View Full Version : How to use Pink Horrors

07-15-2012, 08:27 PM
Hi all,

I planned to use Chaos Daemons as allied army to my current Chaos Space Marines. Actually, I just want to use Fateweaver, and for the troop choice I select Pink Horrors coz it fit my Thousand Sons army. I have no experience using Chaos Daemons. So do you guys have any advice to use these Pink Horrors effectively?


Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-15-2012, 09:00 PM
I don't have too many games under my belt with Pink Horrors (my tzeentch daemon army isn't that big yet), but here're a few pointers;

1) Being shooty makes them pretty good. All other Daemons have to deepstrike then wait a turn before they can do anything, Horrors are kinda point-and-click - deepstrike by something you dislike, and click!

2) Give one unit the Changeling. Won't help too often, but he's a cheap upgrade.

3) The Bolt of Tzeentch is very worth it for anti-tank. Actually, now most vehicles can be killed with 2-3 glancing hits, a medium-sized Horror squad including a Bolt of Tzeentch can easily drop behind an enemy vehicle and let loose on the vehicle's rear armour.

4) Chaos Icons MIGHT be a bit better in 6th, since reserves come in more reliably. Still not that great for the points, though.

5) Considering including some Flamers of Tzeentch. They're a pretty good unit; murder any non-vehicle without a decent Invulnerable save, and with the advent of Hull Points their "auto-glance on a 4+" rule makes them not that bad against vehicles.

Since daemons are pretty flexible (when their deployment works out! Having multiples of units is good for couching for that little problem), if something in the opponent's army looks like it'll give you trouble, set the daemons on it, if appropriate.

Plus, you'll get First Blood pretty easily, maybe see if you can get Warlord in the same swoop if it won't sacrifice your units.

07-15-2012, 09:01 PM
They're weak in assault but good in shooting against infantry, and they won't run. Drop them in somewhere they probably won't get assaulted and start shooting, then go for an objective late game. Fearless and invulnerable saves also make them a decent tarpit in some situations, though they likely won't survive for very long and they almost certainly won't kill anything.

07-15-2012, 09:54 PM
All is good advice. Flamers is an interesting one, but I have no points spared in my 2000 pts list:(. Anyway, I think I shall drop them near some quiet enemy-hold objective where 5-6 models are guarding it, then the Horrors should do fine. At the same time, Fateweaver will advance with the main element of my army.

07-16-2012, 06:23 AM
Flamers are pretty awesome as well, especially with overwatch.

07-16-2012, 07:34 AM
I have always ran units of Horrors in my Daemon army and have always found them to be worthwile. The main drag to them in 5th Edition was that as soon as they got assaulted all you could realistically hope for was to tarpit your opponent for a turn or two because you would not win combat barring dumb luck.

I have played five games with them in 6th edition so far and I love them even more now. I take at least 9-12, always a changling. 27-36 snapfire shots when charged, I have found, has been consistently putting four or so wounds on my opponents, and has thrice denied them charge range. Before all you could do is smile and chalk the unit up as a loss when charged by even a small number of marines. Now your opponent has to really decided if it is worth it.

chaos lover
01-29-2013, 01:15 PM
do you know how many points pink horrors are

KrewL RaiN
01-29-2013, 01:46 PM
I have a bit of experience with Horrors, since they are my main choice for Daemon Troops.

T3 makes them a bit squishy, but their 4++ save and Fearless can also make them extremely anoying. You can be pretty bold with them with that killer save, but massed firepower against them can be extremely painful due to that T3. I am infamous around here for passing those 4++ and tar-pitting up things like Soulgrinders, Tactical Squads, Mephiston and Dreadnaughts for quite a few turns! There was also a really stupid 1v1 fight with a lone Tactical Marine and they never killed each-other in shooting AND close combat! I can make that save, but can never hit with that bloody Bolt lol!

The Changelings effect doesn't happen very often, but when it does, oh man it will hurt your opponent. I remember gaining control of a Thunderfire Cannon and blowing up a Tactical Squad down to two members with it lol. I always run one just because of how devastating it is when his special ability triggers. It could just win you the game. I sometimes imagine what would happen if you got control of a Russ squadron lol.

I dont bother putting Icons on them. I give those to guaranteed tough guys.

I tend to run them as min sized suicide bolt squads, and larger objective orientated squads. Sometimes I end up teaming the two types up, as it matters whats going on game wise. If I was to max my Troops with Horrors, it would probaly be 2x5 Bolt squads, 9 strong Changling squad with a Bolt (sacred number dorkiness, it's my Horror command unit), and 3x10 objective boogers.

I love those magical turds. When my dice are hot they become the most anoying things ever. If not, they die in droves. From impossible to move to tissue paper, tiss the will of Tzeentch. (also find 4 is my lucky number, I can make 4 ups more then 3 ups lol!)