View Full Version : Tzeentch daemons with Thousand Sons?

07-08-2012, 02:32 PM
So I had this idea, To make a Chaos Daemons army using Tzeentch daemons, And then throw in allied Tzeentch Chaos Space Marines, Mostly Thousand Sons but a few other things too maybe. And maybe throw in some Slaanesh stuff. Why? Because Tzeentch and Slaanesh are my favorite chaos gods and this army would mean I have 1 Imperium, 1 Xenos and 1 Chaos army. All three kinds! ^^
But I'm wondering, Would the army be good? Playable without being too weak? Not looking for anything super powerfull but it isent fun losing every single match cus the army is too weak to stand against the foes..

Mr Mystery
07-08-2012, 02:41 PM
It's certainly doable.

However, Tzeentchian stuf tends to be at the higher end of the points market, so don't expect a massive army!

Took on something similar the other week, and annihilated it with my Necrons....

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-08-2012, 03:42 PM
It won't be the strongest army, but it wouldn't necessarily be bad. A re-rolled 3+ is better than a 2+, and a re-rolled 4++ better than a 3++, so Fateweaver would complement Thousand Sons well.