View Full Version : Path of the Incubus Cover Art from BL

07-20-2012, 09:55 AM
Please Sir, can I have some Morr?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-20-2012, 09:56 AM
HO-LY GODS. That looks so tasty it's unreal! OM NOM NOM.

Archon Charybdis
07-20-2012, 10:07 AM
Just finished Path of the Renegade and I cannot freaking wait. I'm really eager to find out more about the inner workings of the Incubi and the role of Arhra. Morr is a badass among badasses, and was an infinitely more interesting character than Kraillach.

07-20-2012, 10:55 AM
I'm looking forward to this book as well.

The thing I didn't like about the previous book, Path of the Renegade, was that it seemed to spread things out quite a bit and explain every little aspect of whatever was in the actual Codex. You can go through the book and have your Dark Eldar Codex handy and check off pretty much every unit in there as you read through, and it made the overall writing of the book seem thin and spread out. I'm hoping that, now that they did that in the first, they'll forego that style in the new one.

07-20-2012, 12:29 PM
Somewhat off-topic (more parallel-topic): can't wait for the 3rd point of view of Gav Thorpe's Path series with Path of the Outcast. Here's to hoping for good a good conclusion to his wonderful story.

Andy's writing style in Path of the Renegade wasn't quite as smooth as Gav's is, but neither are terrible. I'd wager that Andy's writing style will have improved in Path of the Incubus.

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
07-20-2012, 02:30 PM
now i know what to paint my incubi

07-20-2012, 03:56 PM
now i know what to paint my incubi

The standard Dark Eldar scheme?

07-20-2012, 05:31 PM
Does BL do any posters? Because that would be a sweet one.

07-21-2012, 02:21 AM
They do (http://www.blacklibrary.com/Home/Search-Results.html?filter_type=6&filter_Action=0&filter_name=SearchTerm&submit=GO&filter_value=poster), but not necessarily for every book.

They didn't do one for Path of the Renegade, but they did do a limited edition A3 print of it for Games Day UK. Maybe they'll do the same for Path of the Incubus?

07-21-2012, 02:21 AM
Going off on a tangent, James Swallow's Blood Angel HH Fear to Tread is up for preorder

07-21-2012, 02:26 AM
As is Path of the Outcast.

07-21-2012, 03:45 AM
My sleep deprived brain has this image etched onto it now. Must not start a DE army just because of an awesome awesome awesome picture...

07-21-2012, 07:06 AM
I'm looking forward to this book as well.

The thing I didn't like about the previous book, Path of the Renegade, was that it seemed to spread things out quite a bit and explain every little aspect of whatever was in the actual Codex. You can go through the book and have your Dark Eldar Codex handy and check off pretty much every unit in there as you read through, and it made the overall writing of the book seem thin and spread out. I'm hoping that, now that they did that in the first, they'll forego that style in the new one.

Although sometimes it annoyed me just how completely wrong he was about some things.

Scourges, for example, he treated as just Kabalites who Archons had the Haemonculi give wings so they would be flying warriors, and they don't care at all if they die and insist that they do their best to please them. That's completely different to what the codex says they are, they're meant to be above pretty much everyone, extremely arrogant and causing the death of one warrants hunting and death.

Also, the Haemonculi were pathetic, subservient things rather than, like the Scourges, aloof and important.

Morr was immense though, and I have an extreme love for Incubi, so I can't wait for this one. The art is awesome and given how much better Path of the Renegade got once the book had kicked off and he seemed to find his rhythm, this book promises to be glorious.

Mr Mystery
07-21-2012, 11:42 AM
You know, I could make a badass LRP Klaive. Really quite straight forward, and a good weapon to use!