View Full Version : Path of the Renegade (no spoilers)

Archon Charybdis
07-20-2012, 10:04 AM
Just finished the new Dark Eldar book by Andy Chambers, and I was thoroughly pleased. I thought it was a very well thought out view of Commorrite society, and does a good job maintaining a number engaging protagonists despite them all being "bad guys". It's loaded with references to fluff and wargear from the codex like Vect's coup, the glass plague, and a scene where a Haemonculus browses his coven's secret repository of Arcane Wargear options. It even includes a quip I choose to interpret as the author's personal displeasure that Terrofexes/Horrorfexes were completely changed in the codex (I miss my awesome pinning weapons).As an Eldar/DE player I found plenty of stuff to geek out over in seeing the background that I already love given very masterful life in the book.

Overall I found the plot very engaging though there were a few points (particularly when time zips forward between chapters and switches characters) that felt a little disjointed. Truthfully my complaint here is that I found most of the characters and their stories interesting enough that I was disappointed the book wasn't longer to showcase each of them further.

If you're an Eldar or DE player, I think it's a must read, but even if you've only got a passing interest I think it's a good enough book it stands on it's own merits (unlike say Gav Thorpe's Eldar books).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-20-2012, 10:06 AM
Gav Thorpe's Eldar series is awesome! :(

07-20-2012, 10:09 AM
Agree with TDA.

But I agree Path of the Renegade was great as well, I'm not sure the reference to the terrorfex was out of frustration though, if anything it was providing a fluffy justification for their loss. Specifically that wraithbone was becoming so rare and valuable it was impossible to get hold of the things.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-20-2012, 10:11 AM
And now I need to read Renegade, lovely.

Archon Charybdis
07-20-2012, 10:21 AM
Agree with TDA.

But I agree Path of the Renegade was great as well, I'm not sure the reference to the terrorfex was out of frustration though, if anything it was providing a fluffy justification for their loss. Specifically that wraithbone was becoming so rare and valuable it was impossible to get hold of the things.

Not that I think the Eldar novels are particularly bad, but there's a lot of really obnoxious wangst going on with Korlandril, Thirianna, and Aradryan. I enjoyed them for their depiction of life on a Craftworld and the Path, but I like them more as a fluff resource, not because I find the story particularly good. Thorpe does write good action scenes though.

As far as the Terrorfex, you may be right, but either way I enjoyed what seemed to be a sort of inside acknowledgement from one gamer to another that Horrorfexes used to be everywhere, and now you hardly ever see them.

07-21-2012, 03:05 PM
.....Crapo. now I need to read Renegade too. And I was pointedly trying to avoid it as I got fed up with Seer and Warrior. Both books I did not like.

07-21-2012, 03:13 PM
So far I found Renegade to be a faster flowing book to that of Warrior and Seer, however of the three I think I enjoyed Seer more. The whole reason I started an Eldar army yanks back was due to the Farseers and the fact that they were just so interesting characterwise.

07-23-2012, 08:56 AM
Maybe I will give Renegade a shot then, because that is what killed it for me in Seer and Warrior: the pace was just waaaaay to slow, and the characters seemed to act like 10 year old children the whole time.

**********************************SPOILERS******** *********************************

I did however like that both books seem to be leading to some climactic battle on the craftworld thanks to the Wanderer/Ranger guy attacking human ships. I was hoping that would come to a head in Renegade (that the Ranger guy fell in with the Dark Eldar, but it does not sound that way now.)

I was also half hoping to learn how the flying F a Dark Eldar was accepted into the Striking Scorpion cult in Warrior. That part made no sense to me.

Archon Charybdis
07-23-2012, 10:28 AM
Path of the Renegade is completely separate from the Gav Thorpe books, they seem to have just borrowed the naming convention for advertising's sake. Truthfully the name doesn't really make sense, because the "renegade" in question--while an interesting character-- has only a couple chapters where he is the focus.

I fully expect that the next DE book, Path of the Incubus, will shed some light on the Scorpion/Incubus related background, and I could certainly see it making mention the character from PoW. Renegade also gives us a little hint of some enmity between Arhra and the Exodites.

08-13-2012, 10:28 PM
I was also half hoping to learn how the flying F a Dark Eldar was accepted into the Striking Scorpion cult in Warrior. That part made no sense to me.

Well one thing to consider is that there are several indications in the fluff that the first Striking Scorpion Phoenix Lord left the Craftworlds to found the Incubi (described also in Aradyan's thought process when he first encounters incubi in Outcast). Another consideration is that Khaine really does not care where you came from so long as you are eldar and like to kill things.

Aspect warrior temples are, by description, very similar to ancient martial arts dojos where the principal philosophy was that all those who proved worthy would be trained. Background and personal motivations are secondary.

08-14-2012, 09:45 PM
Well one thing to consider is that there are several indications in the fluff that the first Striking Scorpion Phoenix Lord left the Craftworlds to found the Incubi (described also in Aradyan's thought process when he first encounters incubi in Outcast). Another consideration is that Khaine really does not care where you came from so long as you are eldar and like to kill things.

Aspect warrior temples are, by description, very similar to ancient martial arts dojos where the principal philosophy was that all those who proved worthy would be trained. Background and personal motivations are secondary.

I guess I need a refresh on who the Incubi are.
And when did Phoenix Lord wander off to create them? Would they not already be part of the Eldar who splintered off at the birth of Slaanesh?

08-15-2012, 09:26 AM
Ahara father of the scorpions the first of the scorpions who trained under Asurman, fell to his blood lust and dark temperment. It is hinted or blatantly put, that Ahara went to the dark city and founded the Incubi shrine.

08-15-2012, 09:34 AM
Karandaras, one of the first Exarches rose up in "revolt" to put his former master down, cast him out, and reformed the scorpions as they are now

08-15-2012, 11:36 AM
Oh this is slightly unrelated, but I could not help but smile at the scene in Seer when the wraithguard and wraithlords are awoken. Particularly the part where the wraithlords run off because they are prefectly self aware and do not need seers to guide them. No more wraithsight for wraithlords coming up? =P

08-15-2012, 10:16 PM
That would be nice but I wonder if it was just because they were on a Craftworld and able to tap into its Infinity circuit to figure out what was going on.