View Full Version : Red Box Games Kickstarter

07-26-2012, 08:41 AM
Red Box Games are also running a Kickstarter, already successfully funded, to convert some of their characters and unit(s) to plastic from metal:

RBG Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1103158358/red-box-games-helsvakt-horde?ref=live)

I've not pledged as none of the models put up for conversion as yet are any of their female sculpts which I love. But I felt I should post it as yo ucan get some good deals on the new plastic characters and units.

07-26-2012, 02:02 PM
Another one? I think they are great idea, but with so many companies jumping on the bandwagon I wonder how long it will be before people get fed up and these things die a death.

07-27-2012, 01:32 AM
Well there have only been a handful really, and most have met their funding so it seems to be working for them. Given that GW alone sells over a hundred million pounds worth of product I think the market is big enough to sustain a few kickstarters.:)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-27-2012, 01:34 AM
I still don't know what these things are....

So people want me to give them money so that they can produce something that I can pay MORE MONEY for? Seems legit.

07-27-2012, 01:39 AM
It's not quite like that, you pledge money to help them make something and you get inducements to do so. In this case people pledge money to Red Box, RBG uses that money to pay for expensive steel moulds to produce their models in plastic, you get a certain number of the new plastic miniatures depending on how much you pledged. You would be paying a similar amount per model to buy them now in metal, so it works out well. RBG get funding for moulds, you get nice miniatures. Because the actua lcost of producing plastic miniatures is very small apart form the moulds it works out well.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-27-2012, 01:45 AM
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH.... Now that seems less of a rip off. :p

Unfortunately there's no call for anything other than GW in Shrewsbury, no clubs, it's a little bit sad.

07-27-2012, 02:27 AM
Some kickstarters offer pretty sweet incentives - for instance I will get one of everything Wreck-Age / Hyacinth Games produces (minis, rules, books etc) for kinda free.

Other ones have gotten me magnets, notepads, colouring books, babes and all sorts of fun stuff.

07-27-2012, 03:15 AM
Other ones have gotten me magnets, notepads, colouring books, babes and all sorts of fun stuff.

Hmm notepad, colouring book and magnet... lemme guess, you backed The Order of the Stick reprint Kickstarter? I got all of that and stickers too from my backing of it.

07-27-2012, 03:33 AM
I wish I'd known about an OOTs Kickstarter.:( I have to say I'm most impressed with Reapers out of all the miniature ones I've seen (Mantic, Sedition Wars, AoW and a few others). I'm glad RBG has met its basic funding though.

07-27-2012, 04:06 AM
I wish I'd known about an OOTs Kickstarter.:( I have to say I'm most impressed with Reapers out of all the miniature ones I've seen (Mantic, Sedition Wars, AoW and a few others). I'm glad RBG has met its basic funding though.

I'm amazed you didn't, it got a lot of attention. Rich Burlew started it with the modest aim of raising $55k to get a small print run of one of the out of print compliation books done. The drive finished having raised $1.25 million enough for super-sized reprints of every OotS compilation book, plus money left over to upgrade the website and a bunch of other bits and pieces.

And yeah Reaper have certainly been paying attention to other peoples drives and learned from them, cos theirs is off to a great start. Should be fun following it's progress for the next month and seeing where it ends up.

07-27-2012, 05:01 AM
Yup, OotS was a great one Roy is now guarding my grocery list :p

07-27-2012, 08:31 AM
Well there have only been a handful really, and most have met their funding so it seems to be working for them. Given that GW alone sells over a hundred million pounds worth of product I think the market is big enough to sustain a few kickstarters.:)

Let's hope so, the more diversity in the hobby the better.

08-04-2012, 09:34 AM
Red Box Games' kickstarter is approaching 25k stretch goal, which is:

When we reach $25000 Yrsa the accursed and her beloved Guardian Fenris God of Wolves become available as character options to all pledges lower than $110, but will be included free in the $110.00 and above pledge.
When it hits it I'll pledge enough to get it, not much interest in anything else. Bit of a shame really, RBG does a lot of great female sculpts, if they included some as pledges I think they would get more peopel pledging.

08-05-2012, 11:47 PM
Well RBG hit 25k and have announced a new character you can get for an extra 8:
It;s exclusive to the kickstarter and won't be available after it has ended.

08-08-2012, 07:59 AM
The RBG Kickstarter just hit 30K recently. The next stretch goal is $35,000:

"When we reach $35,000 Conradt the Crazed Champion and leader of the Varp Krigare becomes available as a character option. This set will include 2 models. Conradt's Command pose and his Warp pose and a sprue of 4 weapons ( 2 axes and 2 maces. ). Also all pledges of $110 and above get Conradt added without reducing the number of Character Option slots availible to those pledges."

I am an absolutely huge fan of Red Box Games. This is a miniatures company worth watching and supporting. Tre's line of miniatures has a rigid adherence to consistency, and all of his work is done in a very realistic style.

This is a direction that I would love to see many more fantasy miniature ranges heading in. What you get with Tre's work are miniatures that have a very believable sense of lived-in realism. Even though they are fantasy miniatures, the models are packed with influences from real world material culture from the turn shoes to the belts. The models carry believable gear and weapons. And, of course, Tre is one of the best sculptors of anatomy in the industry right now, so his models all have convincingly expressive poses.

All of these things are why I think Eldargal is a fan of Tre's female sculpts.

Tre has been in business since 2008, and RBG has grown since then, but it has a lot more room to grow. This Kickstarter will allow RBG to start producing cheaper multi-miniature sets, which is a very important step towards releasing a set of rules for the miniatures.

