View Full Version : Mechanicus Terminators on the cheap

07-16-2012, 04:26 PM
Okay so AOBR is obviously a good point to start but what bits can I use to really mechanicus up my terminators. I'm going to need 30 for my 1500 point army. Using the Grey knight codex. Ideas. Really anything, lets throw some ideas at the wall and see what sticks.

07-18-2012, 06:43 AM
Painting them red, white and black should be a good start.

Trimmed down chainswords can be used for the blades of a servo clamp.

Ork nobz set has lots of mechanical parts that could be scrounged

Carefully cut little squares out of the blade of an existing GK halberd/falchion that has a single bladed edge and you have a mechanicus looking version. Need a very sharp knife and some practice for this.

Any skull based heads would look good in place of regular helmets (throw on an eye lens from something else or GS). Look for helmets/heads with lots of mechnical augmentation (like the GK apothecary head).

Add some servo skulls perching on their shoulders from other kits or built out of a cable, a skull and an eye lens.

Swap out psycannons for assault cannons and put the storm bolters hand held instead of wrist mounted where possible. Gets away from the GK aesthetic without being too confusing from a WYSIWYG perspective.

The ravenwing upgrade kit has some nice parts on it (weapons, lights, purity seals, as well as a good techmarine style head).

Auspex monitors, keys and other gubbinz from the various space marine sergeant and command sprues are also good.

The finecast techmarine is obviously a great kit with lots of parts, but not cheap.

07-18-2012, 12:02 PM
Oooh hadn't thought about doing that to the halberds. That's a good Idea. I'm thinking of using the heads that come with the AOBR terminators instead of trying to file them out and drilling those nobs on the side of the face and putting in wiring in there leading to the back

The finecast techmarine is obviously a great kit with lots of parts, but not cheap.

If I had an extra 600 bucks I'd be making this army entirely out of the three different techmarines (Space marine, space marine and servitors, and the thunderfire one)

07-18-2012, 01:13 PM
I've ordered bags of small watch parts off eBay to steampunk up my Empire army. I think a bag of 100+ parts (gears, springs, cogs, etc.) cost me about $6.

07-22-2012, 08:22 AM
So I drilled holes through the power fists so I can get swords in there.... but where do I get the swords. I'd like to just find some 28mm scale claymores. any ideas? will start a project journal soon.

07-23-2012, 08:05 PM
Oooooh lookit what I found



07-23-2012, 08:12 PM
I haven't got any decent suggestions, but let me just say;
30 Terminators at 1500 points!?

You make me proud sir :)

07-23-2012, 08:20 PM
I haven't got any decent suggestions, but let me just say;
30 Terminators at 1500 points!?

You make me proud sir :)

under the new edition, it might be slightly broken against select armies.

07-23-2012, 08:39 PM
Oh yes. And I love it :D I want to run an all Terminator army too, mine's smaller though (Dreadknights and Stormravens).

30 Terminators will make a lot of people cry, that's for sure. Someone at my local store runs a Black Templars army with 30 Terminators (15 TH/SS, 15 PLC) and a token HQ and Troops. Suffice to say, unless you have a few Vindicators, it won't end well.

07-25-2012, 07:14 AM
If you are wiling to pay the price, then there is a really good option available. ready made, resin, great detail, they almost seem specifically made for someone designing an Adeptus Mechanicus army who wants some heavy troops (Terminator size). Follow the link, but I have mentioned that they are expensive. 16 or 17 euros each.



There are a couple of armies that make troops that are perfect for Adeptus mechanicus regular troops.



07-25-2012, 07:28 AM
Those hitech minis look really nice

07-25-2012, 10:00 AM
Unfortunately the high tech minis can't be used in tournaments. They look gorgeous though. And they're expensive.

velox atrum
07-26-2012, 03:04 PM
Iron Brotherhood look great Metal for $33 for 10 pricey but at the rate GW is going up....