View Full Version : assaulting from a storm eagle

07-17-2012, 05:05 AM
Hi guys, i'm thinking of getting a FW Storm eagle to load up ten Khorne terminators with Twin lightning claws as an asault unit but i'm not sure whether this is a viable option. The storm eagle has both the deep strike and the assault vehicle rules. The deep strike rule says i can't assault having carried out a deep strike but the assault rule says i can. which is it?

07-17-2012, 05:22 AM
Hello and welcome :)
I would say the storm eagle is worth it as it is a very pretty minature.
The Terminators would count as deep striking and so cannot assault that turn.
You can only assault on the same turn you deepstrike if you have special rules that let you, such as the Vanguard Vets or Stormboyz led by Zagstruk

Drakkan Vael
07-17-2012, 06:04 AM
Wolfshade is right.

The assault vehicle rules does not say that you are allowed to assault after deep striking. Only that you are allowed to assault out of the vehicle in general (which is normally not possible at all).

07-17-2012, 06:07 AM
Wolfshade is right.
Woohoo twice in one day!
It's all about the dissembark rule