View Full Version : Gaming Table Help

07-15-2012, 06:37 PM
I'm building a new gaming table for my house. With 6th edition just out, can anyone think of anything to add character to the edge around the table. Pretty much i'm building a 6 inch lip around the 4x8 table to put reserves, paper, drinks and dice on.

Things i'm thinking about putting onto the lip:
-turn counter
-warlord health counter
-night fighting marker

Any other ideas would be helpful TY

Emerald Rose Widow
07-15-2012, 07:30 PM
I'm building a new gaming table for my house. With 6th edition just out, can anyone think of anything to add character to the edge around the table. Pretty much i'm building a 6 inch lip around the 4x8 table to put reserves, paper, drinks and dice on.

Things i'm thinking about putting onto the lip:
-turn counter
-warlord health counter
-night fighting marker

Any other ideas would be helpful TY

I plan to make a gaming table that works well for 40k (ie just put terrain on it, maybe some felt or something to give it texture to cover up the grid) and for pathfinder/dnd. Here is what I am basin my design off of because it is really awesome and gives you a lot of room to work with.


Just thought that would help.

07-15-2012, 07:50 PM
Awesome table, and thanks a lot for the linkage. I honestly thought of doing something like this and i probably will. Right now however i'm working on the table top.

1 x 6 this is the area i'm looking to spice up


1x6 this is the area i'm looking to spice up

My original idea was to have 32 logos each 6 inches in size on both sides (16 40K ones, 11 warhordes, and 5 others). That was the idea then i thought more along the lines as player help but just figuring it out.

I think i am going to put a bunch of slide out writing spaces, my friends and i usually have a few Pathfinder senario's every year and that's what i really see is excellent about that table. That however is under the playing table which is in itself a monster of a project. Which is going to be both storage and utility. Thank you.

07-15-2012, 08:59 PM
Place as many Imperial army logos as you can on one side, and as many Xenos logos as you can on the other.

07-15-2012, 09:09 PM
When the weather warms up enough to do it (we only heat the parts of the house we use, when we're using them), I'm intending to paint 4 logos onto the sides of the pedestal for my table (Dark Angels, an Imperial Eagle, Cryx, and Orks), and probably along the upper areas where the table top slots into paint on things like swords (going as 3d a look as I can get short of mounting an actual zweihander on there).

07-15-2012, 10:25 PM
Since we're adding links :)


maybe adding slatwall to the sides of the table would replicate what they've done in that link above.

you might consider using cork, countertop, laminate, shelving, or laquer, etc. on top of your 1x6 for easier cleanup.

A member of my game group made an arena style board.

Remember, the more stuff you add to the table, the heavier it will be to move...

Someday when I build my table, I would like to have a couple of roll out trays, perhaps 2 rows high for my table for storage of terrain.

07-15-2012, 10:42 PM

take a look documentation of making a super cool table

07-16-2012, 02:05 AM
Ideas for utilising the blank space:
Coasters for drinks
Trays for reserves
Dice pot/holder
Counter holder

07-16-2012, 08:12 AM
Thank you for all the great replies. Alright I will narrow down what I want. I have not yet had a chance to get a sixth Ed game in yet. Having said that what visual help, or markings would help to move along your game faster. The ones that come to mind for me is a. Turn counter and a night fighting marker. If anyone else who has played a few games of sixth could help let me know.

07-16-2012, 10:43 AM
The roll on the Warlods table would be helpful. One for each of the three trait catagories and 1-6 for which one you got.