View Full Version : New Blog, with prizes

07-20-2012, 11:23 AM
Hi Guys
this is kind of a shameless promotion of a hobby blog I am slowly putting together. Its not really a shameless advertisement of my own work, I am planning it to be a showcase of models not just from myself but from other artists and hobbyists around the www. I am also going to use it as a resource for people to find links to websites I have found helpful in gaining experience and new techniques in the creative side of our hobby. I plan to review paints, brushes, airbrushes and compressors, glues etc. If we use it I will be reviewing it.
So feel free to drop by the blog, its still in its very early infancy but I have hopes for it and I would like to think it could also give something back to the hobbyists that have helped me so much and others too.

As the title says I will also be holding competitions with proper prizes which will be free to enter etc etc, Its early days but I would like to think that some of you guys would like to take a look and if you wish to send some pics of your models, I will only be too happy to showcase them on the blog.

This is a none profit making venture, so for now no adverts, just links to pages and videos I have found helpful over the last 8 years I have been in the hobby. Of course Bols is at the top :)

I hope I haven't broken any forum rules with this post but anyone who would like to discuss this in person with me that would be just fine.

email is [email protected]

thanks for taking the time to read this folks.