View Full Version : Best method for cutting metal models?

The Sovereign
07-25-2012, 06:44 PM
I usually prefer plastic or (sometimes) Finecast as it's easier to convert; however, in my experience GW just can't produce a decent Finecast Lukas the Trickster, so I'm forced to use the metal one. I want to shave the icons off of his pauldrons to smooth the surface so I can apply water slide transfers, but I don't have much experience converting metal. Suggestions/techniques would be much appreciated!

07-26-2012, 05:02 AM
To remove details from the pauldrons you need a good file.
Alternatively, a dremel (or dremel like hobby tool) with a grinding/sanding tool bit, low speed, the job clamped in a vice and go at it slow.

The Sovereign
07-26-2012, 06:37 AM
Thanks for the reply. Can you point me in the direction of a good brand for the file?

07-29-2012, 11:09 PM
I just use a small metal ("*******") file about 12mm wide for first stage removal and move to the dremel for anything after this.
The file I got from a local hardware store for a few dollars. It's just a regular file for metals.

I've had around 26-27 years working with metal models, though, so my experience level might just be a bit more than yours.

For cutting small pieces that you want to keep, a razor saw or jeweller's saw are best.
If you don't want to keep them, clippers do the job and finish with a file.