View Full Version : Grey Knights and Tau

07-17-2012, 11:27 AM
Think it could work??? The mass part of the army would be GK for sure 1427 pts to be exact leaving 423 in Tau. I have a list set but I want some opinions on if you think it could work or not between the 2 factions. Granted they don't get Brothers in Arms.....but hey, I can live with that.

If I get enough feedback, I'll post the possible list and explain the what, where and why's.


Just give me some love and pat me on the back and send me to the psych ward:p

07-17-2012, 11:42 AM
Well, the whole purpose of using allies is either to have fun with other models or filling up gaps in your army composition and willing to sacrifice the pts in an already pretty strong army. The biggest advantage Tau could give you I think is the ranged fire power they can provide. With basically everything at S5+, you can save your psy ammo points and put them somewhere else. Fluff wise, I would go IG. Personally, do you really need an ally with GK other then buying different models? It is a good way to get termis with SS but Tau don't have any :)

07-17-2012, 12:00 PM
Can GKs ally with Tau?

I didn't realize the could.

Honestly, I dont Tau and GK would work that well together, either. Like Xilton said, you're trying to make up for deficiencies, and I dont know Tau is the best served to do that for GKs.

Besides, fluff wise it doesn't make any sense. Just sayin ;)

That is, unless you go with an Inquisition army plus Tau. That makes a lot of sense, actually.

07-17-2012, 12:34 PM
Yea, GK are neutral with Tau

07-17-2012, 12:36 PM
oh and this would be for non tourny play........more fo fun games. Lets me have some GK and have some Tau.

07-17-2012, 12:45 PM
I prefer allies staying in fun games also. The more on the table, the merrier :)

07-17-2012, 12:51 PM
GKs can't ally with 'nidz, CSM, or Daemons, are desperate allies with DE and Orks, but everyone else is allies of convenience.

The big thing that Tau bring that GKs don't have is high AP shooting. GKs can already spam medium-high strength anti-tank and anti-infantry, but they have very little melta/plasma/lascannon type weapons. Tau can bring that with plasma on Crisis Suits, Broadsides, etc. And Firewarriors can be a cheap scoring unit hiding in cover that can still shoot pretty well.

You have to start with an HQ and a couple of bodyguard suits and a small squad of firewarriors (no devilfish). Add in a Broadside or three, and then use the rest of your points on an Elite Crisis Suit unit. Max out plasma on the suits, and probably missile pods since you'll be leaving the close range stuff to the GKs themselves.

07-17-2012, 02:10 PM
ok.....here's the list...

Knights Side:1427 pts


Troops x2
Paladin w/ Banner/PsyCannon
4 Paladins with Habred

Heavy x 2
Dreadnaught w/ Twin Linked Attocannon/Search Light/PsyAmmo

Nemesis DreadKnight w/Peronal Teleporter/Psilencer/Psycannon/Daemonhammer

Tau 423 pts

Shas'el W/HW BF, HW MT, TA, TW BC
1 Bodyguard w/ TA/ TW BC

Troops x2
6 man FW Squads w/Photon Gernades

1 Suit Team Leader w/Bonding Knife, HW Blacksun filter, TW BC, TA
2 suit team members w/TW BC, TA

1850 on the nose.

I do have some ideas to improve on this. Thinking about taking the 3 man Elite for Tau and swapping out as this...

Shas'el W/, TA, TW BC, SI

Troops x2
6 man FW Squads w/Photon Gernades

1 Suit Team Leader w/Bonding Knife, HW Blacksun filter, TW PR, TA
2 suit team members w/TW PR, TA

422 pts on this

Total with Knights would be 1849

07-17-2012, 02:34 PM
I know this may seem off subject but I wouldn't use a dreadnought if he's your only vehicle on the board. He'll get eliminated very fast being the only one there and it is a ranged danger (48" S7) for the enemy. They will want it dead fast. A somewhat easy kill point.

The dreadknight. Why a hammer and psilencer? Psilencer are not very good at anything for the points cost and the hammer becomes pretty much useless since now the fists are S10. Not to mention losing an attack since the hammer is a specialized weapon not giving you that +1 for dual cc weapon. And at his cost, keep him simple. Psycannon, ok why not. I personally prefer a heavy incinerator.

For the pallies, based on your list, the banner and psycannon are on the same guy. Don't do that cause if you lose him, you lose 2 things instead of 1 which will hurt less your squad overall. I would also give one of them a sword. Not for wound allocation but it does give it a 4++ save in cc which can always be good and used for Look out sir saves on that hidden PF. I personally try to have a warding staff when the points allow it unless you don't plan on going in cc at all. With the ponts saved elsewhere, give then 2 psycannons instead of 1 and shoot the crap out of the units you'll be charging not to mention they are good at wrecking vehicles.

I see you have 2 troop choices for Tau. Do you have 2 because you want to or think you need 2 before using other slots? Just making sure you are aware that you can use only 1 if you want to making more points for something else. Never know.I can't think of anything else since I don't know the Tau very well

07-17-2012, 02:39 PM
Besides, fluff wise it doesn't make any sense. Just sayin ;).

The Grey Knights who only care about fighting Chaos and will gladly ally with xenos to do so? Not to mention that a lot of their weaponry is obviously based on xeno-tech? Oh and the fact that the Tau are (as far as anyone can tell) immune to the corrupting influence of Chaos and don't really bother with the warp or care about it at all?