In other words, Tre is moving the company in a very good direction, and he personally has an outstanding commitment to both his customers and the quality of his products. I have never had a better experience dealing with any company than I have had with RBG, nor have I been as satisfied with the quality of a product.

I support RBG just because I love the models and I love the business. What I am really looking forward to is the eventual release of the RBG game system and the expansive and detailed fluff that Tre has created. The company needs support to get there, but I honestly believe that RBG games is going to start exploding in the next few years. Tre has taken the time and put in a titanic amount of effort these past years to lay a very, very solid groundwork. RBG is only going to get better from here.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 08:02 AM
Why are there no Sci-Fi Kickstarters?

08-08-2012, 08:22 AM
Agreed Weeble, though there is a place for over the top fantasy too, the thing I love is variety.:) It's a pity RBGs miniatures are just a shade too small to use with GW armies in general, I tend to use them as statues which is a bit of a waste. But they do make lovely statues...

TDA, there was one, Sedition Wars, it ended a few weeks ago with 900l raised or 4750% more than needed. Fantasy settings are more common, though.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-08-2012, 08:25 AM
I'm not massive on Fantasy to be honest. :/

Poor me, oh well!

08-08-2012, 10:09 AM
How about the Relic Knights Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/relic-knights) then?

08-08-2012, 10:18 AM
Already posted it down in the General SciFi section.:)

08-08-2012, 10:20 AM
Only 2 hours late, lol :p

08-10-2012, 08:11 AM
The RBG Kickstarter is almost to the 35,000 stretch goal! With a little less than a week left I think it could get all the way to the 45,000 goal.

08-10-2012, 08:14 AM
I expect it will get close to 45k and possible beyond, Kickstarters always have a huge upturn in pledges in the last few days as existing pledgers scramble to get together as much money to pledge as they can and people who were waiting to pledge at the last minute pledge.:)

I think they could have done it better, I know I'd have pledged a lot more than 16 if more of their female sculpts had been available. If they had made some kind of pretty female unit as well as the Chaos-tyle unnits I'd have pledged a whole lot more. Tre Manor does females brilliantly.

08-10-2012, 11:08 AM
I think Tre learned a lot with this Kickstarter. He's going to have others in the future, which I think will go much better than this one. By now it looks like a very well put together Kickstarter, but ti was a little confusing at the start.

I do think having the Kickstarter focused was a good idea, for a variety of reasons, but I agree that a female unit of Helsvakt would be darn cool, either as a completely distinct unit type, or even a female version of the Helsvakt Horde models.

They could be separate male/female box sets that customers could buy separately and use in mixed units. That said, Tre is already working like a dog to expand the RBG range as is. I can't wait for the Helsvakt cavalry!

08-11-2012, 12:04 AM
Oh it's done well certainly, and it has improved dramatically. When I first found it around day 5 I had to read the whole thing three or four times before I could make sense of it all.:rolleyes:

08-12-2012, 06:17 AM
The kickstarter already hit 40,000! The project is well on the way to hitting the 45,000 goal!

Tre has also put in The Keeper model as a 40,000 stretch goal, which has been met. He's also added further stretch goals to fund the Helsvakt cavalry!

If we hit the 45,000 stretch goal, all pledges at $110 and above will be getting 60 of Tre's awesome models. That's less than 2 dollars per model for some of the most detailed, lifelike fantasy miniatures on the market! This would include 18 of the Restless Dead models in NINE different poses!

08-12-2012, 06:32 AM
Given the big upswing in pledges Kickstarters usually receive in the lst couple of days I'd expect it to get around 50k, maybe more. Which is a very good effort for a relatively small operation like RBG.:) I've upped my pledge a little, forgot to pledge for Fenris.

08-12-2012, 07:25 PM
Just a hair's breadth away from $45,000!

08-12-2012, 10:23 PM
Looking at some stats from other Kickstarters, some have literally doubled in the last three days. It might not happen wiht RBG but it could go a lot higher yet.

08-14-2012, 06:29 AM
Already hit 50K and more than half way to 55K. Now a cavalry model has been funded! There's also T-shirts available which will be exclusive to this kickstarter and conventions.

08-14-2012, 06:35 AM
Yep, RBGs end-game upswing has begun.:) Actually quite a lot higher than I expected, a few days ago I wouldn't have said this but I think it is a distincy possibility they will hitthe maximum 70k or whatever it is for all four cavalry.

08-15-2012, 09:57 AM
The RBG Kickstarter has only six hours left, if you've any interest in getting some beautiful fantas ycharacters in plastic pledge now. Only 3200USD from the final stretch goal that we know of.

08-15-2012, 12:18 PM
I was just wondering whether anyone from the UK has ever bid on a Kickstarter and been caught out by customs? I once bought something on eBay and was charged a hefty fee that was effectively a third of what I paid, and obviously that sort of increase really affects the benefits afforded by getting a Kickstarter.

08-15-2012, 09:58 PM
There has been quite a bit of discussion on that subject, Reaper for exampel declare the value atthe basic pledge level. So if you peldge on their Vampire level it is declared 100USD even if you buy three vampire levels and all the add ons. The issue is if customs ask to see your payment receipts they will see you paid more than that. Also note that packages marked 'Toys - Warhammer" only get taxed when they go above a certain leve,, one hundred and thirty pounds or something and ht tax rate is only around 5%. You'd be better off asking on specific KS pages to see how they will handle it.:)

RedBox Games Kickstarter has ended a shade above 80,000. Considerably more than I expected I have to admit. Tre Manor also announced another female character option a few hours before it ended which was met, then another option for direwolves at 80k which was just met.:) I ended up doubling my pledge to around 50USD, I'm only getting characters.