View Full Version : My Warriors of Chaos, The Unfinished

07-21-2012, 04:13 AM
So, this project is kind of dead in the water until the new WoC armybook is released. I wanted to share what I had done already anyway. Hope you like them.

Lord on Foot

Size Comparison

07-21-2012, 04:21 AM
Lord, Sorcerer and BSB

This is what the army will look like once it is finished painted. These werent completed (and still arent) when I took the pic


Army shot

These are the only pics i have of the army at the moment. There is another unit of 10 Knights, 10 more Warhounds and a unit of 40 Bestigors I am using as Marauders with Greatweapons

07-21-2012, 11:30 PM
sweet stuff. i have a great like for warriors of chaos my self. mind you i didn't even think about combining chaos knights and warriors together to make more epic warriors. sadly i've long since used my spares for other less epic projects. still pretty awesome.

07-23-2012, 06:27 AM
sweet stuff. i have a great like for warriors of chaos my self. mind you i didn't even think about combining chaos knights and warriors together to make more epic warriors. sadly i've long since used my spares for other less epic projects. still pretty awesome.

Thanks. it was a fun conversion. I got the idea from someone on the internet who had made an entire unit of Chosen with Halberds this way. The Warrior legs and the knight chest and arms really do make for an impressive figure. much taller than the normal warrior.

i really need to get back to this project. I'm stalled until I see what the new armybook and releases bring us! Cant wait!

07-23-2012, 07:07 AM
indeed. i'm hoping for a new chaos dragon

07-23-2012, 08:49 AM
indeed. i'm hoping for a new chaos dragon

Dragon in plastic would be awesome!

I do have the Lord on Manticore kit. That was really fun to assemble! I still need to take some pictures of it.

07-23-2012, 07:40 PM
i'm hoping for a two or 3 part dragon for chaos. two varitions for a ridr and galrauch himself.

04-05-2013, 04:18 PM
I haven't done much modeling lately, but I did just build this:

It's my new Battle Standard Bearer of Tzeentch

04-06-2013, 02:05 AM
That looks awesome! :D I should really get that Chaos Lord soon to convert. :)

04-06-2013, 01:51 PM
That looks awesome! :D I should really get that Chaos Lord soon to convert. :)

It's a nice model and goes together fairly well. I like it. When I got the idea to convert my entire army to Mono-Tzeentch, I was trying to figure out my heroes. This guy screamed BSB since I was going to use Tz Sorcerer and the other plastic Sorcerer as General and Sorcerer. Adding the Horrors Icon to the spearhaft just seemed to work, and it looks a lot better than I expected.

I should have more updates to my Fantasy army once the work on the last few models for my small Chaos Marine army are done.

I've got a Mutalith, Warshrine, and a Chimera to assemble still.

The rest of the army is already assembled thankfully.

04-13-2013, 06:08 PM
I also did these this week

Sorcerer Lord, Sorcerer, Chimera and Mutalith

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0317_zpsfe291c7c.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0317_zpsfe291c7c.jpg.html)

04-13-2013, 11:57 PM
Blue Moon

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0421_zps7abb2841.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0421_zps7abb2841.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0423_zpsdc95d738.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0423_zpsdc95d738.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0424_zps89696280.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0424_zps89696280.jpg.html)

04-14-2013, 06:12 AM
So, Warshrine is done. I like how it turned out. Its pretty bog standard, only two minor conversions (Bad Moon Idol Head, and Staff). It was a fun kit to assemble, it went together a lot easier than I expected.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Warshrine/IMG_0433_zps2fd5359f.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Warshrine/IMG_0433_zps2fd5359f.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Warshrine/IMG_0434_zps28aa8c24.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Warshrine/IMG_0434_zps28aa8c24.jpg.html)http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Warshrine/IMG_0435_zps45123803.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Warshrine/IMG_0435_zps45123803.jpg.html)

04-14-2013, 08:11 AM
need to get a warshrine myself at some point, lots of great details to it. good job on the battle standard bearer, nice simple conversion with a great result, always the best way.

04-14-2013, 09:40 AM
need to get a warshrine myself at some point, lots of great details to it. good job on the battle standard bearer, nice simple conversion with a great result, always the best way.

