View Full Version : Ork Stikk bommas....

07-20-2012, 08:06 AM
Anyone has some of this models? i have on little squad of 10...they had a codex entry in the last codex but now they are useless.

Do you think, that, they deserve a WD new entry? would be cool to have a "grenadier" squad doing something special whit diferent nades... May be basic orks that can trow demolition charges, incindary nades and such...infiltrators may be? or can be freely attached to squads providing some special grenade support...

what do you think?

07-20-2012, 12:42 PM
Orks used to have a seperate codex entry in the 3rd ed codex for stikkbombaz. Now regular boys can be upgraded to have stikkbombz. Simple and better if I do say so.