View Full Version : Warhammer monster: whose your favorite?

07-16-2012, 05:24 PM
my personal favorite warhammer monster(well in any game) is the dragon. i think their just awesomesauce.
great offense, mobility, defense. even comes with little man sized dude to help them out once in a while. so tell me! what are yours guys favorite monsters from warhammer. why is it your favorite? fluff? stats? looks?

07-16-2012, 08:24 PM
Bloodthirster. Eats dragons for breakfast. Uses their little dudes for toothpicks.

07-16-2012, 09:41 PM
nahh i bet a star dragon would more then hold his own more so with a little dude on top.

07-17-2012, 01:59 AM
my personal favourite is probably the Basilisk from FW, strictly speaking i don't know if this will be the response your looking for as it isn't GW but FW. it is still a WH monster though, and it is just awesome! i have too, one converted with a Howdah for my forest goblin army (counts as Arachnarok Spider with webflinger [representing it's gaze]) and another that i just use as a Basilisk, and i have affectionately named him Rango!

07-17-2012, 09:18 AM
Hm, Carmine dragon is pretty nifty, and dragons in general. Also the mew Imperial Griffon, great fluff, great model.

07-17-2012, 09:51 AM
Yeah, the Imperial Griffon wins all the time, especially when he is Deathclaw and auto passes monster reaction tests and makes enemies take terror tests on 3D6. Deathclaw also has the advantage of carrying a dude with a hammer that makes other monsters auto-die. Not to mention being one the largest and most awesomest models GW have ever made. The house sized spider for O&G is pretty wicked model too.

07-17-2012, 05:45 PM
Cockatrice hands down!! All Glory to the Hypnochicken!

But seriously, love that model.

07-17-2012, 09:41 PM
all awesome creatures no doubt. hypnochicken eh? i've been meaning to graba empire griffin, i looooove the new look. i hope they remake the high elf dragon at some point to maybe make it somewhat more awesome then it already is.

07-18-2012, 05:11 PM
The fat guy with the beard and glasses who talks really loud at tournaments. That dude is creepy!

07-18-2012, 08:55 PM
an unknown monster to me...

07-21-2012, 10:55 AM
You know...that one warhammer player who is a little overweight...he's got facial hair...wears eyeglasses...he is a little bit nerdy...that one guy?

Mr Mystery
07-21-2012, 01:20 PM
Bonegrinder Giant.

It can thunderstomp *anything* and after he booted Vlad Von Carstein out the Castle gate in a siege game, I've been in love!

07-21-2012, 04:44 PM
nahh i bet a star dragon would more then hold his own more so with a little dude on top.

Try it sometime--it doesn't even come close. Course, it depends a little on the gear. If the Bloodthirster has the flaming sword and the rider has that armor that gives him a 2++ against flaming attacks, that flips things around, but, otherwise...

Try it with the Bloodthirster taking eternal rage (or whatever it's called) and awesome strength.

Interestingly, neither does Karl Franz on the Griffon--Bloodthirster kills Karl before he swings, tanks the griffon for a turn without much of a problem, then kills the griffon easily.

07-21-2012, 11:27 PM
Due to my overwhelming faith in my dragons i deny that your blood thirster wins hands down in every battle against a mighty star dragon + rider. however i lack the daemons book so i can't run tests myself, and i don't know which items/abilities a bloodthrister comes with. but even so no high elf goes into battle against daemons without some magical might, i'd say a little regeneration would tip the dragons scales(pun intended) in his favor.

07-22-2012, 12:28 PM
Interestingly, neither does Karl Franz on the Griffon--Bloodthirster kills Karl before he swings, tanks the griffon for a turn without much of a problem, then kills the griffon easily.

Quite probably, but not necessarily. Rocking a 4++ gives him a good chance of staying the fight and if he gets to hit he will do some serious damage. Though TBH, why any Empire general would try to fight a Bloodthirster rather than putting a few cannonballs in its face is beyond me.

07-22-2012, 12:35 PM
exactly cannon balls are the traditional way to slaughter monster for the empire and dwarves.

07-22-2012, 02:52 PM
Quite probably, but not necessarily. Rocking a 4++ gives him a good chance of staying the fight and if he gets to hit he will do some serious damage. Though TBH, why any Empire general would try to fight a Bloodthirster rather than putting a few cannonballs in its face is beyond me.

Ah, yeah, true. That takes it down to about 52%.

Apparently he also has a 1+, so if you don't have awesome strength it's probably a little lower.

Alright, I concede that Franz is a monster. Bloodthirster is still a match for him, though, at least.

Still pretty sure he's gonna beat an elf dragon, though--even with regenerate. (it's sort of ironic, actually, since he has an upgrade that lets him ignore regenerate, but the elves have a different upgrade that lets them pretty much ignore the bloodthirster if he has that upgrade. It's kind of a tossup.)

