View Full Version : Question about shooting wound allocation with different weapon profiles

07-24-2012, 05:13 PM
On page 16. on BRB there is rule "Out Of Sight", and on page 14. "The Wound Pool".

The wound pool states that wounds with different strengths, AP values or special rules should be piled in separate wound pools. If you got different wound pools, player who made the shots gets to decide in which order they are resolved.

Out Of Sight states that If no models in the firing unit can see a particular model, then Wounds cannot be allocated to it, and must be instead allocated to the nearest visible model in the target unit. If there are no visible models in the target unit, all remaining Wounds in the pool are lost and the shooting attack ends

So the question is: If i have 5man squad of tactical marines with 4x bolters and 1x plasma gun firing at a squad of ork boys positioned behind a corner in a way that every marine sees the first ork, but the rest are seen only by the 'point man' marine with a bolter.

Now, we shoot and cause wounds on both bolters and plasma gun, thus creating two wound pools. Then Marine player decides to start with the 'bolter wound pool' and manages to kill the only ork that was visible to the plasma gun marine. Since the plasma gun marine doesn't see anyone anymore, is the plasmagun wound pool discarded instantly, or is it allowed to still allocate that wound from a different pool to the unit that the plasma gunner model does not see? (Given that there are enough orks left to allocate any wounds after the bolter wounds that is)

If you cannot make any sense what i am after here, i am happy to try to draw an example, or describe it more specifically.

Why this bothers me is that it is obvious that different weapons (bolter & plasma) cause different pools, and in out of sight it states at the very end that if there are no visible models to the unit the wounds in the pool are lost and the shooting ends.
- Does this mean that even if a model with only bolt pistol can see behind corner, even lascannon shots can be allocated there, or only by those weapons whose holder (or similar result in dmg: bolt pistol & bolter) can be allocated behind the said corner?

07-24-2012, 05:31 PM
On page 13 is a good diagram of who can fire. The models have to be in range and be able to see a model to be able to fire.

Also, you can only wound the models that can be seen. If somehow a lascannon can see one model and the rest of the squad can only see another model, well, frankly I can't see how that would ever happen. If you have wounds in different AP pools they are lost if there are no more eligible models. So, if you want your plasma gun to count, resolve that wound first. If it kills the only eligible model, the other shots are lost.

Out of sight is talking about the royal we... or rather, the wound pool as a whole.

07-24-2012, 05:35 PM
So, if you want your plasma gun to count, resolve that wound first. If it kills the only eligible model, the other shots are lost.

This was what i was after, thanks. It has happened twice actually now, two units (both in a wedge'ish formation) coming around a corner.

However, i am right in there, that even if i had, say 20 wounds still on a 'bolter wound pool', and only sergeant with bolt pistol could see the remaining enemy models(all bolter firing members had line of sight to the enemy unit when they started firing), i could still put all the 20 wounds from that pool to the rest of the enemies?

07-24-2012, 05:45 PM
As long as the firing models had LoS and were in range at the start of the shooting phase to one model in the enemy unit, then their shots can be allocated to any model that is in sight of at least one model in your unit. So... doesn't matter about the pool itself, as long as your unit can see an eligible enemy model a wound can be allocated to it.

07-24-2012, 06:27 PM
If no models in the firing unit can see a particular model,

Stated another way, if any model in the firing unit can see a particular model, it may have wounds allocated to it.

Line of Sight is determined by unit, not by wound pool. If a model is in Line of Sight of anyone in the firing unit, it can by killed by any wounds in the wound pool. The wound pool is not discarded until the target unit is completely out of LoS of the firing unit.

So, no, the plasma gun doesn't need to see the second ork to kill it, so long as someone else in his squad can see it.

07-24-2012, 06:32 PM
this must be amended.

The wound pool is not discarded until the unit is either 1) completely out of LoS of the firing unit, 2) the target unit is outside of range of the weapon.

ex. if half your shots were 12" and the other half were 24", expend the 12" ranged shots first!

07-24-2012, 06:44 PM
Actually, Tynskel, range isn't a consideration. Just LOS.

And Darklink has the right of that.

07-24-2012, 06:56 PM
Range only matters to see if a model in the unit can initially shoot. After the shooting has commenced the range no longer plays a factor in the wounds allocated.

07-24-2012, 08:36 PM
Right. It's a) is the model in range, b) is the model in LOS of anyone in the firing unit at all. If both a and b are true, then the model may be removed as a casualty.

There are no distinctions between which wound pools are in or out of range or LOS to that particular model. Simply, if a and b are true, the model may be removed as a casualty.

07-24-2012, 08:55 PM
Right. It's a) is the model in range, b) is the model in LOS of anyone in the firing unit at all. If both a and b are true, then the model may be removed as a casualty.

There are no distinctions between which wound pools are in or out of range or LOS to that particular model. Simply, if a and b are true, the model may be removed as a casualty.

Range is only needed to determine if a model can shoot at a unit. LoS is needed at all times. Pg 16, 'Out of Range'.
"As long as a model was in range when To Hit rolls were made, he is considered to be in range for the duration of the Shooting attack, even if the closest model now lies out of range."

The way this is worded is very GW-like and the first part refers to the shooter as this is the only thing that makes sense.

07-24-2012, 09:53 PM
Range is only needed to determine if a model can shoot at a unit. LoS is needed at all times. Pg 16, 'Out of Range'.
"As long as a model was in range when To Hit rolls were made, he is considered to be in range for the duration of the Shooting attack, even if the closest model now lies out of range."

The way this is worded is very GW-like and the first part refers to the shooter as this is the only thing that makes sense.

Right, this.

Range determines who can shoot--not who can be removed as a casualty. If five marines fire at a squad of five gaunts, they can potentially kill all five gaunts--even all but one gaunt is out of range of all of the marines. The rulebook is pretty clear on that.

07-24-2012, 10:22 PM
Brilliant, GW. Brilliant.