View Full Version : DE Hellions, splinter pod/splinter pistols

07-15-2012, 12:24 AM
Alright boys and girls, I have been playing DE since they came out with the new codex, and while I love the DE and I love 6th edition, I'm not going to get into it about how I feel the codex has weathered the changes of the editions.
My question is very straight forward and cut and dry. It regards Hellions. I believe the uprade model for the sergeant has a splinter pistol as does the Baron. Can I shoot my splinter pods and pistols in the same shooting phase or do I have to decide which I can shoot? Granted that is only two more attacks for the both of them combined, but every little bit helps.


07-15-2012, 01:59 AM
As Bluster Blaster once put it, "SELECT A WEAPON! YOU MUST CHOOSE!"

The splinter pistol is primarily there to grant the Helliarch his +1 Attack in close combat (on the Baron, it doesn't even do that); there's little reason to shoot it instead of the splinter pods.

07-15-2012, 04:10 AM
Is a splinter pod a pistol aswell? The only time you can shoot two weapons is if you are a Vehicle, a Monsterous creature, or of you have two pistols (best little rule in my opinion)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-15-2012, 10:03 AM
Is a splinter pod a pistol aswell? The only time you can shoot two weapons is if you are a Vehicle, a Monsterous creature, or of you have two pistols (best little rule in my opinion)Or if you have a bike with 2 riders, it's mentioned (to allow Attack Bikes to fire both weapons). Weird little rule, easy to overlook.
...kinda makes me want to model a biker army with all special weapon bikes having a second rider squeezed onto the saddle, just to be a horrible human being :P

07-15-2012, 10:34 AM
Or if you have a bike with 2 riders, it's mentioned (to allow Attack Bikes to fire both weapons). Weird little rule, easy to overlook.
...kinda makes me want to model a biker army with all special weapon bikes having a second rider squeezed onto the saddle, just to be a horrible human being :P

Oh yea, forgot that bit I skimmed it so I remember it but as I don't use bikes I didn't really take it in. Good catch.