07-22-2012, 11:30 PM
well i still have my doubts. frankly the star dragon is one of the strongest monsters avaible and has a elf lord decked out in magic items on top of him i highly doubt that the single bloodthrister is gonna over power both of them, but like i said i do not have the daemons book so i cannot test it for my self regardless.

07-23-2012, 05:29 AM
Ah, yeah, true. That takes it down to about 52%.

Apparently he also has a 1+, so if you don't have awesome strength it's probably a little lower.

Alright, I concede that Franz is a monster. Bloodthirster is still a match for him, though, at least.

Still pretty sure he's gonna beat an elf dragon, though--even with regenerate. (it's sort of ironic, actually, since he has an upgrade that lets him ignore regenerate, but the elves have a different upgrade that lets them pretty much ignore the bloodthirster if he has that upgrade. It's kind of a tossup.)

It's only 3+ sadly (full plate armour and mounted), but yeah, he is a monster. Bloodthirster probably edges it slightly, but it's close. I think Bloodthirster would comfortably take down a Dragon, though I'd expect him to lose a few wounds in the process.

07-23-2012, 07:10 AM
eh so much for the star dragon being able to take on greater daemons and prevailing..... well if thats the case i'll just throw two damn dragons at him. being an elf we have dragon vending machines so it's okay!

07-23-2012, 01:09 PM
well i still have my doubts. frankly the star dragon is one of the strongest monsters avaible and has a elf lord decked out in magic items on top of him i highly doubt that the single bloodthrister is gonna over power both of them, but like i said i do not have the daemons book so i cannot test it for my self regardless.

Well, if it helps, here's what a bloodthirster has that matters. (the ones I tend to play, anyway)

Toughness six, five wounds. Five plus armor (doesn't matter) five plus ward (does matter). Seven Initiative 9, Strength 10, WS 10 attacks that re-roll rolls to hit.

At one time, I had the high elf codex pretty well memorized, and my memory suggests that the star dragon isn't gonna pull that one off, pretty much regardless of what the Lord is armed with, but I'll let you figure it out.

He can also be strength seven with flaming attacks and a 3+ armor save (still re-rolls failed rolls to wound). and a couple of other varieties that I never really use.

07-23-2012, 07:14 PM
Star dragons going in with weapon skill 7 Strength 7 toughness 6 wounds 7 Attacks 6 intiative 2
Armor save 3+ now he loses big time on speed but other wise he can simply tank all your blood thristers attacks unless blood's got a multiple wound type ability, since it's highly unlikely all 7 of your thirsters attacks with score a wound and the star dragon has 7 wounds. now according to the gamesworkshop site a blood thrister only has strength 6 is there some item that boosts him all the way to 10? cause otherwise even strength 7 is only equal to the dragon.

that aside you still have the elf lord to deal with too and he'll strike first, i like tohave him equipped wit hthe armor of caledor(flame ward save 2+ armor save 2+) and i useally toss it up between an auto wound sword or an extra 3 attacks, i happen to like quantity and all put together such an elf lord can put out 7 str 4 attacks at weapon skill 7 or 4 attacks that auto wound. honestly based on what you put forth compared to what my books telling me your blood thirster would have a hard time against a star dragon + elf lord the elf lord would soften him up a couple wounds atleast. and it's highly unlikely the dragon or lord would die during the blood thister attack only to follow up with a pissed off dragon and 6 more attacks at str 7.

07-23-2012, 07:16 PM
still my interest has been peaked and i will now have to go get the codex for daemons so i can figure out how the blood thrister works. cause i like running tests. also cause the entire daemons codex is basically monsters. and i loooove monsters.

07-24-2012, 03:56 AM
back to the topic, from the looks my favorite monster is the Terrorgheist.

07-24-2012, 08:27 AM
I also love the cockatrice. 5th edition was my favorite version of it, especially when my goblin general would freeze other monsters and characters.

Alex Knight
07-24-2012, 12:14 PM
Terrorgheist. Love the model... I got two, and I want another one to be a dedicated Ghoul King mount. And I want one to make the Zombie Dragon with rider.... Rules are pretty good too.

07-24-2012, 02:32 PM
Star dragons going in with weapon skill 7 Strength 7 toughness 6 wounds 7 Attacks 6 intiative 2
Armor save 3+ now he loses big time on speed but other wise he can simply tank all your blood thristers attacks unless blood's got a multiple wound type ability, since it's highly unlikely all 7 of your thirsters attacks with score a wound and the star dragon has 7 wounds. now according to the gamesworkshop site a blood thrister only has strength 6 is there some item that boosts him all the way to 10? cause otherwise even strength 7 is only equal to the dragon.

that aside you still have the elf lord to deal with too and he'll strike first, i like tohave him equipped wit hthe armor of caledor(flame ward save 2+ armor save 2+) and i useally toss it up between an auto wound sword or an extra 3 attacks, i happen to like quantity and all put together such an elf lord can put out 7 str 4 attacks at weapon skill 7 or 4 attacks that auto wound. honestly based on what you put forth compared to what my books telling me your blood thirster would have a hard time against a star dragon + elf lord the elf lord would soften him up a couple wounds atleast. and it's highly unlikely the dragon or lord would die during the blood thister attack only to follow up with a pissed off dragon and 6 more attacks at str 7.

