View Full Version : Doom of Mymearea & Eldar Corsairs

07-16-2012, 08:51 AM
So I finally picked up Doom of Mymearea, and after reading (and inconjunction with the new ally rules) I thought it might be fun to do a small Corsairs army to ally with my Muhreens or IG.

With that being said, I could sure use some advice on where to start with said purchasing. If any of my lovely eldar players that have famliliarity with that book want to chime in, it would be quite appreciated.

07-16-2012, 09:59 AM
I think a good place to start would be a box of guardians, the corsair conversion kit, a warp hunter and someone to represent either a void dreamer, or a corsair prince. That'll give you a good HQ, the experience of modeling up your basic troop and a mainline tank, giving you a good core to build around.

07-16-2012, 10:04 AM
The Wasp War Walkers are pretty intriguing to me, a squadron of 3 could hold a backfield objective and still have the range to get some shots off.

07-16-2012, 10:04 AM
The corsair kits themselves are nice, though a bit fiddly to put together. The 10 man one doesn't come with the guardian sprues, but the heavy weapon one did have a 4 man sprue (at least when I picked it up). I mixed mine up with Eldar and Dark Eldar (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com.au/search/label/TRONdar) kits for a more mercenary appearance.
You'll also have a ton of heavy weapon sprues leftover from any Wasp kits you buy, as they have a complete War Walker and the Wave Serpent weapon sprue.

If you're going full corsair and aren't getting many Jet Pack upgrades, the 10 man kit is superfluous as you could proxy any shuriken cats as lasblasters and use the packs from the heavy kits - but I think the packs are a good choice, though if you're min-maxing your units do note that the packs are a flat cost in the list not on a per model basis.
Also note that a 10 man squad can have two special and two heavy weapons in it, which is pretty crazy and can put out a hell of a lot of firepower on the move.

And check out this facebook post that answers some of the horrible errors that plague the book: http://www.facebook.com/ForgeWorldUK/posts/347924858558134
such as how much the webway portal is and who can take it, as well as the transport capacity of the Falcon.

The Void Dreamer is an ok choice if you have the points, but with the allies rules you're probably better bringing in a Farseer and a trio of Jetbikes - but the Farseer can't get a jetpack, so be wary of that.

07-16-2012, 04:28 PM
Hornets. Vehicles are a bit crap in 6th, but even with just 2 hull points the hornets are good. Either 2 scatters lasers for 8 S6 shots or Pulse Lasers for 4 S8 at BS4.

Warp hunters are great too and the Phoenix is shaping up to be a great aircraft, pending the new Aeronautica book.

Archon Charybdis
07-16-2012, 06:44 PM
Corsair squads with jet packs and EMLs make a mobile, scoring, long range fire unit for reasonably cheap. Corsair Jetbikes are also pretty good. Normal Eldar bikes are kind of overpriced, but for only a few points more Corsair bikes are BS4, Scout, and have 2 CCWs (with Hammer of Wrath now basically making them 4 attacks on the charge). The Wasp walkers aren't bad, but seem kind of pricey compared to standard Walkers.

As far as FA, Hornets are really good, also the Corsair Night Spinner takes a FA slot instead of HS. The Phoenix and Warp Hunters are both fantastic choices for HS.

07-17-2012, 12:25 AM
How do we feel about the Shadow Specters and their Lord? Good? Bad? Ambivalent?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-17-2012, 12:27 AM
I rather like them to be honest, they're highly mobile, really survivable, and make piecemeal of anything with an AV. :D

Archon Charybdis
07-17-2012, 10:29 AM
Very pricey, not particularly impressive.

07-17-2012, 10:32 AM
Yep, the Shadow Spectres went from 'ok anti tank/meq' in the test rules to '...just going to proxy them as Dark Reapers if it's all the same to you' in the finished product. Very dissapointing.

07-17-2012, 12:07 PM
Well that's lame.

If any of ya'll are willing to help while i'm at the office, go ahead and toss down a decent Corsair Ally group that I could use with a Renegade Inquisitor.

I'll take all the advice youre willing to give.

Quite frankly, I'm excited about these prospects as some of the Eldar models I've been looking at are just so friggin nice looking.

Further: How do ya'll envision a Corsair Prince/Princess would look? I'm a gigantic good-guy weiner, so I'd want mine to be "nice/good Corsairs," so I don't know how appropriate some of the Dark Eldar stuff would be.

Again, thanks for the input!

07-17-2012, 12:43 PM
Yriel is a good place to start for Corsair Prince.

07-17-2012, 03:11 PM
Oh man, if you could scavenge up some of the old Eldar guardians I think you'd find the parts you want. The old guardian powerfist alone would look pretty pirated and you could do a brace of las pistols with a little green stuff for the sash. I don't know much about the current Eldar offerings so I'm sorry I'm not more help. Only thing I'd say is he doesn't wear a helmet so he can better enjoy the chaos and sensations of the battlefield.

07-17-2012, 07:24 PM
So I'm thinking this is a good start. Lemme know.

Prince w/ void saber
Blade Sworn x4

10 corsairs w/ jump packs
10 corsairs w/ jump packs

Night wing

I don't know exactly how to outfit these dudes with weapons, nor do I know If this is even a good base for an ally attachment.

I'd be interested in using either harlies or shadow specters as well.

Lemme know.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 12:55 AM
Looks okay to me, try and stick some Fusion Guns or Haywire Grenades in there too.
Take a unit of whichever Aspect you like, you have access to them via an Elite slot. :)

07-18-2012, 06:46 AM
Yeah, I was unsure on all of the special weapons because not all of them are listed in IA11 and I dont have the regular Eldar dex.

Are fusion guns plas or melta?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 06:50 AM
Melta Weapons. :)

07-18-2012, 06:54 AM
Okay, so further questions:

With the changes to the rules, do ya'll think the Corsair Jump Packs are worth it? They already have fleet, so I think that should make them pretty decent with packs.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 06:59 AM
I thought that they were Jet Packs?

Either way, totally worth it for CC/CR troops.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 07:09 AM
Yep, they're Jet Packs, which means some crazy gun times. Take Missile Launchers and salute Team Missile Bomb.


07-18-2012, 07:51 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but packs now confer Relentless, right? So I can have them jumping around the board firing heavy weapons with no penalty?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 07:53 AM
*nods head slowly* :D

07-18-2012, 08:04 AM
Oh this is going to be fun.

As an aside, I'm going to run this allied force with a Valeria GK list. In case you dont know the GK book, Valeria is a Ordos Xenos Inquisitor that works with Xenos, so she's more or less a "renegade" inquistor. I think I have to take Torquemada too so I have enough Troops to actually field the side, so I'll probably make my own similarly renegade inquisitory (Torquemada is relatively Puritan) and use his rules. I was even thinking of using a Kroot Hound as his psyber eagle.

From there I dont know exactly how I'll build those henchmen units, but presumably they'll be in Chimeras. I dunno though.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 08:07 AM
I know Valeria, I gave her a Tesseract Labyrinth. :p (giggety!)

Archon Charybdis
07-18-2012, 11:36 AM
I'm not a fan at all of Bladesworn, they're just so expensive and lack any real punch. Anything they do could be done better by taking an Eldar unit for your Craftworld Outcasts choice.

Truthfully, the Corsair Prince isn't that great himself, but he's a better option than the Void Dreamer whose powers are just terrible (unless you assume he can swap for the new discplines, though the Psyker FAQ seems to imply he can't). If you're going to use a Prince though, I'm of the opinion he really needs a Jet Pack so he can move and shoot the orbital bombardment, it's about all he's good for other than offering some minor CC capability.

I'm also pretty disappointed with the Nightwing under the new flyer rules. It's holo fields have been made significantly less impressive and, it's Interceptor rule is now redundant and it gets nothing to make up for it. Compared to other flyers for comparable or cheaper prices, it just doesn't bring much. The Phoenix on the other hand, especially with the addition of Strafing Run, is an amazing infantry killer and with a Pulse Laser and 2 shuricannons, still a very serviceable air-to-air fighter.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-18-2012, 11:49 PM
I still think that the Nightwing is nasty, it's quite manouverable, very handy for downing flyers.

07-19-2012, 05:22 AM
I'm not a fan at all of Bladesworn, they're just so expensive and lack any real punch. Anything they do could be done better by taking an Eldar unit for your Craftworld Outcasts choice.

Truthfully, the Corsair Prince isn't that great himself, but he's a better option than the Void Dreamer whose powers are just terrible (unless you assume he can swap for the new discplines, though the Psyker FAQ seems to imply he can't). If you're going to use a Prince though, I'm of the opinion he really needs a Jet Pack so he can move and shoot the orbital bombardment, it's about all he's good for other than offering some minor CC capability.

I'm also pretty disappointed with the Nightwing under the new flyer rules. It's holo fields have been made significantly less impressive and, it's Interceptor rule is now redundant and it gets nothing to make up for it. Compared to other flyers for comparable or cheaper prices, it just doesn't bring much. The Phoenix on the other hand, especially with the addition of Strafing Run, is an amazing infantry killer and with a Pulse Laser and 2 shuricannons, still a very serviceable air-to-air fighter.

I didn't know the Eldar had an orbital bombardment that didn't require you to sit still ('cause relentless doesn't cancel out the human one) or are you referring to their ability to move in the assault phase?

Archon Charybdis
07-19-2012, 08:12 AM
I didn't know the Eldar had an orbital bombardment that didn't require you to sit still ('cause relentless doesn't cancel out the human one) or are you referring to their ability to move in the assault phase?

Eldar don't, Corsairs do. The Prince has a few options for a once per game orbital bombardment that he fires as an ordnance barrage using the normal shooting rules.

07-19-2012, 09:29 AM

Archon Charybdis
07-19-2012, 10:11 AM

It's not a bad feature, the problem is it's comes on a model with Autarch statline with basically no good wargear options, a worse armor save and no invuln save, no reserves bonus, and inexplicably costs 30pts more.

07-19-2012, 07:38 PM
Does anyone know if the corsairs kit will work with the dire avengers models? If so, is there any reason not to use them instead of the guardians?

07-21-2012, 12:18 PM
The bits do work with DA models - however you'll need to do a spot of trimming on all of the non-Exarch DA back-torso-halves to fit the jetpack on - regular-joe DA have a backpack with one flat spot for their over the shoulder sighting unit thingie and a modelled on bulge on the other side. The bulge should be simple to slice off with a craft knife though. The Exarch rear torsos have two flat spots so the jet pack fits right on.

You can mix and match most of the platic eldar parts pretty well, I used DE witch heads, DA and guardian parts for my Corsair princess and her chums:





08-05-2012, 01:43 AM
How do we feel about the Shadow Specters and their Lord? Good? Bad? Ambivalent?

They are really effective, the Ghostlight rule works on large opponents very well.

Does anyone know if the corsairs kit will work with the dire avengers models? If so, is there any reason not to use them instead of the guardians?

They don't work at all if you want to put Jet Packs on the models. The Exarch torso is the only one where it works. I tried something for my Void Dragons. How do I get a photo posted here?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-06-2012, 01:10 AM
They don't work at all if you want to put Jet Packs on the models. The Exarch torso is the only one where it works. I tried something for my Void Dragons. How do I get a photo posted here?

When you're in an advanced reply you scroll down until you see Manage Attachments, click that and upload then away you go!