View Full Version : Liquid green stuff question

07-18-2012, 01:51 AM
Could liquid green stuff be used to de-chapter-fy space marines?

Say I wanted to cover up all the sculped blood drops on some blood angels...

Is that sort of thing feezible?

07-18-2012, 02:02 AM
you would be better with a file to start with to remoe them and then smoothing over with liquid greenstuff if needed. just to cover them would leave giant bumps on models.

07-18-2012, 10:19 AM

Liquid Green Stuff is basically super-thick paint. If you cover your blood drops with it, you'll just look like you gunked up your model with extra thick paint. Which you will have done. LGS is only really of any use filling holes (and I'm still not entirely sold on it for that purpose either. I prefer Milliput.)

I suggest using a craft knife rather than a file (watch your fingers!) Use only the tip (which should be a razor-sharp point, not a nicked-off angular bit), and carefully slice them off. If metail, then use a file. If you take your time and do it slowly, it should be fine.