View Full Version : OUR WEAPONS ARE USELESS!!! - Death Company lists are bad...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-16-2012, 12:40 AM
Many Merry Monday Mornings everyone!

I had a game at the weekend, my Nerconz versus the Death Company (with attached Mephiston)
What a mega victory!

Mission - The Big Guns Never Tire
Deployment - (whatever the diamond style deployment is)
Objectives - 4
My Warlord Trait (Strategy) - Outflanking units may re-roll the side they come from (so much use there!)
His Warlord Trait (Personal) - Mephiston is a scoring unit (in an army full of non-scoring units) :p

My opponent wins the roll and deploys first, I deploy my Triarch Stalkers to respond to the big units of Death Company to maximise the twin linked benefit.
I tried to seize the initiative and failed.

His first turn is largely just movement, managing to cross the distance with ease.
My first turn - ALL UNITS FIRE! I manage to shrink the mass of Death Company hurtling towards me.

His second turn, he gets one unit into combat with my lord on barge, Astorath kills the lord, the rest of the unit can't hurt the barge. The other unit charges a 10 man Tesla Immortal unit, lose 4 guys to Overwatch (Tesla rolls were MENTAL) and then the Immortals all get cut down. Sad times... Oh, and the 'phiston-raven showed up and blew up a Stalker.
My second turn involved my Night Scythe powering onto the board and destroying Mephiston's raven, he lost a wound, the Immortals shot up the DC with Astorath and left only Astorath and 1 guy left (SUCCESS)
My guys manage to wipe out everyone except a single Chaplain from the other unit.

His third turn - CHARGE! DC Dread runs towards my Gauss Immortals, fails to reach, they remove 2 Hull Points! :D
Mephiston charges, issues a challenge, I accept with my Overlord. The Overlord causes 2 wounds and takes none.
Astorath and the Chaplain charge the remaining Triarch Stalker, cause 2 glances - removing 2 points, then realise that they can no longer hurt it. :D
My turn, Overlord finishes Meph and walks off with his unit, one Annihilation Barge powers toward an objective, the other remains on the home objective and blows up the DC Dread, my Night Scythe powers off the board.
The rest of the game is me capturing objectives and combatting Astorath and friends - manage to kill the Chaplain. Night Scythe powers on the board on the 5th turn, sits in his deployment zone in an angle that won't power me off the board again.
Game ends on the 5th turn.

I captured all 4 objectives, worth 3 points each - 12
Killed Mephiston (his Warlord) - 1
Killed a Heavy Support choice (Stormraven) - 1
Linebreaker - 1

He killed my Warlord (barge lord) - 1
First Blood - 1

I am heavily considering Phase Shifter for my Barge Lord, my foot Overlord was using it and it saved him from Mephiston's rage, would have probably stopped my Barge Lord from Astorath.
Also tempted to ally someone with access to Divination, having some buffs would be useful.

Oh, and the "Our weapons are useless" rule was amusing because the Death Company couldn't use it. (they're fearless) :D

07-16-2012, 07:08 AM
a very nice and concise battle report. would be interested in actually seeing lists for the armies involved.....

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-16-2012, 07:10 AM
Look at you Mr Shrive! Fine, I'll post the armies soon.