View Full Version : Gauss V Tesla in 6th Edition.

Mr Mystery
07-22-2012, 05:02 AM
How do. Yet another Necron discussion thread!

So, in 5th Edition the humble Tesla Carbine was very much my weapon of choice, once both bases were covered (I have 30 Immortals, 10 with Gauss Blasters).

But then in 6th Edition of course, they are equally dakkalicious at long range as assault no longer holds the premium it did. Now this hasn't made Tesla any worse, it's still an awesome weapon, but it has given Gauss Blasters an extra edge. Plus in my army I run a lot of Tesla Destructors, so the AP4 of a Gauss Blasters is very welcome against many armies.

Add in the extra threat of being able to reliably glance any given vehicle into the dirt, and the choice is far more finely balanced.

My main question of course, is whether Gauss is best left to the humble Necron Warrior, who in my experience regularly punch above their weight? When tank hunting the heavier vehicle, the increase in S and AP matters not, as it's the 6's to penetrate I'm after. Put in enough Gauss, and I can more or less dispence with more potent anti-tank as the sheer amount I could potentially field will keep my opponent wary (ideally to the point of hesitany) with his armour, regardless of whether it's a transport or a heavy!

So what are your thoughts? Is it the same as 5th Edition, more finely balanced, or a no brainer in favour of one or the other?

07-22-2012, 05:29 PM
My buddy plays warriors with gauss because of the hull points. When you fire gauss in the 6th, rolls to damage auto glance on a 6. So, if you're fielding 20 warriors with gauss, your chances of stripping every hull point off of a transport in one turn.

The way he plays is to have a small unit with a kryptek, a lord with a res orb, and a ghost ark in the back pumping out 3 warriors per turn... March them up to rapid fire range with a vehicle in their sights and poof! Four glances and that land raider is toast!

07-22-2012, 05:45 PM
My suggestion is to take Tesla Carbines on your Immortals, and look to your Warriors for your Gauss needs, as long as you think you have enough of them (and you seem to). =)

07-22-2012, 05:53 PM
My buddy plays warriors with gauss because of the hull points. When you fire gauss in the 6th, rolls to damage auto glance on a 6. So, if you're fielding 20 warriors with gauss, your chances of stripping every hull point off of a transport in one turn.

The way he plays is to have a small unit with a kryptek, a lord with a res orb, and a ghost ark in the back pumping out 3 warriors per turn... March them up to rapid fire range with a vehicle in their sights and poof! Four glances and that land raider is toast!

I wonder what you mean by pumping out 3 warriors a turn? The Ghost ark is not like the Spyders and can only resurrect those warriors that have died. It does not add more to the unit then when it started.

07-22-2012, 10:53 PM
I wonder what you mean by pumping out 3 warriors a turn? The Ghost ark is not like the Spyders and can only resurrect those warriors that have died. It does not add more to the unit then when it started.

Yeah, ghost arks have the ability to poop out warriors at the start of the movement phase. It has to roll for it, then once the roll is passed they can poop out d3 warriors per turn per ark. Combine that with the 4+ Rp rolls from the res orb and you've got a full squad of warriors in a few turns

07-23-2012, 12:38 AM
I think you are reading that rule incorrectly. The ghost ark repairs D3 fallen necrons, not create new models.

07-23-2012, 01:30 AM
I think you are reading that rule incorrectly. The ghost ark repairs D3 fallen necrons, not create new models.

This is correct. Page 53, under Repair Barge. First sentence and fourth sentence.

07-23-2012, 02:01 AM
In 5th, I would have gone all Tesla.
In 6th, I think Tesla is still better as vehicles definitely won't be very prominent anymore. In saying that, I would have one or two more squads of Gauss Immortals than before, or some Warriors. The new glancing rules are much better.

07-23-2012, 03:07 AM
How do. Yet another Necron discussion thread!

So, in 5th Edition the humble Tesla Carbine was very much my weapon of choice, once both bases were covered (I have 30 Immortals, 10 with Gauss Blasters).

But then in 6th Edition of course, they are equally dakkalicious at long range as assault no longer holds the premium it did. Now this hasn't made Tesla any worse, it's still an awesome weapon, but it has given Gauss Blasters an extra edge. Plus in my army I run a lot of Tesla Destructors, so the AP4 of a Gauss Blasters is very welcome against many armies.

