View Full Version : Another Flyer Question

07-10-2012, 09:49 AM
Hey everybody,

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my rule book. That said, I'm trying to figure out a list for an upcoming tournament and I've got flyers on the mind. I guess to start, it will be 1850 points and unfortunately no Forgeworld (Imperial Armor) or Fortifications will be allowed.

That said, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with opponent flyers. From what I gather anything can shoot at them but will only get Snap Fire (i.e. BS1) shots against them. Assuming I don't have a Hydra and cannot buy the landing pad thing, it sounds like all my guys on the ground will only have Snap Fire shots against flyers...

...that is unless I have flyers of my own. Are flyers the only other effective way of dealing with other flyers? From the "auto-hit vs. flyers" thread, it seems that flyers can choose to have Sky Fire shots. Is that every turn? Once per game?

07-10-2012, 10:00 AM
The best way to deal with Flyers is to either catch them and shoot them down when Hovering/Gliding or with other Flyers.

IMO there aren't enough credible threats for Flyers right now. I'm having to take some very hard look at my Nid lists for ways to deal with them since FMCs don't have Skyfire.

07-10-2012, 10:09 AM
Flyers can choose to have Skyfire at the beginning of their turn.

07-10-2012, 10:19 AM
The best way to deal with Flyers is to either catch them and shoot them down when Hovering/Gliding or with other Flyers.

IMO there aren't enough credible threats for Flyers right now. I'm having to take some very hard look at my Nid lists for ways to deal with them since FMCs don't have Skyfire.

Nids have to spam psykers and roll on the TK chart. Everyone but the Swarmlord has a 1 in 5 chance of getting OM and that just ruins fliers day. Especally if they squadron them. Nice thing is that is is a Maladiction so it is a 24" range and if they don't roll for Deny the Witch they take a haywire hit (so 2+ to remove an HP). Also Broodlords can use it becasue it doesn't require a BS.
My list runs 15 power slots and if I spam TK (And it has lots of good other powers) I can usually count on getting 3 units with OM so I can reliably kill 1 flyer a turn. Storm Ravens usually take 2 turns because they have a psyker in it most of the time.

07-10-2012, 10:21 AM
Interesting. I guess that was more what I was after. I wasn't sure if the Flyers had to be "Zooming" to force the Snap Fire shots on them or if there was some other "mode" of flight that would make them easier to hit. That said, can units disembark when the Flyers are zooming or is that specific to the armies?

My main concern is for some of the craziness from Storm Ravens and the payloads they can potentially deliver.

07-10-2012, 10:22 AM
Just a reminder, if the power in question is a shooting attack, and does not require BS to hit, then it cannot 'Snap Fire', and cannot shoot fliers.

07-10-2012, 10:22 AM
Flyers are always zooming unless you declare hover mode (if hover mode is even available!)

07-10-2012, 10:25 AM
Just a reminder, if the power in question is a shooting attack, and does not require BS to hit, then it cannot 'Snap Fire', and cannot shoot fliers.

Maladictions are not shooting attacks and as such are not covered under snapfire rules. Any enemy model withing 24" can be targeted. The only thing that is a little difficult is that you have to measure to the model and not the base so you lose a few inches having to measure the tangent.

07-10-2012, 10:27 AM
Interesting. I guess that was more what I was after. I wasn't sure if the Flyers had to be "Zooming" to force the Snap Fire shots on them or if there was some other "mode" of flight that would make them easier to hit. That said, can units disembark when the Flyers are zooming or is that specific to the armies?

My main concern is for some of the craziness from Storm Ravens and the payloads they can potentially deliver.

Necrons can depoly while zooming if they have invasion beam. Storm Ravens can deploy while zooming anywhere along thier path, but the unit has to deepstrike. BA do get DoA on deepstriking from the Raven though.

Everyone else has to hover.

07-10-2012, 10:32 AM
Necrons can depoly while zooming if they have invasion beam. Storm Ravens can deploy while zooming anywhere along thier path, but the unit has to deepstrike. BA do get DoA on deepstriking from the Raven though.

Everyone else has to hover.
Excellent, that is what I figured. This lets me start formulating a better plan of attack.

07-10-2012, 10:34 AM
Nids have to spam psykers and roll on the TK chart. Everyone but the Swarmlord has a 1 in 5 chance of getting OM NOM NOM and that just ruins fliers day. Especally if they squadron them. Nice thing is that is is a Maladiction so it is a 24" range and if they don't roll for Deny the Witch they take a haywire hit (so 2+ to remove an HP). Also Broodlords can use it becasue it doesn't require a BS.

Fixed for awesomeness ;)

Luke Licens
07-10-2012, 02:21 PM
Fixed for awesomeness ;)

I think I just squeed myself.


PS: You really CAN find anything on the internet. Sometimes, it's even a good thing.

07-11-2012, 09:19 AM


And sporadically disturbing. ;)


Hive Tyrant playing guitar. Gant eating icecream off own lap.

And the boobies, the boobies ... ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNUr__-VZeQ SFW, by the way )

Stuck. In. Brain.

07-11-2012, 09:29 AM
Nids have to spam psykers and roll on the TK chart. Everyone but the Swarmlord has a 1 in 5 chance of getting OM and that just ruins fliers day. Especally if they squadron them. Nice thing is that is is a Maladiction so it is a 24" range and if they don't roll for Deny the Witch they take a haywire hit (so 2+ to remove an HP). Also Broodlords can use it becasue it doesn't require a BS.
My list runs 15 power slots and if I spam TK (And it has lots of good other powers) I can usually count on getting 3 units with OM so I can reliably kill 1 flyer a turn. Storm Ravens usually take 2 turns because they have a psyker in it most of the time.

I'm spamming Hive Guard (8-9 of em), so we'll see how that works out. I'll let you guys know after I play a couple of games with them.

07-11-2012, 09:57 AM
Necrons can depoly while zooming if they have invasion beam. Storm Ravens can deploy while zooming anywhere along thier path, but the unit has to deepstrike. BA do get DoA on deepstriking from the Raven though.

Everyone else has to hover.

valkyries have a drop rule.