View Full Version : 6ed and Bionics

07-10-2012, 05:40 AM
Bionics have just become a great way to keep a character (or anyone that can take them) alive. I am not sure who else gets them now, other than BT.

Basically, they allow the model that has them to stay alive on a six plus against weapons that do not ignore the characters armour. This allows for some shenanigans, like 2+ save, FNP save and Bionic save against ap 3 when the character is in Artificer Armour.

A way to boost a flagging codex?

07-10-2012, 06:24 AM
Orkses can do this as they are da biggest and da best!

Almost identically, anything in Meganob armour with painboy can do this, also as all the meganobs would count as characters so would all get the look-out sarge arrrgh! as well!

07-10-2012, 06:47 PM
I think Look Out Sir! Arrgh for orks can be interpreted as 1 of 2 things:

1) Big Ork picks up small ork to block shot.


2) Ork thinks he's tougher than other ork, and leaps in the way of shot.

I refuse to believe the orks are 'looking out for the boss'.

07-11-2012, 07:42 AM
Orkses can do this as they are da biggest and da best!

Almost identically, anything in Meganob armour with painboy can do this, also as all the meganobs would count as characters so would all get the look-out sarge arrrgh! as well!

Just been looking through to see what models are characters and meganobs dont count as one, normal nobs do however. Also the only way for meganobs to get fnp and cybork bodies would be to take mad doc grotsnik.