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07-15-2012, 12:02 PM
Valeria [140]

Techmarine [90]
Vindicare Assasin [145]

10 Terminators [450][Daemon Hammer, 4 halberds, 2 Psycannons]
5 Terminators [225][Daemon Hammer, Psycannon]
5 Terminators [225][Daemon Hammer, Psycannon]
5 Terminators [225][Daemon Hammer, Psycannon]

Valeria is there as just a cool looking techpriestess (with some fair CC abilities to boot), Vindicare is there as a tech assassin, targeting plasma gunners and basically taking out AP 2 stuff. Tech Marine is there because I love the model and it’s a Mechanicus army. First Squad combat squads off two of the psycannons(plus three bog standard termies) into firebase to sit in the upgraded terrain from the techmarine.

Basic plan of action is spam 2+ saves with loads of dakka and some good CC abilities.