View Full Version : Nid Army

07-16-2012, 06:14 PM
I'm looking to put together a Nid army sometime towards the end of the year. The thing is though is that it's Nids and from what I have been hearing and reading it sounds like a bad idea. I don't know if it's because 6th just came out and the army book doesn't reflect the current edition or they are just going to suck period. I want to play a Close Combat based army just about everything having Toxin Sacks. I like the feel of Close Combat with some long range weaponry. Am I just kidding myself or can it work or am I just better off waiting till lord knows when a new codex comes out?

07-16-2012, 11:20 PM
Nid it up man. Ive only played 1game so far with my nids but a good fist full with my GK. with the new system i like them alot. Charges will be a little scary bug its totally workable. This speed, thats going to be our key. Tyranids have the ability to be a fully twin linked army. How cool is that

07-16-2012, 11:35 PM
Flyers are going to be a pain in the ***! It's not even funny, there's no way to effectively deal with them, as nids, and they will be everywhere...

But other than that, mawlocs are awesome, same with flying tyrants. But a lot of the, got hurt by 6th. Biggest is fleet means no running and charging bit re rolls on both. Ymgarl are boss, as always.

I plan on taking a lot of warriors(with alpha's) and shrikes. They can literally tear threw anything in cc with boneswords.

07-16-2012, 11:41 PM
So can Harpy's run air cover for a bug army with Vector strikes? Str 5 isn't great but at least it is automatic hits?

07-17-2012, 12:13 AM
I'd rather rely on flyrants than harpies, that extra point of strength will help when vector striking other flyers.

Also, since Codex>BRB, our Ymgarls are still totally awesome, as they can still assault from reserve and hit like two tons of bricks.

Swarmlord got a boost in the form of being able to take 4 BRB powers as well.

07-17-2012, 12:54 AM
yeah, id go swarmlord and a flyrant for your HQs, warriors and shrikes with boneswords, a mawloc or two and ymgarls who are a constant pain for my long fangs. go xenos!!! im still contemplating on what army i wanna do next but nids is near the top of the list!!

07-17-2012, 03:35 AM
Nids go a lot better with the last wave of releases. I think one of the biggest jokes with Nids is that we are 3 year out from the codex dropping and are still waiting for some of models to be released. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a new codex before it happens.

Myoctic Spores (drop pods) are great filled with Zonthropes. Other companies make them, there are really nice and really bad models out there.

Ymgal stealers are also great in game terms, but you have to do a bit of kit bashing to make them yourself. Now you can deploy terrain on your half of the board you can make sure these somewhere for them to strike from on the 1st turn.

Harpies I'm not crying over

The flying thing I can't remember the name of I'm not sure about, again you could make this with a Tranofex without legs using the wings from the Plastic Hive Tryant. but you know you'll regret it if GW do ever release a model.

07-17-2012, 08:52 AM
Nids can just as easily ignore flyers by virtue of sheer numbers.

Tyranids are pretty solid in 6th. They still suffer from a Codex with poor internal balance, but what is good is really good (Hive Guard, Gargoyles, Tervigons).

07-17-2012, 02:30 PM
I've played a surprising number of games in 6th so far, and all of them with Nids. I've played against Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Black Templars, Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Chaos Daemons. So far I haven't felt like my Nids were at a disadvantage against any of them. Flyers are a a pain, but anything short of a Stormraven can be slapped out of the air, and Stormravens are almost guaranteed to hover at some point.

07-18-2012, 07:56 AM
Let's put it this way.

The Carnifex is BACK, and wearing shades.
There's only one other creature in the game that is almost 100% guaranteed to destroy an undamaged land raider, and that's the Blood Thirster.

Even then, the Carnifex re-rolls to hit with 5 attacks on the charge at Str 10. You have a high probability of just glancing the thing to death.

07-18-2012, 09:09 AM
What about good sized units of Homagaunts with Toxin Sacks? Are they still good to uses as the bulk of my troop choice?

07-18-2012, 09:24 AM
What about good sized units of Homagaunts with Toxin Sacks? Are they still good to uses as the bulk of my troop choice?

If it is a killing unit and not a tarpit then you need at least 15 per brood. If you really want to go Horm heavy then go AG/TS with a screen of Rippers in front. They are cheap and can provide cover on the way in and if you charge them first they can take the Overwatch and WoD for you.

Loss of Fearless wounds is a big change for Nids and it makes giant swarms of guants viable again.