View Full Version : Dissolving/cleaning encrusted super glue off of metal minis?

The Sovereign
07-16-2012, 09:55 PM
Anyone have any tips for getting encrusted super glue out of crevices in metal models? Is there a solution I can soak them in to dissolve the residue? I'm trying to get a closer fit between Be'lakor's sword hand and his wrist socket, but the joint has been super glued several times, and the residue makes it difficult to get a tight fit.


07-17-2012, 01:15 AM
Anyone have any tips for getting encrusted super glue out of crevices in metal models? Is there a solution I can soak them in to dissolve the residue? I'm trying to get a closer fit between Be'lakor's sword hand and his wrist socket, but the joint has been super glued several times, and the residue makes it difficult to get a tight fit.


This is something that I've done. Hope this helps.



07-17-2012, 01:58 AM
Anyone have any tips for getting encrusted super glue out of crevices in metal models? Is there a solution I can soak them in to dissolve the residue? I'm trying to get a closer fit between Be'lakor's sword hand and his wrist socket, but the joint has been super glued several times, and the residue makes it difficult to get a tight fit.


You can use some Super Glue Debonder ... it usually works.

For exemple, you can order it here : http://www.hobbylinc.com/ca_super_glue_debonder
or find it in some good DIY store ...

07-17-2012, 03:53 AM
I ususally chip it off carefully with a modelling knife. I can get most big bits off as a single or couple of large chunks. Sometimes I use a thin drill bit to get it off instead of a knife, depengin on how accessible the glue it. Eitherway, it is dangerous for your finger tips :P

07-17-2012, 05:11 AM

Try putting the mini in the freezer for an hour or two...the cold causes both the mini and the glue to contract, but by different amounts. This usually gives you a way to slip a knife blade in and pry off the glue.

You might also try fingernail polish remover...it contains acetone, which dissolves dried superglue. Just be sure to use a sealed container and work with plenty of ventilation.

Good luck,


The Sovereign
07-17-2012, 08:38 AM
Awesome! You guys must be super glue scientists! Thanks-a-millie!

07-17-2012, 08:56 AM
I prefer the freezer method myself, it's bad enough having to use foul smelling nail polish remover on my nails without slapping it on miniatures as well. Freezing has always been more effective for me as well.

Cpt Codpiece
07-17-2012, 09:08 AM
if you are in a hurry, and have some canned air (keyboard duster kinda stuff). then just turn the can upside down and spray the glue, that will quick freeze it...... and fingers if you dont use gloves..... real thermal (even normal thick wool type) gloves not rubber/latex style ones.

The Sovereign
07-17-2012, 11:25 AM
But will the freezer method cause the other, more satisfactorily assembled joints to fall apart as well?

Cpt Codpiece
07-17-2012, 12:27 PM
But will the freezer method cause the other, more satisfactorily assembled joints to fall apart as well?

most definitely.

your best bet would be to either cut the glue off and touch up with GS and maybe a pin, or try to file away the uneven surface of the joint to give a 'key' for the new glue, glues do not work on completly uneven surfaces as they rely on the grooves in the surface to create the bond, so try not to polish the joint rather scuff it clean.

re-read OP, be'lakor is a swine and that joint more so. i would go with the GS and pin once you have scraped away the old glue with a knife.