View Full Version : New rule - Conversions are illegal

07-17-2012, 10:36 AM
A new gem from Warseer:

the rules of 40K say it is a game played with Citadel models, and there are no rules that allow you to modify those models in any way.

So no, you are not allowed to pick and choose what weapons they have. You are supposed to look at the models to see what they have, not change the models so they have what you want them to have.
It came up in the context of power weapon choices, this person who shall remain nameless went on to argue that you could only assemble your models the way GW directed and that conversions are illegal as there is no rule allowing you to change a Citadel miniature.:rolleyes:

07-17-2012, 10:53 AM
... (looks at all my converted models) urk.... Nothing to see here, move along....

07-17-2012, 11:00 AM
Wtf? So this guy was saying that if your model had an option for power sword or power axe, you HAVE to use the one given by the model, even though the model only gives you one option and the rules give you two?

07-17-2012, 11:06 AM
EG this is why you shouldn't read that crap...

07-17-2012, 11:27 AM
this is for if a marine has a power weapon that is sword shaped...... its a power sword(derp). if your guy is carrying a lasgun its a LASGUN. not a storm bolter and a nemesis halbard stuck together.

if your marines all have maxmini heads thats fine its not changing wargear
if all your marines are using custom rifles from pig iron, but all identical rifles are bolters thats fine
if you marines are all using the same rifles but some are bolters and some are plasma guns... THATS NOT FINE.
if your marine has a big power weapon in your army list and its a power sword , next game it is STILL A POWER SWORD.

i think thats it. not the shock horror story of "oh mah gawd i spend $3000 on a custom marine army and each one has a IG head and its now illeagal aaaah i hate gw theis is dakka front page"

07-17-2012, 11:29 AM
So you aren't allowed to field the Doom of Malantai, the Parasite of Mortrex or a Harpy because they have no models.

As far as I'm concerned, that's a rule for conversions, not against conversions.

07-17-2012, 11:34 AM
So GW doesn't want you to field a fluffy Ork army, unless it's GW models only? :confused:

Chris Copeland
07-17-2012, 12:14 PM
I think Eldergal's point is that someone is being stupid on Warseer, not that this is an actual rule that anyone has to follow.

07-17-2012, 12:33 PM
Cant modify them in any war? Such as by applying glue or paint or filing off any flash?

I very much doubt this is real

07-17-2012, 12:53 PM
I would doubt this is true. GW has always encouraged gamers to be creative even to tolerate certain parts being non GW as long as it respected the model. I would find this a harsh rule for a company trying to keep it's #1 place (I think) in the model gaming world with growing games like warmachine/hordes and flames of war and what not.

07-17-2012, 12:57 PM
This is great, so someone says conversions are illegal, and you believe them?
I'll bite, and Snap Fire back with my vibrate or cannon!

07-17-2012, 01:19 PM
Wow. What an idiot. Did he even notice the massive section in the new book about converting models?! It's several pages long!

If that true (which it obviously isn't) that means I literally couldn't use a single model in my army apart from my old 1st edition Techpriest and Servitors. An uber, take-all-comers strikeforce there. :)

07-17-2012, 03:52 PM
This makes me really glad I havn't bought teh 6th ed book. Otherwise, I'd have to sell my entire army... Wow, dodged a bullet there.

Any one up for 3rd ed?

07-17-2012, 04:38 PM
just the other day some dude tried to tell my brother that he couldnt use his khorne berzerkers as regular CSM, and said that if he did he could only shoot with pistols and not bolters.... people like this ruin all the fun....

Black Hydra
07-17-2012, 05:35 PM
just the other day some dude tried to tell my brother that he couldnt use his khorne berzerkers as regular CSM, and said that if he did he could only shoot with pistols and not bolters.... people like this ruin all the fun....

Really? Are they that dense? Do what any proper Khorne follower would do and kick their ***. Well it'd be far worse if it were a proper khornite but that would land you in jail.

And you people saying EG thinks this "rule" is true really don't understand the purpose of the post right? It was to point out a fool, not because she agrees with him.

07-17-2012, 11:43 PM

And you people saying EG thinks this "rule" is true really don't understand the purpose of the post right? It was to point out a fool, not because she agrees with him.

I said it was a gem from Warseer, not the rulebook, and said the person who posted it shall remain nameless and used a rolling eyes smiley. What more do I need to do to indicate I think someone is a drooling simpleton spouting bollocks?:p

It isn't a real rule, it is some idiot on Warseer being extremely stupid and literal. I'm sorry I didn't make that more clear (didn't think I needed to, but even so). It isn't often that I come accross something so outrageously idiotic that I have to share it here, even on Warseer.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-17-2012, 11:51 PM
I hope that this isn't the case. I think it just means for things like Howling Banshees and others that have a certain type of Power Weapon on the model.

If it means all conversions then W40k is no better than Warmahordes...

07-17-2012, 11:59 PM
Yep, the issue came about because under the new rules there are several kinds of power weapon and to determine what your unit has you need to look at the model. Which means people can convert to have a certain type. I do not see any problem with it, each choice as advantages and disadvantages. Hurray, my hekatrices and succubi can strike at S4 AP2! But they sacrifice there exremely high Initiative to do it. So the problem is?

This person* is just taking an extremely absurd and literal stance on why it isn't allowed. Like most such over-literal interpretation it raises more problems than it solves. How do you judge what weapon a unit comes with it comes with a variety? What do you do in the case of teh official succubus model which has a whip? If I buy her a power weapon, what kind of weapon does a whop translate to? What about older Citadel models? I have over thirty Howling Banshees with power axes that are not converted. etc.

*By which I mean cretinous, literal minded drooling simpleton with the rational capacity of a black pudding.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 12:03 AM
Gods damn it, now I want Black Pudding...

I don't see a problem with it either, personally, if you can rationalise it with background it's kosher with me. :)
(I'm not a competitive, fun-draining, arsehole)

07-18-2012, 12:42 AM
A new gem from Warseer:

It came up in the context of power weapon choices, this person who shall remain nameless went on to argue that you could only assemble your models the way GW directed and that conversions are illegal as there is no rule allowing you to change a Citadel miniature.:rolleyes:

Thanks Eldargal. That's made my morning. Now I can go to work and ponder how many models I couldn't use against this person. Including my Wolf lord. Better rip the jump pack off my 3rd company Captain too.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 12:44 AM
Thanks Eldargal. That's made my morning. Now I can go to work and ponder how many models I couldn't use against this person. Including my Wolf lord. Better rip the jump pack off my 3rd company Captain too.

Goodbye Kor'sarro Khan. *throws model out of window, hears it smash to pieces* Well that's the end of that madness. :D

07-18-2012, 01:25 AM
I found these rules on the Warhammer World Invasion pack. Having recently turned up to a Throne of Skulls with a fully converted Death Guard Army, they were fine to let me play with both Second ed Plague Marines and with Marines that were converted from boxes of normal CSM. Oh and my raptors had MaxMini Jump Packs. It seems more like a small threat than a rule that they actually enforce.