Thanks Kirsten. I've always found the simplest conversions are the most effective. I'm quite proud of the BSB myself.

04-14-2013, 03:11 PM
I've always wanted to do a warriors of chaos army and your pics and progress push me closer and closer to one day doing so!

I look forward to seeing more of your good work :)

04-14-2013, 11:07 PM
Warriors of Chaos is a pretty fun army. They are very straight forward in play style (run forward and smash faces), and yet have several ways to accomplish that. For Fantasy, they are probably my favorite army of the two that I own (10k of High Elves). I really enjoy the new Army Book. It really gives back a lot of what the last one took away. Being able to go mono god and not feel hamstrung is really nice to have back.

I enjoy building models, so building these have been really fun. Its also finally given me direction to go in for the army. They've kind of fallen to the wayside in the past year or more due to indecision...

I should have an army shot here soon. I had to dig out the box the troops were in out of the closet. I'm also finalizing ideas for color schemes, and I hope to have the new models primed soon and start painting. I think this will be the year I actually end up with painted armies (out of 21 years of playing GW games! lol)!

04-15-2013, 05:49 AM
I say that every year, it never happens...
the new book is awesome, though it did remove the two magic items I always took, axe of khorne and chaos runeshield which greatly annoyed me. Won three and lost two so far, all against dwarfs, the game mainly comes down to how he rolls for his warmachines, but throwing marauder horsemen in his face turn one is certainly distracting. they are a great set of models now, always been a converters army, but now easier than ever to achieve what you want.

04-15-2013, 02:29 PM
I say that every year, it never happens...
the new book is awesome, though it did remove the two magic items I always took, axe of khorne and chaos runeshield which greatly annoyed me. Won three and lost two so far, all against dwarfs, the game mainly comes down to how he rolls for his warmachines, but throwing marauder horsemen in his face turn one is certainly distracting. they are a great set of models now, always been a converters army, but now easier than ever to achieve what you want.

Yes, as a converters aarmy its wonderful. I love all the little bits you can add to customize and make them your own. IT's one of the reasons I like Warriors so much.

Dwarfs or Empire Gunlines are our biggest challenge. But with Marauder Horsemen and Warhounds with Vanguard, it's not to hard to tie up war machines now. Of course, landing a Chimera on their cannons first turn is fun too! omnomnom!

I'm actually glad a lot of the magic items are gone now... Infernal Puppet spam just got old... I like the mutations and powers list a lot better. It allows for a wider variety than before IMHO. And with a little less cheese.

04-15-2013, 02:37 PM
yeah, wulfrik the wanderer in a unit of marauders is handy too, my opponent now deploys his whole army on the board edge with units close enough to stop me bringing them on behind his lines. The items change is the one thing I dislike about this edition, I celebrated when we moved from the 5th edition magic system where everyone took the same few items to unique items, now it is sliding the other way again, and the common items are solid, but unimaginative by and large, +1/2/3 attacks or strength etc.

04-15-2013, 05:55 PM
yeah, wulfrik the wanderer in a unit of marauders is handy too, my opponent now deploys his whole army on the board edge with units close enough to stop me bringing them on behind his lines. The items change is the one thing I dislike about this edition, I celebrated when we moved from the 5th edition magic system where everyone took the same few items to unique items, now it is sliding the other way again, and the common items are solid, but unimaginative by and large, +1/2/3 attacks or strength etc.

I've never been fond of named characters... I prefer to use the generic lords and customize them myself. They become me in the game, makes it more of an attachment to the army. I can definitely see the benefits of Wulfrik however. his ability is beastly. I can understand the items issue. There does seem to be the move away from special items like in 7th. 7th still had the problem of people only taking certain items (Puppet, Black Mace) as well... Overall though, 8th edition has been my favorite since 3e...

04-16-2013, 12:24 AM
New Army shots. This is everything I have assembled for Warriors of Chaos, and will be mostly used for my 3000 point army.

Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch
Exalted Hero Battle Standard Bearer
Lord on Manticore
Knights w/Ensorcelled Weapons and FC x10
Marauders w/HW, Shield and FC x30
Marauders w/HW, Shield and FC x30
Warriors w/HW, Shield and FC x18
Warriors w/HW, Shield and FC x18
Warriors w/Halberd, Shield and FC x18
Warhounds x20
Spawn x2

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0446_zpsfd601663.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0446_zpsfd601663.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0447_zps95685f5a.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0447_zps95685f5a.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0448_zps68b5a7b5.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0448_zps68b5a7b5.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0450_zps8a457f58.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/IMG_0450_zps8a457f58.jpg.html)

04-16-2013, 12:34 AM
Ignore the green and the red... That was back when I was confused... (Nurgle and Khorne). These fellows will be painted in nice shades of blues, and gold, and pinks, and yellows, and silvers. Proper Tzeentchian colors.

Also imagine the Knights and Warriors with the Blasted Standard icons from GW. They are in route, I should have them Thursday or Friday.

I've also got another 10 Knights that I could assemble, 5 Marauder Horsemen to assemble, 2 units of 6 Chaos Ogres to finish converting...

and I'd love to get 2 of the new chariots.

And some more Warhounds...

And some of the new Dragon Ogres...

04-16-2013, 02:55 AM
the new dragon ogres are amazing, nearly the size of the shaggoth. I need to get a couple of chariots so I can do my cavalry army, I have three units of five marauder horsemen, ten knights, eight knights with juggernaut, dragon ogres, just need the chariots to fill my core requirement. and some skullcrushers.

04-16-2013, 03:07 AM
the new dragon ogres are amazing, nearly the size of the shaggoth. I need to get a couple of chariots so I can do my cavalry army, I have three units of five marauder horsemen, ten knights, eight knights with juggernaut, dragon ogres, just need the chariots to fill my core requirement. and some skullcrushers.

Yeah, I got to see the Dragon Ogres in person a while ago. Really nice kits! I want 6...

My dream is that with Wave 2 or 3, we would get a multi-model Plastic Kit. This Kit would be able to make either a Shaggoth or Kholek...

One can dream...

When the Skullcrushers came out, I kind of bought 6 of them... This was before I decided to switch to Tzeentch... Great kits, lots of character! I just don't know what I am going to ever do with them now...

Is your Cavalry army all Khorne? You should probably get some Warhounds, if for nothing else, drops.

04-16-2013, 03:13 AM
give them to me, obviously...

yeah all khorne, masses of attacks. my knights all have bloodletter swords as their ensorcelled weapons too. I have ten warhounds but not actually used them yet, the marauder horsemen have provided enough distraction thus far.

04-16-2013, 03:37 AM
give them to me, obviously...

yeah all khorne, masses of attacks. my knights all have bloodletter swords as their ensorcelled weapons too. I have ten warhounds but not actually used them yet, the marauder horsemen have provided enough distraction thus far.

Warhounds are great to have so you aren't stuck fully deployed and your opponent still has 50% of his army to deploy... 2 units of 5 is good, give them Vanguard, and they are even better.

Bloodletter weapons for your Knights is an awesome idea!

04-16-2013, 03:38 AM
yeah I keep meaning to squeeze them in somewhere...

are your blood crushers built?

04-16-2013, 03:46 AM
yeah I keep meaning to squeeze them in somewhere...

are your blood crushers built?

You mean Skullcrushers? Not fully. I built the Juggs but have not assembled the riders, those are still on sprue. I am pretty meticulous in my building, so the Juggs are expertly assembled. No magnets or anything, but I take great care in putting them together, filling seams and such.

04-16-2013, 03:47 AM
yeah, them as well :P

if you decide to sell them let me know

04-16-2013, 04:01 AM
yeah, them as well :P

if you decide to sell them let me know

Hmmm... let me dig them out of the box I have them in and see. I've not done anything with them since I got them... I might be interested in selling them. I'll let you know.

04-16-2013, 08:15 PM
SO, I had an extra plastic Sorcerer body left over.

and some Pink Horror arms...

I've kind of thrown this together... But I am not certain if I like it. I could use some comments and criticisms, and some advice.

What do you think?

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0456_zps95fbeaca.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0456_zps95fbeaca.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0454_zpscaca6fea.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0454_zpscaca6fea.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0455_zps69ba10a6.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0455_zps69ba10a6.jpg.html)

04-17-2013, 02:59 AM
Loving this thread... I've just started WOC myself so it's giving me some inspiration.
As for the sorcerer, the head is key to the look I think. What you thinking head wise?

