View Full Version : anyone using Vallejo paints?

09-28-2009, 02:36 AM
I've been using GW paints exclusively for many years now. But they don't really make a real space wolves color (by this I mean a mid-tone between shadow & space wolves gray). Turns out Vallejo does. They have a color called blue gray which looks about perfect. I'm wondering if anyone else uses these paints and what you think about them?

Exitus Acta Probat
09-28-2009, 02:58 AM
I've been using them for quite a while now, and pretty much use them interchangeably with the GW paint.
They mix and flow well, and apply perfectly fine.
Slight advantage went to them for a long time in some of the weaker GW paints (yellows reds etc) but with foundation paints it's now less pronounced.
I am not as happy with their washes...
I am happy with their 'foundation' equivalents, though I don't find them as consistently well color matched.

09-28-2009, 03:05 AM
Sweet. Well, I'm gonna get the blue gray, and give it a shot.

09-28-2009, 06:32 AM
The eye dropper bottles help keep them from drying out over the pots. Plus you get more for your money.


09-28-2009, 07:03 AM
The eye dropper bottles help keep them from drying out over the pots. Plus you get more for your money.


This is very much true!

VGC/VMC is 17ml compared to GWs 12ml per pot. Add the detail of more dry-out safety of Vallejo and I personally found myself a winner:)

09-28-2009, 08:52 AM
Anyone using the P3 paints from Privateer Press? How are they?

Brass Scorpion
09-28-2009, 10:09 AM
Vallejo makes some great stuff. I'm not a fan of his artwork which to me has always been a bad imitation of Frank Frazetta's amazing stuff, but Vallejo's model paint range is terrific. I supplement my GW Citadel Paints with several Vallejo colors. They make a Foundation White, a grey that is darker than Codex Grey, a matte varnish while GW only makes a brush on gloss varnish, several shades of pink while GW makes none, and on and on. Vallejo Paints are highly useful to the GW hobbyist.

09-28-2009, 10:52 AM
Excellent! That is what I'm looking for. A range of shades, so I don't have to mix paints unless absolutely necessary (center piece / command models and such).

09-28-2009, 11:04 AM
Vallejo in mine and many golden daemon eyes is better in almost every aspect to GW you get more , has a smoother flow ( model color is smoother than game color ) , has great bottles that dont dry out half way through ( you can prevent that just takes proper maintenance of your paint pots ) and has a better color rang . Don't get me wrong GW makes good colors and there paints are pretty good its just vallejo model color is a little better . The GW washes are awesome and I have seen a lot of poor painters turn out some pretty decent stuff using them , I taught my son how to paint using washes til I feel he is ready to move into proper blending and his stuff looks great .

P3 is another great paint it has a very high pigment count and covers like the GW foundation paints just far smoother and not as gunky . Also foundry makes some good paints as well and have a great color range this is the paint favored by a lot of the military model painters so there are several shades of most colors .

Each company has perks that are not paints per say , GW has ar'd coat which is a handy brush on gloss varnish for things like gems , glass , and so on , There new brushes are pretty darn good for the cost as well , vallejo has an awesome paint on texture for got the name of the top of my head its something lava which is a thick black paint with rocky bits in it makes doing bases a flash .

All the company's have something to bring to the table I truly feel a mix of all of them is the way to go pick out the gems from each and make a really great paint station . hope this helps .

09-28-2009, 11:46 AM
From what I've seen, Reaper and Vallejo are the most popular paints for Golden Daemon painters. Both with good flow and a great selection of colors.

Reaper is a little bit more expensive (smaller bottle for the same price) but I love the triads, especially the fleshtone triads.

09-28-2009, 02:50 PM
I am a big fan of the Vallejo paints. I use pretty much all of the ranges, from Model to Game and Air colours. they flow well, mix great, and as a few people have pointed out, you get more for your money and they don't dry out.

I do know a few people who use foundry paints which they seem to like a lot. they are in the old-school GW paint pots (the round ones) and come in every shade that was every conceived by man.

That said, I'm still all about the Vallejo.