View Full Version : Fearless.

07-16-2012, 09:07 AM
Hi chaps,

Just a question about Fearless, I notice that even if you lose combat now that you do not have to role armor saves any more. Is this true or am I just missing something. I played a game yesterday and took on a fearless unit and it just stood there the whole game. I won every combat round and it did not have to take any loses.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-16-2012, 09:09 AM
Yep, you're 100% right. Fearless units never have to take saves. Like Space Marines now don't have to take saves.

07-16-2012, 09:46 AM
You are correct. They removed the 'No Retreat!' rule from Fearless, and it has returned back to it's 4th edition version. Which means Fearless is now a benefit for some armies once again, as opposed to a huge liability in close combat (examples being Orks and Nids, who were excessively penalized by No Retreat).

07-16-2012, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the clarification chaps appreciate it.

07-16-2012, 10:30 AM
The Green Tide is ridiculous now. Orks were very good before, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're the top tier army now. They're even pretty good against flyers, because Lootas don't care if they have to Snap Fire to hit anything.

07-16-2012, 04:42 PM
The Green Tide is ridiculous now. Orks were very good before, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're the top tier army now. They're even pretty good against flyers, because Lootas don't care if they have to Snap Fire to hit anything.

Not to be that guy, but at BS2 its a 33% chance to hit. BS1 is 16% chance.

07-16-2012, 04:49 PM
Not to be that guy, but at BS2 its a 33% chance to hit. BS1 is 16% chance.

But you are that guy...

Haha anyways, 16% if it were only on one die I think you would have a point but seing as they have a chance to do it on anywhere between 15-45 dice makes the odds a bit better than that wouldn't you think? You can actually look at it as loots would down an AV 11 or 12 flyer pretty good, now only half of those normal hits will hit....with the way hull points work, I think that is still pretty darn good.

07-16-2012, 05:32 PM
Not to be that guy, but at BS2 its a 33% chance to hit. BS1 is 16% chance.

When you've got 45 shots, and everyone else is going from BS4 to BS1 with not nearly that many shots? Orks will take that any day.

07-16-2012, 06:27 PM
But you are that guy...

Haha anyways, 16% if it were only on one die I think you would have a point but seing as they have a chance to do it on anywhere between 15-45 dice makes the odds a bit better than that wouldn't you think? You can actually look at it as loots would down an AV 11 or 12 flyer pretty good, now only half of those normal hits will hit....with the way hull points work, I think that is still pretty darn good.

The odds dont change, just how many hit. The average would range anywhere from 2-7. Still a great chance to muck up that flyer. Good points too for 15. I'd be running them in a battlewagon and giggling all day.