View Full Version : Got my 6th edition collectors rulebook, now what?

07-12-2012, 09:51 PM
Hey everybody, new to the forums and returning to the hobby for the first time in almost 15 years, and I was hoping for some advice. I played 2nd edition way back in the stone age of the mid-90's and ended up dropping it because of factors such as cost (I was 12-13ish). Well because of this awesome site/forum and all the crazy speculation leading up to 6th I had to pick it up. Well I've been reading the new book cover to cover, trying to pick up where I left off and now I need to pick up some toy men and paint, and start throwing down again. I'm kinda at an impasse however, obviously there's the capital cost involved (tools, brushes, etc...) but I don't know really what route to go from there. I've been leaning towards Space Marines, either codex or Dark Angels because they seem to be getting a refresh, plus the Deathwing is ultra-badass (my patience might not hold out til then though). Between their supposed OP-ness and relative ease of painting they seem like a good option. I really want to do an IG army, but that seems daunting after not picking up the game for several years between painting, # of models required, and cost involved. Any ideas on how I should proceed? And advice (or raging) is obviously welcome. Also is there anyone online that does good painting tutorials for relative beginners? I got pretty ok at painting to tabletop standard when I played before but I really need a refresher. Are there any ways to go so I can save a few bucks? Are the battleforces ever worth it? My sister and her boyfriend both work for an authorized retailer so I'll definitely take advantage of that, plus the dude from Spikey Bits seems on the up & up, I might have to throw him a few bucks. Anything I'm missing? Totally turned this into an essay so I'll shut up.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys might offer!

~Strykercm :D

07-12-2012, 09:56 PM
First, welcome both to th forum and back to the hobby!

Second, just go with the army you find yourself liking the best. If you're leaning towards Deathwing, I'd strongly advise you to wait until the boxed set comes out. You'll be able to pick up minis on the cheap(er).

If you really want to go with IG shoot me a PM an I may have 100 or so Cadians I'd be willing to unload for about $100.

07-13-2012, 01:44 AM
I would agree with Wittdooley with everything he said.
On youtube there are some good videos of how to paint minatures, or there is the quite awesome (but expensive) citadel how to paint book, it really is most excellent.
The other thing I would suggest that maybe find somewhere that does intro games like your local GW or FLGS :)
Welcome aboard, I hope you have fun

the jeske
07-13-2012, 04:35 AM
Any ideas on how I should proceed?
start a necron army. spray everything metalic. paint red/blue/orange eyes and brass weapons/stuff. load up on flyers . An army done under 12hours ready to play with and top tier.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-13-2012, 04:49 AM
start a necron army. spray everything metalic. paint red/blue/orange eyes and brass weapons/stuff. load up on flyers . An army done under 12hours ready to play with and top tier.

And remarkably unoriginal and uninspired. :rolleyes:

07-13-2012, 02:04 PM
If you really just love the hobby and having fun and not competitive winning, than yes Deathwing is a great start. I own a Deathwing army that hasn't lost a game (tied quite a few in 5th ed.) and they can be VERY hard to play. You would think that they would be easy as they are resilient as can be and powerful, but with my usual 1500 point list I'm looking at a total of 27 models. A single maxed Ork boy squad outnumbers my whole army. It just means you need to know what to send where and when. Takes practice but works out well.

Grey Knights aren't the insta-win they used to be and Necrons are a strong force as well (have Necrons as well) but truly get the army you will find the most fun modelling and painting.The rest will fall into place.

07-13-2012, 05:49 PM
Awesome stuff guys, thanks a bunch for the input :D. I thought about Necrons initially but they kinda seem like the whiny emo kids of the 40k universe. Like I said I dunno if my patience will hold out til September when the box set drops but that definitely seems to be the best value for the dollar. Any word on the battleforces? Are they ever worth it? Not to sound cheap but I wanna try and save where I can (not that GW makes that easy, but they are in the business of making money) I'm not looking to go ultra competitive but I'd like to put together something that can hold it's own, start with like a 1000 points and work my way up from there. Really in the end I just wanna have some fun because that's what it's all about right? Special thanks to Morbid btw, you summed it up perfectly for me. Any other opinions are definitely welcome and being a born again 40ker I'll take all the advice I can get and if there are any starting points I'm missing please let me know. Hopefully I can put together something badass and be able to contribute to this awesome forum instead of soliciting help. Thanks again everyone!:)

07-14-2012, 04:41 AM
As a guy that also left in 2nd (before Necrons and Sisters or even a real Imperial Guard codex) I was coaxed back in by my brother and a Leman Russ. If you're feeling deathwing I wouldn't wait on the box set myself, all your guys are out there, lurking in the far corners of the internet. Happy hunting, welcome back to the hobby and I hope you have a fun group, 'cause that's what it's all about. :)

07-14-2012, 05:20 AM
I can't comment on battle forces as the only one I've bought is IG and it's a very low point box :)

Uncle Nutsy
07-14-2012, 11:57 PM
start a necron army. spray everything metalic. paint red/blue/orange eyes and brass weapons/stuff. load up on flyers . An army done under 12hours ready to play with and top tier.

dick move. If I saw that, i'd put my minis back into the case and head out the door.

to OP: start the army you like, play a few games and then develop your own style.

07-15-2012, 08:43 AM
If you have friends that play, or have a friendly store, try and borrow an army or two for a game that you like. If it is against the owner of the army, you maybe able to get some advice during the game as well. In turn you can let them look through that collectors edition that you have.