View Full Version : Battle barge Names

09-29-2009, 12:27 PM
Not that into fluff to be honest, but I have been reading some BL recently. Read all the Ultra Marines books (except the new one, I'll wait for the paperback) The Bood Ravens ones and the Blood Angels ones.

One thing I'm really enjoying are the Battle barge names, their great.

So who knows what their all called and have you made up your own?

09-29-2009, 08:34 PM
Not that into fluff to be honest, but I have been reading some BL recently. Read all the Ultra Marines books (except the new one, I'll wait for the paperback) The Bood Ravens ones and the Blood Angels ones.

One thing I'm really enjoying are the Battle barge names, their great.

So who knows what their all called and have you made up your own?

My Ashen Heart chapter proudly sails through the Immaterium in the Wake of the Emperor's Flame. I've yet to afford an actual BFG model, but I'm hoping my family will pull through come the holidays...