Yeah, he has an item that boosts him to Strength ten. Alright, so, Elf lord with the +3 attacks sword and the armor on star dragon (That's the gear that I like, too, but I can't remember how much it all costs) against the Bloodthirster with Awesome Strength and Eternal Fury (550 points).

Lord swings first. He has about a 33% chance of doing a wound to the Bloodthirster, so we can probably write that one off for the moment. Bloodthirster has maybe taken one wound.

Bloodthirster goes. The lord isn't really a threat, so he focuses on the Dragon. He does five wounds to the dragon, on average, with a 74% chance of getting five or more and a 42% chance of killing the Dragon outright. (hitting on re-rollable 3s, wounding on 2s, ignoring the dragon's armor is pretty rough).

Dragon goes, does one wound to the Bloodthirster, with a 40% chance of doing two or more.

So, at the end of this, if things are going very, very well for the Dragon, he's got one wound left and the Bloodthirster has two left.

In the next round of combat, the lord doesn't kill the thirster, the thirster does kill the dragon before it swings (if he splits his attacks up, he has a pretty good chance of killing both). Even if he's been extremely unlucky, he's left with one wound against just the Lord--the lord has that one 33% chance to deal him one last wound, after which the bloodthirster almost certainly kills him.

*If he splits up his attacks five to the three-wound lord and two to the one-wound-remaining dragon, he has an 82% chance of killing both outright. So, it really doesn't go to a third round unless the dragon and lord are pretty absurdly lucky.

Also, star dragon and lord have been losing combat by a significant amount every round.

So, no. Star Dragon and Lord doesn't really match up to the bloodthirster (at least not the one I usually play), unless you've got some different gear to stick on there. With this gear, the most likely result is that the Bloodthirster kills both in two rounds while taking one or two wounds in return--not even a close fight.

07-24-2012, 02:37 PM
It occurred to me, though, that the Bloodthirster is not really my favorite monster. He's probably the most killy, but I actually think I like Fateweaver a little better. Fourteen spells on a flying, T5, 5 wound level 4 wizard with a 3+ ward save is pretty hot. There's pretty much one better wizard in the game, and that's Teclis. I'm not sure anyone else comes close. Though, of course, Fateweaver is, like, 625 points, which is kinda up there.

07-24-2012, 06:32 PM
Hah well your mathhammer is convincing, so i'll just cheat and throw two dragons at you... Dragons RULE!

The terrorghiest is on my target list as well( i went first for the zombie dragon) it's pretty nifty. i quite like the fact you can take them as rare units. which i don't get concerning the dragons. why can't they be solo? no matter. as for the cockatrice i've considered getting it but is the model really good quality?looks nifty enough but i'd like ot be sure. since i don't really have an army for it and i don't like left field buys that serve as nothing more then paper weights. as for other monsters that i favor, i'm rather fond of the Arachnarok spider for O&G and in addition i also favor the spider riders and the giant spider goblin mount. that being said real spiders are my mortal foes and i strive to exterminate then when they invade my personal space. like earlier in my car coming home from work. damn thing came flying at me from my window....

07-24-2012, 07:40 PM
Yeah. How much is that dragon, anyway?

One thing that the dragon certainly has on the bloodthirster is that its model is way cooler. The Bloodthirster model is super lame--I use the plastic LoTR Balrog model, instead, and it's pretty cool.

Some of these new fantasy monsters, though, have really incredible kits. Here's hoping for a bloodthirster resculpt--not that it's likely to happen.

Lucian Kain
07-26-2012, 05:22 AM
Be'Lakor-The Dark Master-He is THE' Chaos daemon,has FW made a big version of him yet to go with the other Greater daemons?I'm off for a look,probably not.

07-27-2012, 07:19 AM
i got me a bel'lakor sadly i haven't done him justice vai a good paint job .

07-31-2012, 05:13 PM
I long for the day they make an exact copy of the Lord of the Rings Cave Drake, but with four more heads. It's such a beautiful and amazing model, and is perfect for a Hydra.

07-31-2012, 06:10 PM
i'm just happy it's in fine cast now

08-01-2012, 08:53 PM
My favourites:

On look - Skullmuncha from GW, Toad Dragon from FW
On the table - I'm kinda fond of the Black Coach & Necrosphinx. They're not the best monsters by any stretch, I just like 'em.

08-01-2012, 11:56 PM
hmm thats the whole point of the thread. doesn`t matter how strong they are only matters that you like them for whatever reason.