View Full Version : Imperial Air Defense

velox atrum
07-18-2012, 02:02 PM
Since Air Defense will be a major part of some games I have been looking at some of the choices.

Imperial Guard Armored Battle Group. *this can be allied as guard or allied TO a guard army as Battle Brothers as per Faq I will use this much like an Air Defense Battalion.

Hydra is of course obvious give it ace gunner for more punch sadly no Interceptor sort of a 1 trick pony,

Chimera's Give them Ace Gunner (this is a theme) as a Tipple A platform you get as follows

Multi Laser - 42.13% hit with Str 7
Heavy Stubber 42.13% of a hit with Str 5
Heavy Bolter (when in arc) 76.4 of a hit with str 6

Cost 75 points same as the Basic Hydra but can be used for Transport too

Leman Russ Exterminator when given Ace Gunner becomes a decent if not great AD platform that can also glance things to death pretty well.

Leman Russ Vanquisher - True this is a armor killer but since it has the option for Co-Axial Heavy stubber which as per rule will allow 3 shots BEFORE main gun fires and if ANY of them hit makes the main gun Twin Linked not perfect but still ok. with Ace Gunner +1 to Penetration, The ods are a chance (42.13% of being twinlink then IF twinlinked 30.56 of hitting but if it hits Str 9 +2d6 AP 2 (min of 11) Strange but possibly effective.

Leman Russ Punisher, Short range but Lots of shots any skimmer in range has issues, add 3 Heavy Bolters and heavy stubber thats max 32 shots.. but av 12 is beyond this platform. (not in Armor Battle Group list so No +1 for Armor Pen..drat!)

Heavy Wpn Sqd + officers with Bring it Down comes to mind, Auto Cannon or ML both good prob lean to Auto Cannon unless going agains MEQ's (intrestingly this may be better than a DevSqd in same role)

For Marines the Hyperios at 115 has Skyfire & Interceptor, and is twinlinked . good for AD and not bad as a Anti-Tank unit.

Dev Squad 4x M.Lanucher or HBolter the first being harder hitters agaisnt "flyers" while the later being good against lighter skimmers (glances kill)

Pred w/ twin las Cannon + HB's good if not great but better Vehicle Killer than the Auto Cannon.

Razor Back's much like the Chimera these can be pressed into servics as AD platforms

Twin Link HB's good aginst light skimmers but AV 12 is beyond them

Twin Link A-Cannon. Lots of shots Rending but Range 24 makes this the M-163 of the game

Las/Plas - Still the best gun suite but only so so in AD mode except up close where the Plasma can hit, beware of Gets Hot too. (the tiwnlink helps this a lot)

Dreadnaught as dedicated AD- 2 twinlink Auto Cannon or 1 las and 1 autocannon . Or if you want layered defense Twin Link Autocannon + AS-Cannon

07-29-2012, 12:25 PM
best choice i have found so far for my dark angels (barring my fortress of redemption witch i am waiting to finish so i can give that a try too ;) ) is the bastion with the quad cannon and a 10 man dev sqd with missal launchers split them into combat sqds putting the 4 hvy wepons up top with the sgt running the gun, put the 5 with the bolters inside running the hvy bolters the quad gun will most likely hit the flyer coming off of reserve then you get to shoot the 4 flack missals at it in your shooting phase. plus if you kill it with the quad gun that is just getting to shoot at another tgt when the time comes.

07-29-2012, 12:45 PM
technically, the Flakk Missile hasn't been released.
Just like the Salvo guns.

07-29-2012, 01:40 PM
no if you look in the 6th ed rule book the rules for them and the upgrade are in there

07-29-2012, 02:27 PM
Flakk missiles are not a default for any current missile launcher variant. The entry in the rulebook explicitly says "some" not "all." Current missile launchers are still restricted to frag and krak missiles, as per their codex entries.

07-29-2012, 02:34 PM
if you go to the back of the 6th ed rule book to the ref pages and look under sm weapons it lists the missile launcher it lists 3 types of rounds for it frag krack and flakk. since that is the update for the wepons im taking it that a sm missile launcher (not the typhone missile launcher or the cyclone missile launcher) auto comes with flakk

07-29-2012, 11:11 PM
if you go to the back of the 6th ed rule book to the ref pages and look under sm weapons it lists the missile launcher it lists 3 types of rounds for it frag krack and flakk. since that is the update for the wepons im taking it that a sm missile launcher (not the typhone missile launcher or the cyclone missile launcher) auto comes with flakk

You're playing it wrong then. Nowhere does it say to use the REFERENCE section in the back of the book for updated weapon stats. The only part of that you use is the update for unit types and hull points because the FAQs tell you to look there. Flakk missiles are something that will be implemented into the game later, probably in the CSM codex.

As for the original question, why not use fliers of your own as air defense? I find the best solution is to ally in a Vendetta or two (plus the guard codex is chock-full of other fun toys to fill out your ally slots). There ain't a flier in the game that can stand up to 3 TL Lascannons for long.

07-29-2012, 11:14 PM
if you go to the back of the 6th ed rule book to the ref pages and look under sm weapons it lists the missile launcher it lists 3 types of rounds for it frag krack and flakk. since that is the update for the wepons im taking it that a sm missile launcher (not the typhone missile launcher or the cyclone missile launcher) auto comes with flakk

yeah, as far as we are concerned, missile launchers only carry Frag and Krak.

There are other weapons that exist in the rulebook, but aren't 'available' yet. So, if you do use Flakk, that's just between you n' who you are playing with.

07-30-2012, 03:14 AM
You're playing it wrong then. Nowhere does it say to use the REFERENCE section in the back of the book for updated weapon stats..

ok so im saposta refer to the new rule book for rules on close combat weapons but not ranged weapons? also if you read the faq it says in there that the current codex is out of date and to refer to the new rule book. but thanks for the advice

Diagnosis Ninja
07-30-2012, 03:45 AM
People seem to be missing the section where it says that "Flakk Missiles are an upgrade". You all seem to know the page well enough to know where the table is, so I don't need to reference it. Check the paragraph for the Missile Launchers, and you'll realise they aren't automatic.

07-30-2012, 03:58 AM
ok that i can see but i will ask what page of the rule book are we talking about with the missile launcher paragraph thanks

Diagnosis Ninja
07-30-2012, 04:15 AM
Don't have the book on me, but if you check the armoury section where it describes Ranged Weapons, it's there under Missile Launcher. There's a paragraph of description, saying that you can choose which mode to fire; That Flakk Missiles are an upgrade; and the three weapon profiles. It can only be somewhere around page 60-70 if I'm remembering correctly.

07-30-2012, 03:41 PM