View Full Version : Shooting at flyers

07-08-2012, 03:12 PM
So I finally got my first game in with the 6th edition rules. I'm a little confused on shooting at zooming flyers. Do other zooming flyers get to shoot at zooming flyers using their own BS? My example involved Stormravens shooting at Valkyries (and vice versa). I can't find anything that says whether or not weapons on these flyers have the Skyfire rule or not. However, the rules say that zooming flyers shoot using their own BS. No restrictions on the targets are mentioned. In the following paragraph, it says that ground units need the Skyfire rule to shoot at zooming flyers.

Anyway, it just isn't certain in my mind so I would appreciate people's comments.

07-08-2012, 03:23 PM
Flyers may choose to gain the skyfire rule for a turn.

07-08-2012, 03:25 PM
P81- Special Rules
flyers can choose to use skyfire (full BS) against other flyers at the beginning of their turn.

07-08-2012, 03:35 PM
Too Bad Swooping Monsterous Creatures cannot do that. Looks like Blood Thirsters are the King of Vectored Strike.
The Harpy's Vectored Strike is primarily only good vs ground units. The best shooting a Harpy can get vs flyers is the spike salvo, because you cannot use blast weapons against flyers.

So that means the Hive Tyrant is realistically the 'bird' of choice, and that's only with using Twin-Linked Devourers.

I sincerely hop that Tyranids get an 'AA gun emplacement' battery in the up coming White Dwarfs.

07-08-2012, 05:46 PM
Many thanks. I thought I had seen it somewhere but couldn't find it when I needed it.

Time to break out my highlighter.

07-09-2012, 01:06 AM
I sincerely hop that Tyranids get an 'AA gun emplacement' battery in the up coming White Dwarfs.

I'd happily let my opponents pay the points for a defence line and AA gun if it was suitably nid-ified!
Could look VERY COOL!

07-09-2012, 09:29 AM
Too Bad Swooping Monsterous Creatures cannot do that. Looks like Blood Thirsters are the King of Vectored Strike.
The Harpy's Vectored Strike is primarily only good vs ground units. The best shooting a Harpy can get vs flyers is the spike salvo, because you cannot use blast weapons against flyers.

So that means the Hive Tyrant is realistically the 'bird' of choice, and that's only with using Twin-Linked Devourers.

I sincerely hop that Tyranids get an 'AA gun emplacement' battery in the up coming White Dwarfs.

Yeah, we need something, and bad. Flyers are a severe weakness. Taking an emplacement that can only autofire at BS 2 doesn't hack it.

And forget it if the Flyer is a Grey Knights Stormraven. Your Hive Tyrant, flying or not, is going to get straight-up raped by those Mindstrike missiles. With the new perils rules allowing no saves whatsoever, it's probably the most dangerous thing in the game for Nids right now.

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll give Skyfire to Hive Guard :-)

07-09-2012, 10:10 AM
At least they can only fire two missiles a turn.

07-09-2012, 11:16 AM
Power of the Machine spirit the 3rd one. There's no prohibition to that restriction (a Basic Rule) so the Advanced Rule takes precedent.

07-09-2012, 11:28 AM
Power of the Machine spirit the 3rd one. There's no prohibition to that restriction (a Basic Rule) so the Advanced Rule takes precedent.


Three Mindstrike + Assault/Las/Typhoon + Melta/Heavy Bolter + potentially sponson-mounted Storm Bolters = one-shot Deep Strike all-but-certain death for non-Swooping Hive Tyrants, and a better-than-not chance for Swooping Hive Tyrants, particularly the Las/Typhoon + Melta combo denying my armor save.

07-09-2012, 02:13 PM
You only need the 3 missiles.

As the Tyrant is being bombarded by Mindstrike missiles, she falls from the sky and goes splat with Str9 AP2 hit.

07-09-2012, 02:20 PM
You only need the 3 missiles.

As the Tyrant is being bombarded by Mindstrike missiles, she falls from the sky and goes splat with Str9 AP2 hit.

Provided you roll a 1 or a 2. It's not guaranteed, BUT, it's yet another strike against a flying MC v GK Stormravens.

The best I've been able to do so far is to wreck them the turn after they deep strike with Hive Guard, and if you're Swooping, they can't hit you with Mindstrike missiles.