Add in the extra threat of being able to reliably glance any given vehicle into the dirt, and the choice is far more finely balanced.

My main question of course, is whether Gauss is best left to the humble Necron Warrior, who in my experience regularly punch above their weight? When tank hunting the heavier vehicle, the increase in S and AP matters not, as it's the 6's to penetrate I'm after. Put in enough Gauss, and I can more or less dispence with more potent anti-tank as the sheer amount I could potentially field will keep my opponent wary (ideally to the point of hesitany) with his armour, regardless of whether it's a transport or a heavy!

So what are your thoughts? Is it the same as 5th Edition, more finely balanced, or a no brainer in favour of one or the other?

I think the right approach is to use a mix so you can be flexible. I use three squads of 10 immortals in my lists, 2 with tesla, one with gauss. I don't want warriors as I don't want to give my opponent something to fire his AP4 stuff at. I think this is about the right mix. I usually put my velitek with the gauss, but depending on people's lists I will sometimes put him with a tesla squad. It's good to be flexible. Being one dimensional just leads to more difficult match ups.

07-23-2012, 09:44 AM
This is correct. Page 53, under Repair Barge. First sentence and fourth sentence.

Then my opponent has been cheating and I have been made to look foolish on a public forum...

There will be blood. Or at least strong words and snacks

07-23-2012, 09:53 AM
Then my opponent has been cheating and I have been made to look foolish on a public forum...

There will be blood. Or at least strong words and snacks

Nope, I was playing it right. Obviously you can't bring the unit beyond it's initial starting size. The unit had 20 in it, RezLord brings 'em back on a 4+ end of phase. Beginning of my phase I rolled a D3 (and on a 1 would've incurred a glance and swift removal of a Hull Point) and replenished that result if any had fallen and failed their RP rolls.


07-23-2012, 10:19 AM
I always take gauss, they have the ability to double their shots at 12", ap4, and glance vehicles. The +2 shots per 6 just aren't enough to outweigh the what gauss has going for it, especially since I can't roll to save my little plastic friends' lives.

07-23-2012, 10:23 AM
Nope, I was playing it right. Obviously you can't bring the unit beyond it's initial starting size. The unit had 20 in it, RezLord brings 'em back on a 4+ end of phase. Beginning of my phase I rolled a D3 (and on a 1 would've incurred a glance and swift removal of a Hull Point) and replenished that result if any had fallen and failed their RP rolls.


Ok, as long as you state that at the beginning of the games from now on. If you start with 15 warriors, no 'repairing' them up to 20. I don't count your squad size every turn and removing models and replacing them with markers then replacing them with models again gets a bit confusing...

You do that, and I'll remember that my tetras need 6's to mark your night scythe.

I'll take back the cheating comment if you admit that there are some fast and loose rules play that we may have glossed over or missed completely...

07-23-2012, 10:32 AM
I'll take back the cheating comment if you admit that there are some fast and loose rules play that we may have glossed over or missed completely...

I think that happens to everyone with the new edition, it'll happen less after a while but I know there were some rules that were being overlooked even in the last days of 5th. :rolleyes:

07-23-2012, 10:36 AM
Ok, as long as you state that at the beginning of the games from now on. If you start with 15 warriors, no 'repairing' them up to 20. I don't count your squad size every turn and removing models and replacing them with markers then replacing them with models again gets a bit confusing...

You do that, and I'll remember that my tetras need 6's to mark your night scythe.

I'll take back the cheating comment if you admit that there are some fast and loose rules play that we may have glossed over or missed completely...

I did that and do that! 20 models in the unit. I let you know when we went over lists at the beginning, Cap'n butthurt! I have NEVER repaired a unit beyond it's original starting size, I know my 'dex!

And that's how the rules go pally, you're supposed to use a marker when one falls!

Yeah we expected to get some general rules wrong as we adjust to 6th. I think the only real issue we had was assault questions, for the most part we had it correct.

07-23-2012, 10:59 AM
The best marker we found at my flgs is to knock over the models in question on their sides. That way when they actually pull off, they are gone unless something repairs them.