View Full Version : A bunch of questions

07-25-2012, 04:48 AM
To set the tone:


1) Is it OK for pDeneghra to use Arcnodes to cast spells at normal cost within the controll area of a certain menoth caster that has a certain spell active?

2) Is it OK for a unit that has been engaged to charge out of combat and into a new combat (still recieving a free strike in the back though)

3) Can a unit that has been engaged function normally: Ie advance, run, charge etc. or is there a "bunch up" rule like in 40k?
4) Is it OK to shoot a caster behind a unit just because there is a tiny winy gap between the screening zombies?

5) If during my charge move I find myself in CC range of an opposing model, does that enemy get a free strike, or do I stop at that spot?

6) Is it OK to make an advance (ie a normal move with maneuverability) and thereafter make a CC attack?

7) A khador field gun crew: does it count as an idependent unit or is it merged with the (rifle) squad for activations and command purposes?

8) Do I have to line up squads like some sort of fireing squad in order to make all of them shoot? (ie the unit blocks its own LOS)

9) Can a unit move through its own models during its activation?

07-25-2012, 02:31 PM
1) Is it OK for pDeneghra to use Arcnodes to cast spells at normal cost within the controll area of a certain menoth caster that has a certain spell active?If you are refering to Lamentation then if then Deneghra2 would pay double if she is within Kreoss1's control range and regular if not within. Using or not using an arc node that is or is not with Kreoss1's control range is irrelevant. Casting is not the same as Channeling.

2) Is it OK for a unit that has been engaged to charge out of combat and into a new combat (still recieving a free strike in the back though)

3) Can a unit that has been engaged function normally: Ie advance, run, charge etc. or is there a "bunch up" rule like in 40k?There is no such general rule that specifically locks models in combat. There are some reasons why you may still be stuck there though, such as the inabilaty to move in certain directions or move in any direction.

4) Is it OK to shoot a caster behind a unit just because there is a tiny winy gap between the screening zombies?LoS is LoS, the amount is not relevant. I alaways assume actual placement is 100% intentional unless the person dicusses before they complete the movement why it is not, e.g. a model can not physically be put somewhere even though the base does fit.

5) If during my charge move I find myself in CC range of an opposing model, does that enemy get a free strike, or do I stop at that spot?You take the free strike right exactly where you exit melee range of the model, it the free strike reduces your model's wound to zero then it stops right there and effects are resloved. If you model survives and is not Knocked Down it continues it's movement.

6) Is it OK to make an advance (ie a normal move with maneuverability) and thereafter make a CC attack?Yes.

7) A khador field gun crew: does it count as an idependent unit or is it merged with the (rifle) squad for activations and command purposes?The Khador Field Gun Crew is it's own unit. There are Weapon Attachments and Unit Attachments, those models are specifically labelled as such, e.g. Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeer is a Weapon Attachment to the Winter Guard Infantry they function as one complete unit.

8) Do I have to line up squads like some sort of fireing squad in order to make all of them shoot? (ie the unit blocks its own LOS)Your own models can block your LoS. Refer to the answer to question five for a placement based work around and Ranked Attacks as one example of a specific rule based work around.

9) Can a unit move through its own models during its activation?Only if it has a specific rule that allows it to do so, examples include but are not limited to Veil of Mists and Incorporeal.

07-30-2012, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the answers!

Looking back I see that almost all my questions are related to 40kish standards I presumed to be everywhere.

Its nice to see that Warmachine plays diferently and is very dependendant on model placement.. a thing that can only be a good thing in a game that is about moving models about.


08-12-2012, 10:51 AM
In general, if you have this many questions, odds are you could use another run through the rulebook to help you understand the game. I'm not being mean or condescending, but these questions are the sort that have black and white answers in the rule book itself, and there are a lot.

08-13-2012, 04:23 PM
Now Ive played a few games.. and I think im getting a good grasp of the rules.

Theese rules I just mentioned just seemd so diffrent from 40k so I wondered if I was missing something.

As it turned out, in the majority of cases we where playing by the correct warmachine rules already.