View Full Version : Ork Vehicles - looking for helpful suggestions for conversions.

07-24-2012, 05:47 AM
Afternoon all, im going to be starting an Ork army soon (2000 points to start off) and my plan is to try and convert every vehicle in the army. At the moment the only vehicles i won't be converting too much will be the 3 Dakka Jets i will be fielding as i feel that they are already pretty cool, although i will try and make sure they don't look the same.

Currently here are the following ideas i have and as you can see ive got a few lol, this thread started off as help but i seem to be doing most of the work:

Ork Trukk ideas:

Ork Trukk version 1 = Space Marine Rhino + Trukk.
Ork Trukk version 2 = Chaos Space Marine Rhino + Trukk (for the spiky bits and different colour schemes).
Ork Trukk version 3 = Imperial Guard Chimera + Trukk.
Ork Trukk version 4 = Tau Devilfish + Trukk (I imagine this will be a tricky one to do but if i make sure i attempt it after making other 'Trukks' then i should have enough bits to help the conversion).
Ork Trukk version 5 = Eldar Wave Serpent/Falcon + Trukk (not really sure how to do this, don't really want to just stick some wheels on the underside. Suggestions?).
Ork Trukk version 6 = Dark Eldar Raider + Trukk (same problem with Eldar tanks, not 100% sure how to do it).
Ork Trukk version 7 = SoB Immolator + Trukk (similar reason to the CSM Rhino, extra bits to make it 'different').
Ork Trukk version 8 = Drop Pod + Trukk (nicked this off a friend of mine, he's yet to finish it i believe).
Ork Trukk version 9 = Necron Ghost Ark + Trukk (again not sure how to do this)
Ork Trukk version 10 = Im leaving this open to you guys, don't think ive missed any other armys' transports so suggestions for anything else?

Ork Battlewagon ideas:

Ork Battlewagon version 1 = Land Raider + Battlewagon
Ork Battlewagon version 2 = Chaos Land Raider + Battlewagon
Ork Battlewagon version 3 = Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer + Battlewagon
Ork Battlewagon version 4 = Imperial Guard Leman Russ variants + Battlewagon
Ork Battlewagon version 5 = Tau Hammerhead + Battlewagon
Ork Battlewagon version 6 = Tau Skyray + Battlewagon (if i buy a Skyray twice then i have two lots of Skyray parts and Hammerhead :P)
Ork Battlewagon version 7 = Dark Eldar Ravager + Battlewagon (same as Trukk - no idea how to combine the two)
Ork Battlewagon version 8 = Eldar Fire Prism/Night Spinner + Battlewagon (see above)
Ork Battlewagon version 9 = Necron Monolith + Battlewagon (not going to do this one as Monoliths are just panels)
Ork Battlewagon version 10 = Open to suggestions.

As my 3 Fast Attack options are being filled with 3 Dakka Jets then there's no need to do any Buggy or Trakk converions.

Any suggestions for Nob/Warboss Bikers?

Thanks for any help :)

07-24-2012, 06:26 AM
Land Raider + Battlewagon

http://thumbs.subefotos.com/bb1d95a2a7c6cf83b9b53a593f5f8b2co.jpg (http://subefotos.com/ver/?bb1d95a2a7c6cf83b9b53a593f5f8b2co.jpg)

I'll put a Rhino on Land Raider, no photos yet....I've other projects on course. :D

07-24-2012, 07:05 AM
Hmm i was thinking more of Battlewagon coming out of Land Raider similar to the one at last weekends Throne of Skulls.

07-24-2012, 08:44 AM
Is this not just a list of every armies transport option and the word trukk and then thier tanks and the word battlewagon?
No hints as to how you're going to work these conversions or examples of what you've done so far or pictures of other things that look like how you want your things.

What exactly do yo want from the rest of us?

07-24-2012, 10:19 AM
you might wanna check this out: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/429131.page
& this guy's work is also really inspirational: http://recalcitrantdaze.blogspot.com/2012/03/looted-wagons-25.html

07-24-2012, 11:31 AM
Is this not just a list of every armies transport option and the word trukk and then thier tanks and the word battlewagon?

Why, yes. Yes, it is.

Besides, you can't fit more than six Trukks and three Wagons in a Primary Detachment. Why make ten?

Beside that, Trukks oughta be fast vehicles. Who'd make one out of a Chimera? That's really more of a Looted Wagon. Stick wheels on a Raider, by all means, but with a Rhino you're going to need a sockin' great rokkit boosta. And to cut the top open.

07-24-2012, 03:54 PM
Erm, where does it say that im fielding 10 of both? They're just examples of what you can combine to make a Trukk/Battlewagon. Ive seen a Ork Trukk made out of a Chimera and Trukk where they use the treads on either side of some plasticard, it looks like a half-trakk.

Anyway, this topic might as well be closed as earlier i saw what is coming out next month, just have to decide if i want to wait end of August.

07-25-2012, 02:38 AM
I'll try to get some pictures of my "Floaty Trukk" up later. Started out life as a Waveserpent, and still has that silhouette, but everyone thinks it looks plenty orky now!

One thing I would say is do try to use as many orky bits as possible, and break up the outline of other 'donnor' vehicles. You want to make sure people know they are Trukks and not Looted Wagons. Usually not a problem (especially if you don't actually have any looted wagons in your list) but worth noting. Then again, my Floaty Trukk is usually a trukk and occasionally a Looted Wagon. So long As I make it clear to my opponant at the start of deployment, I've yet to have anyone complain. Apart from one guy, but he had a DE Wracks army made primarily of Skaven, so after pointing that out, he let me "get away with it." His words...

Anyway, why stick to just combining the trukk kit with one other vehicle kit? For example, Why not take the Devilfish, leave off the engines, cut down the troop compartment so it becomes open topped, cut open the cockpit and model some control leavers sticking out of it and have an ork riding the armour like a bike (cus the tau are a LOT smaller than orks!) Maybe add some additional deckingsticking out sideways/back behind the bulk of the vehicle, whack the bottom third of a pair of phino track units underneath and some plasitcard armour plates to tir the whole thing together? Not a single truck piece would be needed, but you end up with one hell of an Orky vehicle.

Scratch that... I want that idea for myself! :P

07-25-2012, 02:45 AM
How about old kids toys (garage sale, dollar store, your kids) and some plastic card? Alot cheaper than GW. :eek: