View Full Version : new grey knight question

09-28-2009, 10:55 AM

while looking at the photos from games day (ididnt go cause it semms like a ripoff)
I noticed a grey knight that looked diffrent from the old metals

pic (found here http://media.shozu.com/cache/portal/media/213fb0/117442094 from IFELIX)

can anyone (who was at GD)explain if this is a test or proof that the ordos are getting some love:D
also it looks big so is it a 3-up or some support for inquisitor (:eek:)



09-28-2009, 11:49 AM
no , forge world.
IA 7 inquisitor
He lost his suits helm and that is a psychic hood he has now. The cross in the back is part of it.

If memory serves me right

09-28-2009, 11:55 AM
ok thanks

well more FW stuff is good i could kitbash 5 (and sell a arm :p)
if they dont come with henchmen its good lok's a good price rex is a ripoff
:D thanks :D


09-28-2009, 12:19 PM
I went and checked my IA7 book and I think that is an early image of Rex since the head and chest look like him. In that same picture you can see the early green for vulcan.

I'm guessing the pucture is a year old (or at least the models are.

09-28-2009, 01:23 PM
That is most pecuiliar :confused:
to me chest looks like rex but that clearly is a grey knight (nemisis, wrist bolter, book , ect)
and also that head looks like one of the ones in the codex (the ones with ithe funny skinhead hats)
Rex also has a rebeather and im sure if you zoom in on the blurry magazine that says GD2009

skullcap GK's

p.s. the CMON looks identical??:confused:
and next to it it could be his elf?

and who is Mr.F:eek:
its a wip for his demon entry in 07'

09-28-2009, 01:24 PM
I'm not going to bust nuts about new GK any time soon, but that case is full of GW figures, not FW. So I have a hard time seeing this is a FW Rex. I had heard a rumor of a new GK 3 up that would be on display at GDUK.

09-28-2009, 01:28 PM
umm... no?

The model pictured was at the sculptors stand, not forgeworld, and when asked the sculptors said it was a test for a future Grey Knights release... although it wasnt close and they had no idea when it would be.

09-28-2009, 01:48 PM
looking at everything on the knight i'd say it is an exact copy of mr.f's grey knight inquisitor scale BUT it was wip in early 2007 and that picture includes stuff that wasnt even around in 07 and the flyer in the back clearly says 09, but the model was finished in 07

the plot thickens


Edit: thats the new WD in the background

09-28-2009, 02:50 PM
It seems to me (as dissapointing as it is), that you answered your own question with the cool mini's link. Seems like someone made their own GK model for the Golden Daemon, and it's on display in the sculptor's section.

As much as I'd love to get a new codex, it won't be from GW for quite a while. I wouldn't be surprised if they are working on something, but with just a single model with a perfectly reasonable alternative explanation for its existance, we can't really say anything yet. Maybe if a few more pop up.

09-28-2009, 02:55 PM
dear darklink

it apperes youve misread
It is a deamon entry ... from 07
so how come a unpainted exact replica of the wip shows up in 09
that is the mystery?



09-28-2009, 03:08 PM
A sinister (left handed) Grey Knight? I don't know about that...

09-28-2009, 03:23 PM
Actually, I was kinda wondering about that after I posted. Maybe he made a test mini, and painted the second one?

It's kinda like when they released that big painting of Grey Knights assaulting a Chaos Fortress. We know almost nothing, so all we can do is cross our fingers.

09-28-2009, 04:25 PM
no , forge world.
IA 7 inquisitor
He lost his suits helm and that is a psychic hood he has now. The cross in the back is part of it.

If memory serves me right

That doesn't look like an iquisitor. In fact I am certain it's a Grey Knight. Here is another pic of him


09-28-2009, 04:35 PM
p.s. the CMON looks identical??:confused:

Apparently he make a cast of Artemis (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/common/xLargeProductImage.jsp?mWidth=873px&mURL=/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1184231_99111399002_INQArtemisMain_873x627.jpg&mAlt=Inquisitor%3A+Battle+Brother+Artemis&mHeight=627px) and then resculpted all the details to make him a Grey Knight. It stand to reason he then cast this to make the GD entry and then still have the original sculpt to show at the Gamesday. This is how you both win a GD and still have to original to sell to GW, which I'm guessing he did or plans to do or it wouldnt be at the GamesDay.

09-29-2009, 11:38 AM
thanks ,Bdub so if GW bought the cast we could see either:
a) new codex =][= soon
b) some new support for inquisitor (love models, hate rules)
its all good:D



Scryer in the Darkness
09-30-2009, 12:52 PM
The model is a personal sculpt of Martin Footitt ("Mr F") who is a GW Studio sculptor, which he then cast and painted up, winning Gold in the UK Golden Demons Open Category in 2007:


The 54mm scale High Elf green to the left of the model in the display case is also his and both have shown up in the Studio display cases at previous Games Days. Neither are intended for release nor do they have any grander implication for upcoming releases from Games Workshop.