04-17-2013, 03:36 AM
I couldn't sleep... This was bugging me and I couldn't leave it unfinished...

Simple is ALWAYS better. Now this version I like!

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0462_zps23939713.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0462_zps23939713.jpg.html)http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0458_zpsbc962568.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0458_zpsbc962568.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0459_zpsc4a18866.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0459_zpsc4a18866.jpg.html)http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0463_zpsf4fba177.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Sorcerers/IMG_0463_zpsf4fba177.jpg.html)

I still need to wrap the wire armature in Greenstuff to complete the tentacle. This is the final form he will be.

Loving this thread... I've just started WOC myself so it's giving me some inspiration.
As for the sorcerer, the head is key to the look I think. What you thinking head wise?

WoC is great because it gives you the freedom to convert to your hearts desire. A little or a lot, it still is uniquely your own.

04-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Been sick lately, so not much accomplished.

Dedication begins however
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Warriors/IMG_0690_zps204eb001.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Chaos%20Warriors/IMG_0690_zps204eb001.jpg.html)

06-26-2013, 05:49 PM
I kind of did this on Saturday. This is Okbok B'gok, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

My GS skills aren't very good... I might need to do something different with its neck...

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0867_zps155a55d6.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0867_zps155a55d6.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0869_zps4078144a.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0869_zps4078144a.jpg.html)http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0868_zpsc67b4835.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0868_zpsc67b4835.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0866_zps535955b6.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0866_zps535955b6.jpg.html)

06-26-2013, 05:51 PM
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0859_zpsb806f0d5.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/Warriors%20of%20Chaos%20Army/Prince%20of%20Tzeentch/IMG_0859_zpsb806f0d5.jpg.html)

06-27-2013, 03:03 AM
very nice. the avian head works really nicely. Don't worry too much about the neck, it's a good start giving decent bulk and looking very strong. What I'd do is keep it and do another thin layer of GS over the top to add texture. If you can, use a sculpting tool to do a herring-bone pattern to look like oversized, fleshy feathers. just make sure the points of the V's are going toward the head and it should look fine.

07-28-2014, 09:06 PM
Wasn't happy with the old prince

So I made a new one.


He still needs a bit of Greenstuff.

Horowitz Tal
07-30-2014, 02:46 PM
all looks great! say, where are the books bits from?
I wish I had the time to work on my Chaos army... let alone make an army update blog on it =\

07-30-2014, 03:29 PM
all looks great! say, where are the books bits from?

The book bit is from either the High Elf Mage kit or the one from the High Elf Dragon. I cant remember which I used. I carefully cut away his hand and fingers and then sculpted a tentacle hand and arm. While the picture doesn't show the arm, I have finished the greenstuff on that Sorcerer. I just never got around to taking a pic after the fact. I'll try and take one tonight.

02-19-2015, 01:53 PM
this happened


Skin tone is done. I plan to finish the body before I go back to head/wings.


03-06-2015, 08:05 AM
A little more progress, just more colors blocked in. Nothing finalized.


What colors should the bandings on his arms be? I've got them painted black on one arm so far to base for metallics, I was planning on Silver, but should it be gold? I don't want the gold to be too much, more subtle. Thoughts?


I'm thinking the blade will be a very dark blackish purple with the arcane blue accents

I could really use some input, thanks.

03-06-2015, 11:36 AM
interesting idea. personally I think it really needs some feathers extending from the head back to the wings to blend it a bit more, the head looks a bit 'stuck on' as it is now. good paint job though.

03-09-2015, 06:55 AM
interesting idea. personally I think it really needs some feathers extending from the head back to the wings to blend it a bit more, the head looks a bit 'stuck on' as it is now. good paint job though.

Sadly, my lack of skill with Greenstuff means that wasn't going to happen without looking worse than it does now. I took the lesser of two evils...

I could still use some input on color choices. Thoughts anyone?

03-09-2015, 03:54 PM
Went gold on the arm bands


Still needs to be cleaned up and highlighted. I am far from done sadly