View Full Version : Psychosplodge's Avatar

07-17-2012, 04:24 PM
So as a tongue-in-cheek goof my long-haired 17 year old son starts watching My Little Pony with my wife. The next night at dinner they are talking about which pony is their favorite. My son likes Rarity while my wife leans towards Pinky Pie. I'm feeling left out of the fun so I watch three episodes on Netflix. Not as bad as I expected. Far better than He-Man for example. In any event after watching I decided Fluttershy was my favorite. She is an interesting combination of sweet naivety mixed with unconscious fortitude =my kind of gal (filly).

It wasn't until I logged on to BOLs a few days later when I recognized Psychosplodge's avatar.

Needless to say, I think Mr. P. Splodge should be congratulated on his astute sense of taste and judgement. Well played, sir.

07-18-2012, 01:35 AM
*Takes a bow*

Thanks, I do agree with you, Fluttershy is clearly the thinking man's pony.

Also I'd like to take this moment to plug my new Tumblr, which is just going to be full of random things off the interwebz. (http://randomyrandomthings.tumblr.com/)