I'd say the Grey Knights would be pretty fine allying with Tau.

07-17-2012, 02:40 PM
I know this may seem off subject but I wouldn't use a dreadnought if he's your only vehicle on the board. He'll get eliminated very fast being the only one there and it is a ranged danger (48" S7) for the enemy. They will want it dead fast. A somewhat easy kill point.

The dreadknight. Why a hammer and psilencer? Psilencer are not very good at anything for the points cost and the hammer becomes pretty much useless since now the fists are S10. Not to mention losing an attack since the hammer is a specialized weapon not giving you that +1 for dual cc weapon. And at his cost, keep him simple. Psycannon, ok why not. I personally prefer a heavy incinerator.

For the pallies, based on your list, the banner and psycannon are on the same guy. Don't do that cause if you lose him, you lose 2 things instead of 1 which will hurt less your squad overall. I would also give one of them a sword. Not for wound allocation but it does give it a 4++ save in cc which can always be good and used for Look out sir saves on that hidden PF. I personally try to have a warding staff when the points allow it unless you don't plan on going in cc at all. With the ponts saved elsewhere, give then 2 psycannons instead of 1 and shoot the crap out of the units you'll be charging not to mention they are good at wrecking vehicles.

I see you have 2 troop choices for Tau. Do you have 2 because you want to or think you need 2 before using other slots? Just making sure you are aware that you can use only 1 if you want to making more points for something else. Never know.I can't think of anything else since I don't know the Tau very well

Using Army Builder with it's current update is all. I have the rulebook for 6th at home so I can play with it more. Trust me, alot of tweaking will come after I get to go through it some more. I'll repost tonight.

07-17-2012, 03:01 PM
Using Army Builder with it's current update is all. I have the rulebook for 6th at home so I can play with it more. Trust me, alot of tweaking will come after I get to go through it some more. I'll repost tonight.

CJ....if you're going to use the Tau as fire support, why on earth would you have the GKs bring Psyiflemen and a Dreadknight?

You're much better served with some purifier squads or, if you're going to use Draigo, go all out and Draigo-wing it up more.

07-17-2012, 05:20 PM
Fluff wise the paring makes sense, as Tau will fight any enemy presented, and GK's will always choose to kill the daemons first, at least before killing any "witnesses"... ;)

07-18-2012, 08:55 AM
CJ....if you're going to use the Tau as fire support, why on earth would you have the GKs bring Psyiflemen and a Dreadknight?

You're much better served with some purifier squads or, if you're going to use Draigo, go all out and Draigo-wing it up more.

Working on that now as we speak bro....working on that now

07-18-2012, 12:59 PM
ok if I go pure GK list.....


Troops w/Psyammo x2:

1 Palli with Banner
1 Palli with Warding Staff
7 w/Halebreds

Purigation Squad w/psyammo
Justicar w/Teleporter Homer
4 Knights with Psycannons

TL Melta
Searchlight for those pesky night games
Psyammo OR Hurricane Bolters.....can't decide

1826 or 1836 in points with a 25 model count

Now I was also playing around dumping the Stormraven and adding another Purigation squad like above...


07-18-2012, 01:04 PM
Don't use psyammo with your purgation squad unless you use incinerators. Psyammo doesn't effect psycannons so that would be a waste of points. You should have a cople psycannons with your pallies also. I am unsure about the stormraven though. psyammo doesn't affect meltas. That would be another 20 pts you can put on a psycannon for the pallies.

07-18-2012, 01:30 PM
ok....so no psyammo at all cept on the pallies?

So dump the Raven...and go with what?

07-18-2012, 01:45 PM
You can still use the raven. it is a nice model but don't use psyammo unless you have the guns to use it. For example assault cannon and sponsons

07-18-2012, 01:52 PM
ok so dumping the Melta and added hurricane bolters...

07-18-2012, 01:55 PM
how much points without thr RV do you have left and what is you tactics foir the army. pure shooting?

07-18-2012, 02:14 PM
how much points without thr RV do you have left and what is you tactics foir the army. pure shooting?

1620 without the Stormraven.

And no.....a mix bag of both......solid mix were I can shoot the **** out of you and then be able to take the punishment and get in and wipe your *** off the board.

That's the goal. I figured the Purigation Squad with that many Psycannons can handle and tanks n stuff. Im more worried about Nightfighting rules. I want to be balanced for any scenerio

07-19-2012, 07:15 AM
Can't help w/ the GK side but as far as your tau allies go I'd like to see more shots coming from your crisis teams. TL Plasma is nice @ 12" and in but outside of that where crisis suits excel your getting one plasma shot per suit. That's not a lot. Maybe look into a plasma/missile pod combo it's another 2pts per model and 2 more shoots at 36" S7. It's a popular build among tau players and I think it would suit you well if you want to keep them in your backfield. GK up close and personal and Tau behind blasting units kind of thing. Also, your commander has tl burst cannons which are S5 3 shots twin linked. Not a lot of fire power there. If your looking for mass low strength shooting go w/ a 15 man kroot team or so 24" rapid fire very cheap but keep them in cover and they can infiltrate and outflank. Imo, the commander should be hitting hard and at distance. Just trying to help, best of luck!!