View Full Version : Falling in love again...

Mr Mystery
07-15-2012, 12:56 PM
Evening gents!

Had another game of 40k today, my 3rd in 6th Edition, and so far I am absolutely loving it. Just the change to rapid fire has meant I'm moving more, which is keeping everyone involved on their toes. No longer do I need to blunder into realistic assault range to give someone a bit of dakkka, or be forced to fall back without giving them a taste of Gauss, oh no. Now I can ebb and flow in the face of the enemy, parting like the sea of Jordan!

For too long I've been obsessed by Fantasy, but whilst I still very much love the game, 40k has finally caught my attention once again. Started off with the Necrons. Rules and models suckered me in, and then 6th Ed hit. I am well and truly hooked once again. Sure, every edition sees a renewal of interest, but I've not been enjoying, or excited by 40k since 2nd Edition (yeah, 3rd pretty much knocked the wind from my sails!).

As I've mentioned in other threads, there is no one dominant phase anymore. Movement, Shooting, Assault, you need to be able to act well in all three to have an easy ride. No longer is the game reduced to a mad dash across the board and into HTH, which suited some armies more than others. Everything moves around a lot more, meaning it's harder to pin down enemy units. Overwatch and Snapfire means even Landraider mounted death squads can't arrive willy nilly. Sure thanks to my armies abilities and rules I'm seeing things through Gauss-tinted Goggles, but I am loving Overwatch as a rule!

Best of all, the number of changes and tweaks made mean I feel like I'm playing a different game which is clearly a bonus with a change of editions. 3rd-4th was an improvement, but it was just a tightening of the rules rather than a step forward. I enjoyed it more than 4th, but I felt it a bit....lacking. They could have done more with it!

Even the Missions. Today's game was 'Big Guns Never Tire'. Awesome mission. I had two Annihilation Barges, and each wound up holding an objective each. Just this little change has had an awesome impact. When tanks and other dead shooty stuff can win your opponent the game, you want to pack in some suitable tank killing toys. But as it's a one in six chance of tank killing being critical, you don't want to overload on it. Relic is another awesome mission, and one in which a good number of infantry squads can be a boon, as they can cover each other's retreat. Wonderful stuff!

Best bit overalll? I don't see my enthusiasm running out of steam any time soon (I would say at all, but I'm due a new Fantasy edition in a couple of years, so bound to get shiny syndrome again in 2014ish). And this is before the expansions and new batch of Codecies come out. Very, very happy!

the jeske
07-15-2012, 01:49 PM
nice . But makes me wonder about one thing . Why do I never see this type of topic for new/returned nid players. I mean I am on seer , on dakka , on B&C[ok that one is natural] on some faction specific forums on german forums and on most slavic ones . And I have never seen someone write I played my first few games with nids and I am falling in love with edition/army/unit . I seen "am going to [censored] show GW that nids can have a good list " , I seen "I played for X years and I dont want to quit playing" , even "I got models from friend who quit" , but never a love one . Strange , because I seen those for other armies . I can even remember one for WD SoB . odd.

Emerald Rose Widow
07-15-2012, 07:28 PM
Evening gents!

HEY...dont forget about us ladies too, hehe

I have had 2 games in the new edition with my nids, and while I have a minor gripe with the change to fleet, overall its been really fun. The changes to psychic power rules have made my zoeys just so awesome to play with, tervigon is still useful as hell, and the swarmlord just rapes face with everything he touches. I mean I lost the second game vs necrons, but overall its been a ton of fun so far, the games have been really fun.

I love the relic mission most of all so far, it is just such an interesting mission to go in and pick up the poor little relic (mine was a my little pony mini, hehe) and get it back and hold it. The new missions make the game really dynamic, and really make you have to think. Mysterious objectives, terrain, and all those tweaks have just made the game so fun, I love this edition so far.

As I said, my gripes are minor at best, I love the new edition as a whole and am enjoying the hell out of it, hehe.

07-15-2012, 08:46 PM
Well isn't the new rule book obvious enough? No body likes the bugs! They don't even get gene-stealer corrupted allies! No hugs or cookies for the nids.

No that's not true. I have a nid army as well and they are fun to play, but I think one of the reasons people don't 'love' them as much as other races is because of the lack of customization within their back story. I mean, with any of the other races you have a wide variety of story potential for each group you make. Imperial Guard have an ungodly amount of potential, from loyalists to Traitor Guard to Gue'vesa. Eldar have a variety of craft worlds and ways they do things, and even the Dark Eldar have back story. Hell, even daemons get some personality and now Necrons actually have goals!

But the tyranids are all part of one big hive mind. The closest thing they get to being unique is the color of their armor and skin. Even if different fleets have different ways of going about bringing an end to all things, that's their only goal. There is no personality with the nids, and indeed until recently the Necrons fell under a similar category.

If there is one thing I have learned is that we as humans are individualistic as hell, and there's always got to be that 'just a bit different' army out there so that the army you play feels like *your* army (unless you are purposely basing your army off of one that already exists, but that's besides the point). But with the nids, its all about destruction and only about destruction. There is no culture behind them, no side motivations or back story about their named characters other then how good they are at killing, and that hurts them a bit in the 'I love my army' category.

Granted I like using my nids from time to time as that one 'Bad Guy' army that I play simply for the sake of bringing destruction and killy goodness, and in that my Warrior Prime does that job quite well. Wish I could say the same about my Hormagaunts...and Carnifex cost way too many points for what you get, but again that's besides the point...

That's my thought on it anyway.

07-16-2012, 12:07 AM
nice . But makes me wonder about one thing . Why do I never see this type of topic for new/returned nid players. I mean I am on seer , on dakka , on B&C[ok that one is natural] on some faction specific forums on german forums and on most slavic ones . And I have never seen someone write I played my first few games with nids and I am falling in love with edition/army/unit . I seen "am going to [censored] show GW that nids can have a good list " , I seen "I played for X years and I dont want to quit playing" , even "I got models from friend who quit" , but never a love one . Strange , because I seen those for other armies . I can even remember one for WD SoB . odd.

I've loved my 'nids since my first blister of bloody annoying 2nd edition metal gargolyes. I couldn't care less what teh interwebz says about them either. I've been winning with them since 2nd and have no plans to stop. Ymgarl genestealers is, in my not even remotely humble opinion, one of the biggest boons we have ever had, and I just love watching my little pets dismantle those arrogant space marines when baked up by a spodding 2nd ed screamer-killer and a new flyrant.