View Full Version : Howling Banshee Exarch's Triskele

07-25-2012, 12:34 AM
Now I have been looking at the weapons of the Eldar and this one popped out to me as having some uses.

First it is in the hands of your Exarch who will hit stuff on a 2+.

Second it has three attacks and is Assault 3.

Third it is AP 2 in both the Basic rulebook and the Codex.

Fourth it can be used as a Power Weapon so no saves except invul's.

It only draw back is it strength which is only a 3.

But even with it being Strength 3 I do believe this weapon can be very useful if you are running into Terminators.

It is AP 2 and it gets three shots in the shooting phase and then in the Assault Phase your Exarch can use it for her 4 attacks.

That is 7 str 3 AP 2 attacks in one turn.:)

Which with some good rolls can kill off quite a few Terminators and would slaughter standard Space Marines since they would get no save.

07-25-2012, 01:00 AM
Now I have been looking at the weapons of the Eldar and this one popped out to me as having some uses.

First it is in the hands of your Exarch who will hit stuff on a 2+.

Second it has three attacks and is Assault 3.

Third it is AP 2 in both the Basic rulebook and the Codex.

Fourth it can be used as a Power Weapon so no saves except invul's.

It only draw back is it strength which is only a 3.

But even with it being Strength 3 I do believe this weapon can be very useful if you are running into Terminators.

It is AP 2 and it gets three shots in the shooting phase and then in the Assault Phase your Exarch can use it for her 4 attacks.

That is 7 str 3 AP 2 attacks in one turn.:)

Which with some good rolls can kill off quite a few Terminators and would slaughter standard Space Marines since they would get no save.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure only the ranged weapon profile is AP:2. The melee weapon profile would be the profile for the unusual power weapon, as listed in the BRB--as the codex lists it as a power weapon with unique rules--and that means it's ap:3 in close combat.

07-25-2012, 01:15 AM
Yup, you are right Bean. In the description it says its a power weapon so acording to 6th edition BRB it is AP3. Codex says that it can be used as a ranged weapon with the following profile: Range 12"' S3 AP2 Assault 3. So it is obviously only AP2 when used for shooting. Your stretching if you were trying to use that profile in close combat. Nice try :rolleyes:

07-25-2012, 11:26 AM
Yup, you are right Bean. In the description it says its a power weapon so acording to 6th edition BRB it is AP3. Codex says that it can be used as a ranged weapon with the following profile: Range 12"' S3 AP2 Assault 3. So it is obviously only AP2 when used for shooting. Your stretching if you were trying to use that profile in close combat. Nice try :rolleyes:

Yes it was.

Though the three str 3 AP 2 attacks in shooting can still be very useful.

Because you are hitting on 2+ and yes against most things you are wounding on 5+ but for just five points I would still take it.

With a Codex that was from the early to mid 4th Edition we need to think out side of the box.

I think that I will still give this to my Banshee Exarch since the three AP 2 shots can not be discounted. Plus it is cheap at 5 points.