View Full Version : ASSAULT 6th

07-20-2012, 01:18 AM
So my GK charge into a groupe if Niids, all have Halberds and hit on 6, between my clensing flame and attacks I take out the front line and everything 2 1/2 inches away. The Nids are hitting on 3, is there any movement after I take out the front line and 2 inched back before they assault me? If they are all out of range do they get any attacks?
The nid player said they rush in on the assault sub phase and get theyre attacks

07-20-2012, 01:31 AM
Consider when the pile would occur in in each fight subphase.
That should resolve the issue as to whether or not the 'nids get their attacks.

07-20-2012, 01:42 AM
Simply said, yes.
In this edition (as i understand it), pile in works differently. First you make your attack and strike anything in reach with ini6. THEN he piles in 3" at ini4 with everything that's left and strikes back.

07-20-2012, 03:42 AM
As the above post says each initiative step piles in 3 inches, as the 2nd row are 2 1/2" away then they get their pile in and attacks.