so cool if they took the insane torture, sado thing and really ran with it in a Hellraiser kind of way.
But that's not exactly 12 year old friendly, so they will suck for ever, sorry

10-01-2009, 08:45 AM
Angelblade is in the 4th stage of grief, depression. Soon he will enter acceptance and we can all go on browsing out forums without him trolling every single thread ever.

10-01-2009, 11:28 AM
Nothing wrong with vocally expressing your dislike of a company's business strategy. Telling people to stop whining about it just because YOU in particular are happy is moronic at best. GW has given a lot of people reason to dislike the company because of their man-crush on Astartes.

10-01-2009, 12:19 PM
Angelblade is in the 4th stage of grief, depression. Soon he will enter acceptance and we can all go on browsing out forums without him trolling every single thread ever.

Let the man speak. After all, he's actually contributing to a discussion, not just having a moan about a guy on a forum.

10-01-2009, 12:26 PM
Dark Eldar are going to get one more crack at the bat, if their next codex fails, they'll pass into GW history by 7th or 8th ed.

But yea, one more crack at the back. They are developing the mini's. It takes time. 12-24 months boyz is my bet. Maybe the revamp will swell their ranks enough to get them some notice.

10-01-2009, 01:48 PM
I'm sure the combined Dark Eldar / Hrud Codex will be worth the wait.

I don't play Dark Eldar often because I tire of poking holes in myself when I reach across my models.

Dark Eldar are a very viable army, and do very well in the current metagame of 5e. I'd hesitate to ask for a new Codex if I wanted to keep my cheap and abundant Dark Lances.

Katie Drake
10-01-2009, 02:42 PM
Ah yes, then there's that. Thanks for pointing it out, JWolf. Oh, and good job against Jawaballs with your Guard too - entertaining read!

I wonder how many Dark Eldar players are going to moan about all they've lost... "It's not fair, I don't get my insanely cheap Fire Warrior cost dark lances anymore!"

10-02-2009, 08:13 AM
JWolf makes a great point. The current DE codex actually plays very well. A DE army played for the top spot at the local WWW2 tournament a couple of weeks back. (Losing a close game to their Eldar brethren...) Plus with all of the other plastic models running around you can convert a much better looking army with very little pain. I am working on one at the moment myself. So I would prefer that they do not update the codex for a while. Although I am probably in the minority on this! :p

10-10-2009, 01:35 PM
Hi guys. One or the reasons why the DE's are still not around is that because the Codex is so overdue is because pretty much the entire model range needs to be redone (this is according to Phil Kelly,who I spoke to at Games Day). Plus the reason the 'Nid Codex has leap-frogged the DE's is that only 1 or 2 things need to be re-done, rather than the whole book/model range. hopes this helps!:cool: