View Full Version : Multiple saves

07-14-2012, 05:26 PM
So my question is, when a model has and armour and invulnerable save, does it get to use both? I.E.- space marine captain with iron halo takes bolter fire. str4 ap5 shots. If he takes his armour save and fails, does he get to use his invulnerable? same goes for combat? thank you

07-14-2012, 06:06 PM
No you cannot. If you have both an armor and an invuln save, you only can roll to save with one of them. If the captain had the special Feel no Pain rule, it would allow you to attempt a 2nd save on a 5+ though.

07-14-2012, 06:07 PM
nope. a model gets one save, which is its best save (so the space marine cpt has a 3+ armor and 4+ invulnerable, against the bolter he'd get his 3+ armor save).